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Question #1231962718Wednesday, 14-Jan-2009
Category: j/p Career Theory
Here's a question I've been wondering about for a while: Would the best judge be a judging type because of their natural judging skills, or a perceiving type because they can see both sides of the argument? Also, a related question: Do you think it is unusual for perceiving types to be opinionated? Would you expect opinionated people to be mainly judging types, or is this just as normal to see in perceiving types? -- Ayahuasca
Your Answers: 1+
A1 I think an xxTJ type would be the best kind of judge because they can fairly interpret the law and situation. And yes, percieving types can be just as opinionated as judging types, just about different things. -- Anonymous
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A2 sharp body movements and delivery of speech. -- Anonymous
A3 Depends on what matters need to be judged. In cases where evidence is used, the optimal integrity in judging in judicial matters is really a case of making decisions based on untouchable evidence. Anything else is graded along speculative, or indicative judgements at the best. Which may or may not be justified by reality. If prosecuted evidence match the terrain in time, space and reality, then any one can make a 'good' judgement. Very often this is not true. So some sort of compromise usually have to be made. As a police officer told me once, fingerprints on an item found at one location, does'nt neccessarily tie the owner of the print physically to the location. To be a good judge, one need to be able to look past some of the ''obvious'', and interpret the hidden, calculate the implications, and then make some reasonable judgement accordingly, eventually working through the cycle again. Among many other qualities you need to have. What type function best here, is not evident for me, but it sure would help to have some sort of flexible approach, without the drawback of endless procrastinated decision. -- ENTp
*Please note that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of*
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