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Question #1230991268Saturday, 3-Jan-2009
Category: INFp
Hi, Im an 18 year old INFp and Im having a hard time accepting that. It frustrates the hell out of me. I find myself lost all the time in my thoughts and feelings, and a loner who can't connect with anybody. The way I was brought up, I missed out on a lot of the culture my generation grew up with. I feel very much out of touch with reality and society. When I do get in to social situations, especially lately, I feel self conscious and I never know what to say. I don't want to be like this anymore. Is this something that Im going to have to accept or is it changeable? I dont want to live my life hiding behind my self-consciousness and fear of introversion and end not live up to my full potential. -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Do what everyone else does...pretend you are a superhero -- Anonymous
A2 Embrace yourself. That's what they fear the most. -- Nodder56
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A3 If you have a hard time accepting you're an INFp, then simply don't be. Several people here have written that you're the type you want to be, and I personally think they're right. So if you don't feel comfortable with your type, choose the one that looks the best or the happiest to you, and be that type. You could even be an Ep - Eps sometimes look like introverts because they behave like extroverts only around people they know, and with all the others, they use their auxiliary Fi or Ti. Eps have your kind of problem, too, and they are even less happy with it than Ips, because they are extroverts and need the interaction more than Ips. Start by being yourself around the people you know and then enlarge the group to the people you know less. It's also good to choose a topic that's specially yours: talking about IT, religion, making jokes or whatever; create what you'll say in your head first and when the time is right, tell the others. Keeping fingers crossed for you! -- Ezis (ESFp)
A4 We all hate things about our type, especially if you're an IxFx type in high school. You have to realize though that there are a lot of benefits to being an INFp. A lot of INFps I know are really good artists and writers, despite their social awkwardness. -- Anonymous
A5 What you describe is basically what I am struggling with as well. It's nice to hear I'm not alone, but it's still frustrating to feel so stagnant because I have no idea how to overcome everything. Keep trying to embrace the good features of being an INFP, regardless. We have amazingly beautiful souls. -- iris (INFP)
A6 "Hi, Im an 18 year old INFp and Im having a hard time accepting that." - You answered all of your questions in your first sentence. -- INTj laddie
A7 Hi ENFP here. Although not very strong E. I was in your position a few years ago. Iwas socially not confident I had little confidence in myself. However, I now have a lot more. At the start yes it was hard extroverting my thoughts and feelings, but I did it and I'm growing more and more. Basically, it's all abotu putting yourself in uncomfortbale situations and if you get through think to yourself "wow I was .... there" (positibe analysis) even if you know you looked nervous/whatever just ignore that thought and think POSITIVELY. Although really you know you looked/acted stupid, just block it out. It really does work, well I've found it anyway. Sure I'm not the loudest guy you'll ever meet, but I am definetly getting better, I would no longer consider myself "shy", but a few years ago I would have. Just be who you want to be and find yourself out, then you will find similar people to yourself and being with a good group of friends is a big confidence booster. I've found that when you want to be louder, you generally get louder. It's not gonna happen naturally, but there will be this drive in yourself to brake out and try and do it. I don't know if I was an INFp/ENFp a few years back. But all I know was that I was shy and I hated it. Now I'm louder and I like it, but I still want to be louder. Embrace yourself, the 1st way of overcoming shyness is not letting it class you as a person. Don't think to yourself "oh I'm shy", take shy out of your vocabulary and let your natural character dictate who you are. BE YOURSELF, who cares what others think! -- Anonymous ENFP
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