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Question #1230644481Tuesday, 30-Dec-2008
Category: ESFj Relationship
How does an ESFJ deal with break-ups? Do they ever go back to their ex's? An ESFJ male broke up with me (an INFP) and went back to his ex-girlfriend. I think he has gotten back with many ex's before and I was just wondering if this was common for ESFJ's (ESFP in MBTI). Also, why didn't it work out between us? We didn't seem to clash when we were together, but I didn't get to seem him much so our relationship was based on text messages and online conversations most of the time. Will he ever come back to me? -- Katie
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A1 I don't know about males, but I have a lot of ESFj female friends who usually take a breakup VERY badly. A lot of ESFjs can be sentimental, so it's not a big surprise that he went back to his old girlfriend. As for why it didn't work out, there could be a million reasons. Try to find yourself a nice ESTp. -- Anonymous
A2 As an ENFJ female having had a quasi-relationship with an ESFJ male, I would have to say that I have definitely noticed this pattern of going back to exes - again, if you can call the girls he becomes obsessed with for short periods of time before losing all/most interest (myself being one of them) 'girlfriends' in the first place. he seems to enjoy collecting them so that there is always someone to focus his attention on - and to receive attention from. i'm still trying to understand why it didn't work out myself, but as for your last question, yes, he almost certainly will come back to you. the question you have to ask yourself is if you want to allow him to treat you like an object for his own personal use. -- Anonymous
A3 An ESFj in socionics is the same as an ESFJ in MBTI.... It's only the introverted types that get the J/P alteration. -- ESFj lady
A4 GUUUUURL, why u wanna go back to that???? You're not a doormat. In my experience there isn't a strong connection between INFP and ESFJ, unless it's family. -- INFp
A5 I am an an esfj...what are the chances that this esfj will return to his ex which is an infj? -- Anonymous
A6 I am the one posted A5 and yes, he dumped me for his ex who didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. -- Anonymous
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