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Question #1229875325Sunday, 21-Dec-2008
Category: Fictional characters Typing
What types do you think are the "Firefly" series and "Serenity" film characters? -- Ezis (ESFp)
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Simon and Kaylee are pretty clearly INTj and ESFj, as others around the Internet have pointed out. I would say Zoe and Wash are ISTj and ENFj, respectively: solid, by-the-book Zoe makes sense as ISTj, and Wash's constant jokes make Fe very likely. Inara is all about Si, which leads me to say ISFp for her. Mal I can't quite figure out - if he and Inara are duals, that would make him ENTp, but I'm really not very sure on that. Jayne displays strong Se, but doesn't seem to do a lot of logical thinking, so I would say ESFp or ISFj for him. Book I'm not sure about at this point. River, if I had to guess, could be INTp, but with her psychological problems it's hard to tell. -- Krig (INTj)
A2 Thanks for the response. I think what makes the typing more difficult is that many of the actors are different types than their characters. For example, Baldwin seems to me more j than Jayne who is supposed to display Se, as you point out. I'd say his lack of logical thinking could be caused by underdeveloped auxiliary Ti. If he was an ESTp who's learned in life just to use his Se, that would make sense. If he was meant to be F, the authors would have made him more sensitive, probably. - Yeah, Zoe makes sense as an ISTj, but Wash is so light-hearted he seems much more like an ESFp than an ENFj; light-hearted is the one thing ENFjs aren't. He doesn't seem very responsible, either, and ENFjs are very responsible. Well at least all ENFjs I've met have been very serious and responsible, meaning even their games seriously. But this idea might be caused by Tudyk being so very much ESFp he makes his character look ESFp-ish, too. - Fillion seems like an ESTj to me and that could work with Mal, too. But then Inara couldn't be Si, though she displays it, as you say and I agree. Maybe she could be an INFj with a strong Si HA, that would at least explain her aesthetic side. - Book could be an INFp, and River, too - they are quiet, gentle, sensitive, spontaneous and intuitive. They also don't seem to get along with Mal and on the other hand, they are the only ones who seem to understand Jayne and Jubal Early. - I cannot help thinking Kaylee and Simon were meant to be ESFp and INTp - Simon stresses work more than thinking (INTp>INTj) and also points out that he's polite (which suggests more Te than Ti). Kaylee is extremely spontaneous, cheerful and beauty-loving, which is more typical of ESFps than of ESFjs. ESFjs are a bit more steady, practical and critical. But again, that might be caused by the fact that (IMO) Staite is ENFp and Maher INTp. Anybody has other ideas? I'm very curious to hear... -- Ezis
A3 I think you're right about at least some of the actors being different types from their characters. Baldwin being more 'j' than Jayne would explain why I had a hard time deciding between ESxp and ISxj for Jayne. Your idea that Jayne may have learned to rely more on his primary Se than his auxiliary makes sense, but I think that could apply to ESFp just as well as ESTp. I think the key is to look at how he uses his Se - does he act aggressively toward people (e.g. Simon) based on his logical conclusions (Ti) about him ("I think he is a bad guy, due to such-and-such"), or is it based more on subjective feelings (Fi) about him ("I don't like him"). Personally, I can't think of any instances of him justifying his actions logically, and plenty of him justifying his actions by his subjective opinions. -Moving on, I'm surprised at how different our reads on the character of Wash were. Yes, he would joke around light-heartedly and such a lot of the time, but when it came to important matters such as his job flying the ship, or his relationship with his wife, he became very serious and responsible, in a manner that struck me as very characteristic of an Fe-dominant type. Add to that his imaginitive flights of fancy (e.g. that scene with the toy dinosaurs in the first episode) indicitive of strong N, I would say ENFj seems probable. Plus, if Wash and Zoe aren't a prime example of a duality relationship, I'll eat my hat! -Your proposal of ESTj for Fillion/Mal makes a lot of sense. I don't think that necessarily implies that Inara is not ISFp, however. Just because there's romantic tension there doesn't necessarily mean that they're a Duality pair. In fact, given how rocky their relationship is, I would say that Duality seems unlikely. If we just take Mal as ESTj and Inara as ISFp, we get a relation of Supervision, with Mal as Supervisor. Supervision does seem to be a common type for romantic relationships, and I would say it describes Mal and Inara pretty well. -For River, I think we can both agree that her character has very strong Ni - seeing hidden meanings in things, seeing connections between things that no-one else sees, being generally mysterious. -For Simon and Kaylee, I'm wavering back and forth. You make some good points, especially the point about Simon stressing work more than thinking. I'll have to put some more thought into this one. -- Krig (INTj)
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A4 I had wanted to add a correction to my post but didnt have time: I am not a native speaker of English and so it came to me only afterwards I chose wrong words to describe Wash. I didnt mean irresponsible and light-hearted. Maybe "playful" would express more exactly what I had in mind. As to the dinosaurs, I do things like that too... And responsibility in relationships and critical situations neednt necessarily indicate Fe, my father is an excellent example of such qualities, and he is an ISFj. But that doesnt mean Wash cannot be ENFj; as I said, I am influenced by Tudyk being an ESFp. And I'll eat my cap if Zoe and Wash arent Duals - As to Jayne, your explanation makes perfect sense. Only in reality, we ESFps get so easily stressed by negative relationships that we would have to be REALLY out of our mind to be rude towards someone just because we dont like their pompousness. That would make the relationship even more negative. We would more likely simply avoid them. Btw, pompousness is a quality we dont consider such a catastrophe. It starts to seem to me that Jayne was created as a pure, concentrated Se. - Also your concept of the Mal-Inara relationship makes sense. Btw, did you know Inara was a Latvian name? I had thought it was simply made up, now I opened a Latvian book and oops, there it was. Maybe it exists in other languages, too. - Yeah, and River has a strong Ni, definitely; and it is not a result of Academy messing with her brain, it is also in the scene from her childhood (05-Safe). -- Ezis (ESFp)
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