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Question #1228061601Sunday, 30-Nov-2008
Category: Typing
There is this person who I'm having a very hard time trying to type. She is a friend of a friend's. Maybe someone might know what type she is. She is very quiet, shy in a way, but after being around her for a while she seems more likely very unfriendly rather than just shy. She says she don't like talking to people and she don't talk to anyone if she can avoid it. She is very unhelpful towards others and shows no interest whatsoever in anyone or anything that don't directly involve her. She will ignore others and just walk away from someone while they are speaking to her. I can't figure her out. -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Introvert. -- Anonymous
A2 Socionics does not explain human behavour entirely. Person of any type can be a nice guy or not so nice guy. Arrogancy and egoism are not type-connected. -- Anonymous
A3 You can try typing her through intertype relations if you know your common friend's type. Duality, mirror, identity and activity, and to a lesser extent, semi-duality, illusionary, look-a-like, and comparative are all extremely prevalent in friendships. She's obviously some sort of introvert, so you might be able to narrow the range of plausible types down to just four solely based on that. -- reed
A4 She's probably IxTx. But I'd blame her antisocial behavior more on upbringing and personal experiences than on type. Or maybe you just don't know her well enough? Some people read me as being unfriendly and unhelpful, but this is mostly because I'm too far in my own head to figure out how to make people feel welcome or realize that they need assistance, not because I don't like them. When I was younger, I used to get angry when family members called me over to fetch things or pour them a drink, etc., because I thought they should do it themselves and not interrupt other people with such trivial things. For a long time, my motto was "Do not interrupt." I grew out of it eventually, but I still dislike talking with most people, because I can rarely relate to them or understand why they think certain topics are so interesting. -- INTp
A5 anti-social ftw -- Cyclops
A6 I was going to say anti social ENFp until that last part about walking away mid convo. I don't know. Maybe INTp. -- Anonymous
A7 She sounds very much like one of my good male friends who can also walk away in the middle of conversations. Sometimes he can be down right rude by doing this with people who don't yet know him. At first I thought that he was INTp but after 7 or 8 years of getting to know him I am now thinking that ISTp is far more likely. -- Anonymous
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A8 you definately can't type anyone this way. It SOUNDS like IxTx - but who knows? what's her profession? is she small or tall? is she fat or slim? what is your type? what is your friend's type? sounds like social anxiety diorder to me. -- INTj
A9 yeah, definitely sounds like IxTx. i can't imagine an INTp or INTj walking out mid-conversation. not sure why, i just can't imagine it. maybe b/c all the INTp's and j's i know have been quite polite. honestly, she sounds exactly like an ISTp - quiet, shy/ socially withdrawn, doesn't like talking to ppl, is not interested in another ppl, tries to avoid other ppl if she can, seems more unfriendly on closer acquaintance...ISTj's show SOME level of sociability. if i had to guess, ISTp. -- S
A10 Sounds like my INFp girlfriend, lol. She's a very nice person, she just doesn't trust most people. I think what happens is she's gaurded a lot, people take this the wrong way and get offended, she realises the other person doesn't like her, and then she's rude to them. -- Simon the INFp
A11 this person doesn't sound anything like me and I am ISTp, A9. A2 nailed it... anyone can be anti-social, not nice, whatever your fancy. There is not enough here to provide the poster with a specific answer other than IxTx. -- Anonymous
A12 to A11: well, i'm not saying that ALL ISTp's are like that, and certainly wasn't saying that this person is like you. Wasn't making a sweeping generalization about ISTp's. It's more a matter of looking at a specific case description and matching it to the one of the 16 archetypes (the operative word here being 'archetype'). -- S
A13 That was very cute. Yes, the game is afoot. -- Anonymous
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