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Question #1227854193Friday, 28-Nov-2008
Category: ENTp INTp
Am I ENTp or INTp? I've been typed as both, and have read about both, but cant really figure which one. I am argumentative, and point out mistakes often. I often have arguments with just about anything that I possibly think I can argue, and don't ever tend to give up even if I am wrong. I like to talk to people, but I tend also to feel like afterwards I would like to be by myself. I can argue both points on anything, and tend not to argue about points that I actually have a strong decision on. -- Tyler
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A1 You haven't told us enough about yourself for anyone to be able to tell. Both types can be argumentive and spot errors easily. Your confusion seems to be over whether you are an extravert or an introvert. However, the basic behavior of these types is very different. ENTp is [Ti], while INTp is [Te]. ENTp's as a rule know how to dress to impress, they know how to work a room, glad hand people and like to show off symbols of wealth. INTp's dress conservatively, they are more stoic than ENTp's and are more process oriented than ENTp's. An ENTp says, "How will this work?" An INTp says, "This won't work because ..." -- metroGnome
A2 INTp -- Anonymous
A3 A1, now I am confused. I share the same problem. But I can dress for impressing, don't know why though, and conservatively too. I can work through a room with people as you described, the more the better, no problem, I dont necessarily like it, but I like the challenge it brings. Same for beeing centered in a crowd. I dont believe I like it as such, but it is good for the spirit to see how you perform in stressed situations. Hard to distinguish sometimes why I do it. System evaluation. I can focus on the works of it, give a functional layout but generally tend to see the flaws as well. If they are there. Is it possible to be on the middle point of that scale? I must admit, I reckon myself as 50 percent introvert and 50 extrovert. I am not joking, it have bugged me repeatedly. -- Anonymous
A4 It has also intrigued me a lot. I have seen that it depends a lot on the situation. I am considered INTP on the MBTI but the result says slightly introverted, slightly intuitive, And heavy on the other 2 thinking and perceptive. After reading a little I think personality is more on the N-S T-F relationship. You can alter the other two depending on situation or habit. -- Anonymous
A5 I'm half half, really. I like to hibernate and disappear at times. When I emerge I'm Miss Personality and the life of the party! -- Anonymous
A6 I just want to clarify that one cannot be half introverted and half extroverted. You may display both at times, but the one you do most if your preferred attitude. And dichotomy percentages do not have a place here; that's a Myers-Briggs concept that I have yet to see implemented in Socionics. -- Kanerou
A7 I'm just curious; What's the rationale behind the claim; You can,t be half E,half I? -- Anonymous
A8 Add to A-7, Problem arise when the record of those preferences tally up equally, and two profiles fit in the same manner. Percentages used in such a context are a preferred weighting terminology, call it half-half, 50-50 or whatever, just different terms, applying to the same condition. Wherever that fits into the various type theorethicals, I dont really care, as long as it conveys an understanding of the nature of the ambiguity. And I believe A4 is closing in on something, that the NSTF might be closer to what really governs are actions, than the E\I and J\P kind of things. I can apply E and I, as I wish, depending on the specified demand in the actual situation. That is, using it tactical and strategical, as I see fit. More considered a tool than a personal quality as such. -- Anonymous
A9 @A7 & A8 - In Socionics, Introversion and Extraversion don't refer to whether a person is "shy" or "outgoing", but rather they refer to the alignment of one's primary function: inward or outward. Introverted Thinking, for example, is focused on taking data and processing, analyzing, and systematizing it internally. Extraverted Thinking, on the other hand, is focused on taking data and applying it efficiently and practically to situations and problems in the exterior world. They're two very different modes of thinking, so the idea that someone might be "halfway between them" doesn't make much sense. It would be like being "halfway between" an apple and an orange. Don't be fooled by the similar notation styles, Socionics and MBTI have substantial differences under the hood. -- Krig (INTj)
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A10 Kanerou, from A-7 and 8,scratch the above and listen to this; I owe you an apology,I believe, You'll be surprised about the platform that comes from. I guess I am a reformed ENTP now. You may be right, can't be, or extremely, next to impossible, to be two at the price of one, at least that's how it looks right now. E into an I it seems, I had to scrutinously work through the entire system, that's profiles, celeb's gallery vs percieved symphaty and antipathy, (there I got the ultimate payoff for watching all those movies and series, which I almost thought was a total waste of time), friends vs profiles, friends vs interrelationship descriptions, and all the etc's. And after working through the entire spectrum of that stuff, back and forth through a few cycles it just locked in place. Man! what a relief really! Had'nt even come to reality, if you had'nt made that corrective remark. Sparked the entire effort leading to the new foundation... INTP -- Anonymous
A11 Are you extremely boisterous and obnoxious? If yes, you are an ENTp. Are you extremely cynical and unnecessarily sarcastic? If yes, you are an INTp. -- Anonymous
A12 To A9 and A11, delivery from A7-8; I was a little quick with the analyse, that might be an indication by itself. The apology to A6 still holds though. A9; Interesting, I have an ENTJ friend, and I can recognise the difference in Te and Ti when communicating with him. He applies thinking to outside application as you laid out. I have more than once told him to be more reflective about a thorough cause-effect investigation about the underlying principles in the some issues before applying the rationale. As you said about Ti, I am more in that kind of mode, more interested in finding everything about the fundamentals of everything. As thorough as possible, and or, should I say, I am able to muster, and then, eventually applying them to the world, an activity that doesnt seem to carry that much importance though, according to experience. Actually this difference between his thinking and mine have the potential of minor conflict, like speaking two different dialects. I can see that we are fairly agreeable in specific issues, but he cant decrypt my angle unless I engage his Ni, which usually does the job. So, I seem to be more governed by Ti, than Te, quite more I will say, to the degree that Te is inferior in appearance, although I understand the principles, but it does'nt hold the same appeal as Ti. And I guess that is what preferences are all about. Then we only have two alternatives left; INTP or ENTP, am I correct? Now, to A11; Even the confusion about E\I is blurred to me, do I prefer to do something, or do I adjust, and feel causal preference according to varying situations? Obviously I do not know myself throroughly to give an exact answer on that. But, given the options that you portray, looking back to what I have done, and then taking a choice between beeing boisterous and obnoxious, and extremely cynical and unnecessary sarcastic, I dont recognise myself too much in the latter category, I have elements of it, but not to the degree what the former definition reflects in my actions. I guess proof for the former category is more than warranted by the posts I made here. They are clearly more obnoxious and boisterous than cynical and sarcastic. I've been more on the offensive than defensive, pardon to all. And my quest for energy, and the direction of it's solution, is more tied to the externals than internals. I thrive more on doing things outside my shell than inside. So, the bottom conclusive line of it all seem to arrange a fairly consistent vector; ENTP. I see the logic in not beeing able to use Te and Ti to the same magnitude. That is really two somewhat conflicting principles, and I guess there is a limit to the extent of beeing able to juggle several thoughts in the head at the same time, Thanks to all of you for your input, I appreciate it. Might help others in the same situation too. What a ride this have been -- Anonymous
A13 Glad to have contributed, A10. The NSTF thing actually makes sense, and I believe it is in line with Jung's theory. The functions are introverted or extroverted, rational or irrational, but they are still S, N, T, or F. The problem with being 50/50 E/I is that the two types are in opposing quadras, which means they value *entirely* different functions (for ENTp: Ne, Ti, Fe, Si; for INTp: Ni, Te, Fi, Se). It'd be like someone saying they were equally j and p; there'd be the same exact problem. Hope that helps from the theoretical standpoint. -- Kanerou
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