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Question #1224574016Tuesday, 21-Oct-2008
Category: Socionics Theory ISFj
I'm pretty new at this socionics thing, and I'm still not completely sure on what the difference is between it and MBTI. I understand that is has to do a lot more with intertype relations and visual indicators, but I'm confused on how exactly the types differ between socionics and MBTI. I know I'm an ISFJ in Meyers Briggs. Does that still mean I'm an ISFJ in socionics? Do some of the types not transfer over directly? And what is with all this "Se" "FI" and weird shapes stuff? -- Anonymous
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A1 MBTI is basically about describing what different types' behaviour looks like. Socionics is about ten times more complex - it works with mental functions (those are the "weird shapes" you mention). They are basically those we use for thinking and deciding: introverted logic (Ti), extroverted logic (Te), extroverted feeling (Fe) and introverted feeling (Fi); and perceiving: introverted and extroverted intuition (Ni, Ne) and introverted and extroverted sensing (Si, Se). You can learn more about these functions from discussions on these topics here. I got my information about them from Czech and Lithuanian sources, so if you happened to know these languages I could recommend you some literature (small probability, unfortunately The Lithuanian function descriptions are the most detailed ones, so if you were interested in a special function I could post a translation here. So, let's go on: Every person uses all eight of these functions to perceive and think and decide, but some of them are the ones s/he prefers. The most preferred functions, then, determine the person's type. In Myers Briggs, they use the most-preferred-four-function schemes to describe the personality and the J or P mark which of the person's first two functions is extroverted (if a judging and deciding function - T or F - is extroverted, the person is J, if a perceiving function is extroverted, the person is P). Therefore, the four letter and four function schemes describe the person's preferences and how other people see them (they see the extroverted function). Socionics describes the types by schemes using all eight functions, stating which functions belong to the person's Super-Ego block, Id-block and so on, describing the functions' place and function more minutely. And in Socionics, the j or p describe whether their dominant, not the extroverted function is judging or perceiving, so it describes the personality more like its "owner" themselves know it. - As to the similarity of the two systems - the unfortunate use of the same letters makes it similar, but it can be said that Socionics is MBTI made complex, and a bit different. But there is no reliable correspondence between the two systems' types. It is probable that when you are ISFJ in MBTI, you will be an ISFp in Socionics (which in both cases would make your, so to say, basic functions be Introverted sensing, Extroverted feeling, Introverted thinking and Extroverted intuition), but who knows, maybe you will discover that your most preferred function is not introverted sensing but introverted feeling, which would make you an ISFj in Socionics. - Hope this was understandable, and good luck! -- Ezis (ESFp)
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A2 Actually if your MBTI type is ISFJ your Socionics type can ALSO be ISFj. Other peculiarities of functions are meaningful in both system. SiFe (MBTI) explain aspects of ISFJ's behaviour for MBTI, FiSe (Socionics) explain aspects of ISFj's behaviour for Socionics. -- piccolo_michel ISFj AND ISFJ
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