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Question #1219696399Monday, 25-Aug-2008
Category: INFp INTp T/F
Am I an INTP or INFP? I definately know I'm INTROVERTED, INTUITIVE and PERCIEVING but I'm unsure as to whether I am a THINKER or FEELER, as it seems like I'm both! I'm independent, detached and analytical like a THINKER, but I'm emotional, sensitive and easily hurt like a FEELER. When things affect emotionally me I THINK, but when I think I think about things that make me FEEL, so I'm really stuck!!! Help! -- Katie
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A1 I would say you're almost certainly INFp. Your liberal use of capitalized words and exclamation points is typical of strong Extroverted Feeling (Fe). Reading your post, I can almost hear the emotion in your words. This would be highly unusual for an INTp. Assuming you're right about the Introversion, Intuition, and Perceiving parts, then I would say INFp all the way. -- Krig (INTj)
A2 Ooooh thanks for your answer. It was really interesting. I always thought I was INTP but now you've convinced me otherwise xx -- Katie
A3 ...and, bytheway, you might want to take an unbiased step back and think about whether you actually are "independent", "detached" and "analytical". But yes, definitely F. -- Anonymous
A4 Seems to me like you're an INFP. A lot of feelers don't like to admit that they're feelers, but understand that it doesn't mean that you feel through every situation. -- Anonymous
A5 Are you more swayed by what other people like (as a collective) or are you better at defining what you like (as an individual)? The former is INFp, the latter is INTp. -- INFp guy
A6 careful as female thinkers can often read as feelers.. -- Tricia
A7 The "sensitive and easily hurt" think makes me think you're a feeler. I would say INFp. -- Anonymous
A8 You approach emotions by thinking about them. Why would you not be a T type? -- Anonymous
A9 i would say, you don't need to know now. you still have to enter the strifes of being a teenager. your mind will turn around some age (mine was 15), and by 18-20... when you have an inkling of the strategies you would have to develop, then you will know your type.. & then it won't be thrilling. As an INTP, it's hard to explain where exactly Feeling goes into an INTP, if you ever look at the 'full-block metabolism chart' i.e + the other six, you would know that there is a strange place for feeling in an INTP....[looking at blocks 3,4,5,6]. ...what do i know about INFPs, well, i can't say alot from the inTp to inFp displacement.... but i can say alot based on the INFP quadra... there quadra is Beta, and that gives them (along with there other 3-quadra members) a distinguished life focus. -- @sirac
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A10 Weird, I had the EXACT same problem! I think I evolved from INTP to INFP or something. People tell me i'm smart and logical and all that all the time but really i'm just a biiig softie -- Fiona
A11 INFp sometimes have a moderately well-developed Ti function. In combination with Ni (periodic detachment from reality), this can give the appearance of a Thinking type. A "biiig softie" is a good internal description of most INFp, however. -- INFp guy
A12 Wow, Fiona. Not only did you just define me. BUT YOU SHARE MY NAME! -- fiona
A13 I think if you ask yourself that question, you must be an INFP. Even though you are Thinking about it, it involves feelings you have about yourself, which are usually disregarded by INTPs. -- John Willemse (INTP)
A14 You are neither a "Thinker" or a "Feeler", a "Perceiver" or a "Judger". You are neither "Intuitive" or "Sensing", and you are neither "Introverted" or "Extraverted." You do, however, use certain functions in a certain manner. That is to say, you predominantly deal with the world through a certain function (in your case it seems to be Ni) with functions that come afterwards in decreasing salience. It is this pattern of function usage and the preference of which ones you use that defines your type, while the 4-letter code uses descriptors of this process. While such a distinction may seem be trivial on the surface, it is a major distinction in terms of understanding the theory of personality, and how one uses certain functions to take information from and make decisions concerning the world. Don't think of yourself in terms of a "feeler", for example, but instead, come to understand the 8 functions, and find which ones fit best as a description of who you are (ie. instead of "being a feeler", you either *use* Fe or Fi to make decisions about the world). Such a distinction is important in using this theory as a descitpive tool rather than a presciptive tool of who you are. Remember, you are more than your type. -- INTj laddie
A15 Your spelling of "definitely" with an "a" suggests to me you are an "F" not a "T." As elitist as it sounds, an INTP or an INTJ wouldn't allow the public to see a blatant spelling error. -- Anonymous
A16 For the record, INTp's and INTj's make spelling errors too. -- Anonymous
A17 A4 said; "Seems to me like you're an INFP. A lot of feelers don't like to admit that they're feelers, but understand that it doesn't mean that you feel through every situation" The first part of the statement, I won't comment much upon, other than that it would be unjustified to look down upon oneself beeing a feeler. I hope noone does it. If there is ways to change feeling attributes to a thinking one, (personally I believe they are changeable, if that is a point to strive for), then degrading the attribute of feeling, consequentially transpose a degraded attribute with oneself, sure aint a way to go, neither when striving for thinking or accepting feeling. I really commented that one. OK, It is the latter part though, that is most interesting for me. You are right, I have experienced feelers sizing up situations both in analytical and in objective terms in a highly appreciative manner,( to my standards). So they're able. The crash though, as I have seen it, is when a breakpoint is encountered, where personal values in one way or another is blended into it all. As another one said here, "take an unbiased step back", which might do the trick. Remove oneself somewhat out of the equation. Which, when pressed real hard, might be a challenge for most, regardless of thinking\feeling. -- ENTp
A18 In my experience, INFPs can be analytical and cold in certain circumstances, such as work, but they cannot detach themselves from their own emotional events. Such as my friend who is an INFP; she spent a year openly and painfully expressing her feelings to an estranged love. But at work, she was no-nonsense and practical. My other friend, an INTP, withheld his feelings of discontent with his girlfriend for six months, until he decided to break up with her. Now, these two might be extreme versions of their types, but I think they embody the difference between the F and the T in similar personality types. -- entpreter
A19 i know both types on a deep personal level, if u where INTp there would be no question if where a tinker or not. and i know an INFp who is snappy and will tell you his opinion with little regard to you feelings or will just be driven by his feelings to say so, he is also one of the most inteligent people i know, he knows alot of information and makes the logical connections between the facts, but he is not as logical in terestrial matters. so you sound more like an INTp to me -- LII
A20 A15: That part about Fs being more likely to publically misspell than Ts-that's a dubious remark. I know several INFPs, INFJs and ENFJs and they are all enviously accurate spellers and rarely make typos. And furthermore, why do you care if someone makes a typo. That's petty. -- entpreter
A21 A20 raised a very interesting remark, challenging the rationale of using typos in messages to indicate T or F. I mispell, have lousy syntax, grammar to an F, etc, especially in verbals, and when corrected, which happens quite a few times, I get quite annoyed, interpret it as low engagement in the content of what I say, and usually end the discussion there and then, adding as closure, " not that interesting, huh?" . If content is the issue, emphasise the content and accept deviations in the tool to present it. If the content is not that important, I might focus on other things, like mispellings. I dare to believe that there would be difference between feelers and thinkers here, like you said, why should we care as long as engaging in the same content. -- ENTp
A22 A18: All the behaviors you just described also describe ME as an INFP. In an existing relationship, I may hide my discontent out of fear of losing the relationship. With a lost relationship, I may go over and beyond the acceptable level of emotionality in trying to get someone back. It's not an issue of whether or not we keep our feelings to ourselves; it's an issue of WHY we keep our feelings to ourselves. -- Hank
A23 Ni is the most conceptually rational of all functions. Being analytical and feeling are not inherently contradictory traits. -- Anonymous
A24 Your spelling of "definitely" with an "a" suggests to me you are an "F" not a "T." )) INTPs are language experts. -- jgbr
A25 I have wondered the same thing but came to this conclusion. I know I am a thinker when it comes to this personality thing but I am also a human and have emotions. The thing is I do not like to let my emotions decide. However, through observing others (which my personality type is all about) I am aware that others do and if I want to be a good person I have to respect others feelings (though not take resposibility for them) and decisions and try to remain aware of them. I hate rejection just like everyone else. It hurts my feelings and I have been known to cry. I like tearjerker movies. But they are just fleeting emotions. They can change in 5 seconds. If this sounds like you, you are probably a thinker as well. I have no idea how feeler types are. -- Jennifer
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