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Question #1219009911Sunday, 17-Aug-2008
Category: INTp ESFp E/I Typing
Is it possible there are outgoing INTps that get easily delighted and easily disinterested? I'm trying to type a friend of mine and I'm totally at a loss. I'm sure he's a Gamma quadra, and probably not a j. On the surface, he looks like an ESFp - he's initiative and quite talkative, he likes to show off and people complain that he gets easily delighted about various projects and loses that delight just that easily. But at the same time almost everything else about him is INTp-like. Any insight on this topic would be much appreciated. -- ESFp
Your Answers: 1+ 13+
A13 The contact's been renewed, but as he's abroad now, only via e-mail. My only impression from the mail is that we get along unusually well and that he's honest and patient with my, ehm, aggressivity. That might mean he's an INTp, but might as well not, so it'll be better to wait until autumn. Thanks for insight, anyway. -- ESFp
A14 I'd say your friend could be ENTp, but lacking the proffessionalism your ENTp-Prof has got. I know certain ENTj who are very active, but not hyperactive, because they are much too analytical, hence always coming up with some kind of "master-plan",in a way that they really strive for some logistics working for them, so they can accomplish goals and getting things actually DONE instead of constantly talking about it. Whenever they talk about it, it is merely for a "theoretical walkthrough", they then easily act and dismiss too much of talkativeness. -- Anonymous
A15 INTP's can be quite extroverted!! I'm an INTP and most of my friends would never guess that I'm an introvert. In essence, it's like looking out through a house window from the inside. You get a sense of what the outside looks like (socially what the INTP is presenting)but you can't see what the whole house looks like (who they actually are in their whole personality). This is why meeting love interests are so difficult. We are very different from who we are on the outside. Also, your situation...he sounds INTP, but he also sounds as though he's going through some kind of mental problems and or drugs? As someone who has been through mental health issues, I would advise to follow up and ask his family if this is normal behavior for him. -- Anonymous
A16 I will probably never find out for sure, as he started working elsewhere and we weren't such good friends before to maintain the contact even now. Unfortunately. A15: the example with the house is really interesting... I often have that kind of feeling while trying to understand INTps and your metaphore really fits it. - Marijuana could be the answer, but I don't know for sure and don't want to state something that isn't true. Thanks anyway. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A17 it's not the drugs. two topics i want to address,.. the fickleness within the course... and the domain assertiveness which made the ESFpOriginalPoster Scared. INTPs develop domains on which to reach out and beat people, if this is the voca region .. so what, what should that mean to you? (mine is writing). The fickleness in course is to do with how INTPs constantly revalue Stream Information. From a mentology perspective, i can totally tune into the stream which would have prefaced him to make those changes. He probably revaluated how people learn. Also the sudden changes in how Coursing should be done .. by switching .. probably saddly has 1. the mental turnings of an INTP (justifiable, "go against us world, and sure, we will go, but YOU AS WORLD will die") 2. a converging EMOTIVE reality, where he probably saw that students did'nt respond well to the 1st course and so switched to soon. AS SIRAC, i just havee to say that i am always totally shocked at how society, and our duals ESFps are all but to willing to propose External Solutions.. what is really needed is a plelora of emotional support ... not inferent activity in our Mental Movement Domains. Big-Up to the emotionally infatuated ESFp O'Poster. -- @sirac
A18 to further extend on why lecturing is a problem for an INTP, i have to explain itby it's strength. and i should, seeing as you are entirely ignorant on the topic -also giving away what i have, as it is totally useless to me, i want more, a higher unassailable domain perhaps-. IN THE process of learning a INTP constantly accelerates into the learning phase bycognitively breaking assumptions. The sad thing, is that when that person is at a point of authority, there tendency (previously there learning strength) always breaks-ups assumptions of where they stand relative..(but now i am going to sound like a glorizing man, much clearer is this thought when it occures in my morning depression after sleep).. ..arriving at a fixed point as is intrinsic in , now u have to [as an INTP] access where this point lies in domains completely unspoken off (as why that ENTP lecturer could acheive it so easily, still do it, and maintain there autonomy as a thinker). THIS IS what you ESFPs don't understand, you think it is merely enough to hold onto the 5yr periods and acheive successfully, but for us, it is a thing of holding onto every moment and breathing our air from that moment (it's verse which sounds bla-zay but it is gripped by a whole personality and mental activity set which beguiles toward that sense of MOvement/Definition of that movement) -- @sirac paid and patented for by foolishness
A19 So I met the guy again and seeing him after such a long time really helped. Now I think he's an ESFp, unusually serious and possessing highly developed theoretical intelligence. A17+A18: @sirac I've considered you an INTj for some time now so I take your posts as news about INTjs, not INTps. You radiate strong Ti, not Te. If ours is how you imagine a Dual relationship, they would have to be really pathetic. I understand studies differently than you think and I definitely don't take it as just 5 years matter. I am ignorant on the topics you see as important simply because I see different things in different ways, being from a different quadra. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A20 this is cool, i knew this would happen... being shuffled to a new quadra. i am non plussed. my force solutions was to classify u as a ESFJ. Till an angrier time, then we will see (when i move all accumulated in other words. by the way, right now, i think your picture of an INTP is as that of a wuss, limiting. But then there is another Limit Domain which classifies us by a Central Jump assumption.. and also an inevitibility that this conflict would happen. To us as fighters.. therefore cheers). cheers Ezis -- @sirac
A21 A20: Neither is your picture of ESFps especially accurate. I see we'll never agree, but surprisingly, I don't mind... I would've never believed I would say something like this, and I got no idea what a Central Jump assumption is, but: @sirac, you're cool. I'm not sure if there'll be an angrier time, as I see myself slowly withdrawing from this site, but who knows. Cheers, my dear and beloved eternal opposer! -- Ezis (ESFp)
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A22 i just wanted to say, in reply to the Ti thing. Lets imagine INTp and INTj operating around the same axis (similarily, i would then imagine that the Artifacts i see in ESFp's then also centre around an axis between them and another type Artifacts .. i mean the tendency to think 'one deals with another'). The INTj INTp thing was always obvious to me. Both come across knowledge. in the expression of the central thing or Axis both appear as each other.. but it is in the other orderings... INTj order alot, INTps once they have ordered they allow another process by which other laws are accumulated and ordered (the reason u would say i am an intj here, is because this is a domain i have a high concentration of 'axis knowledge', & i would assume this is the same reason why i would get ****ed.. cause uEzis have a high concentration of accumulated orientations.. but i assume you have the same looseness in how u control and accumulate other 'Axi'). The central jump assumption ..from how we speak.. it seemingly comes from the Gamma Quadra value.. that of being seemingly Humanitarian Orientated versus the Alpha Quadra which is 'free/more airy seeming' and yet Logical or Hard Ordered in some orientations (logical is ENTp and INTj ..a hard ordering i can very easily imagine for a ESFj). THE FALLACY OF GETTING TIRED.. now i can't close further (but merely working in these air head domains get INTps nowhere near where they should get (ESFp, for delightedly u would shoot us down-but i'v said this before, i want to speak asif i address each other for the last time). So i guess in terms of overall reality, this BRINGS us were we want to be.. balanced in a central reality while working in our domains). Lets say something about the times.. getting into Kabala Bnei Baruch. One needing to address the crisis and yet remain healthy. I think us Gammas are uniquely suited to this while remaining healthy. Oh opposer.. perhaps, but not really so, to speak like an idiot, i know u are my most convinient access into that domain. I hope to get the orientations of this world, and pass onto something in which there will be greater unity (times for both of us in path seperately)... so not eternal .thats a good enough wish -- @sirac
A23 A22: Oh yeah, now I see I used the word "eternal" incorrectly in the Czech sense. In Czech, we use it not only to mean "forever", but also to mean something like "so far, it has been usual". I had this second meaning in mind. In English, it is obviously only the second... -- Ezis (ESFp)
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