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Question #1214671844Saturday, 28-Jun-2008
Category: ENTj Advice
As like any ENTj I like to solve problems. I have an ongoing life problem that I've been wanting to solve, I hope someone has a good solution, I think someone will have to have a pretty far out answer because this ones had me stuck. My problem is, In a case where I have a 'challenge or goal' in life (i.e: succeeding at a job, test, sports team, relationship) where I know if I were to fully exert myself that success was going to be easy and almost guaranteed it suddenly becomes impossible for me to focus and I become incapable of actually doing it. But conversely when there's a REAL edge and challenge to something I become filled with energy and the notion that I can overcome all odds and I become extremely focused and can pull of things off that are literally unprecedented to what I've seen from other people. The times when I excel are when there are short term challenges like job interviews, talking my way out of a speeding ticket (that I didn't deserve) or writing a 2,000 word essay in 30 minutes (60+ WPA, really) And the times when I falter is when I have all the time in the world (I could comfortable complete something if I spaced it out over the given time-frame), or have multiple attempts at something without consequence. I find myself wanting to space my time out efficiently but I feel as if against my own will I have to procrastinate, turn it into a "race against time" and suddenly I can get in to that extreme efficiency mode. I am extremely efficient at the challenging tasks at hand but can't seem to be logically efficient in doing all my day-to-day tasks at a comfortable pace, it just zones me right out. As you may guess this causes all kinds of problems as I often make things more difficult then they should be. Don't confuse me here, I'm not the kind of person that likes to say one thing and do another, I ABSOLUTELY want to resolve this problem. I even tell myself the entire time while I'm procrastinating until it to becomes a challenge/problem that it's ridiculous and I need to just pace myself comfortable and it just 'is' entirely beyond my will. I've tried telling myself that I've struggled with this concept of pacing myself and that THIS in itself is indeed a challenge and so of coarse that 1 time I was able to pace myself properly, at which point I know I was capable of it, no longer making it a challenge. Asking myself "if I am capable of it all the time" over a long period of time, days straight evenually drains me. Things that haven't seemed to help, - Telling myself THIS is a challenge - Setting arbitrary deadlines to things - Making micro-challenges (can I study 30 pages in 15mins of the 500 pages I need to read... I succeed on the 30 pages, suddenly it's not a challenge for the next 470 pages) - Inflicting pain near my cranium with large blunt instruments (joking, but honestly I almost feel the urge to it's getting that annoying) - I don't know if anyone can relate to this, it seems kind of ENTj-ish in that we get these seemly random tasks that we feel compelled to carry-out. The my only hope/guess at a solution that I'm trying now is trying to focus on just one area of my life (job/school/ext) and sorting it out, once I get in a good routine of something I don't need the challenge because I don't need to think or exert any effort. Any advice would be appreciated. P.S. Even advice suggesting that I'm out to lunch . -- ENTJ
Your Answers: 1+ 13+
A13 Hahahah, oh wow. I do the same exact things. When something is enough of a challenge I do it without a second of doubt and procastination. Yet, when something seems kind of mundane and easy, it's hard to get me going. I do the same thing as the OP - give myself little challenges that I need to complete. It works. I've actually been trying to somewhat escape this by doing thing as soon as they come up. I don't have an actual way to solve the "issue" at hand though. -- Nordon
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A14 Solution I find for myself: when battle is over, find another one very soon. ENTj are like sports cars: they worth nothing under the right level of speed. And motor may even collapse if they run too long not fast enough. -- ENTj
A15 I'll ditto that. Part of the problem is if there isn't a challenge then no excitement and then no motivation to do something. I find it helps to have a good partner that can do 80% of the work leaving you to do the 20% nobody else can. Sometimes it's good to rely on sheer will-power (your an ENTJ right ) and force yourself to do a quick half job way before the deadline. Then you won't be happy with it before the deadline so you get a sudden burst of motivation and end up with a much better end result. -- Anonymous
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