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Question #1212912187Sunday, 8-Jun-2008
Category: ISFp ISFj Marriage
Im an Isfp, should i marry and Isfj? -- Anonymous
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Your Answers: 1+
A1 Marry whoever you want, dude. Don't let socionics control your life! -- Maggie
A2 I am an isfj and am married to an isfp. We work well because we are both introverts. The differences are that he likes to begin projects and I like to finish them. -- Anonymous
A3 I'm an ISFj with a younger ISFp brother and we have one of those weird brother/sister relationships where we actually get along. We do fight about some stuff like I always like to get to places early and he likes to leave at the last minute. But in general, I'd say we're pretty compatible and the fact that we're both F types helps. -- Anonymous
A4 My boyfriend is an ISFj and I'm an ISFp and we have a lovely relationship with hardly any disagreements (and those usually arise when I have a horrible migraine and I snap at him). An ISFj is an ISFp's dream as far as I'm concerned. They are often funny, very loving, they want to please and make you happy, and they take care of you. They remember birthdays and Valentine's and come up with date ideas on their own (this is amazing for me as I have never had an SJ boyfriend before!) and they surprise you by taking you out when you least expect it. They will sit and listen to you jabber away and they will talk, too, when they want to share. They love to nap with you (a plus for an ISFp) but also enjoy things like gardening and exercising outdoors. My ISFj and I have been together over a year and he's talked about marriage a lot. I have always underestimated SJ's for some reason, thinking they were too rigid or something, but because we both don't like conflict, it works very well. My ISFj is my dream guy! -- Anonymous
A5 Wow, impresive! I personally can't stand ISFj, Fi on 1st? Terrific. -- ISFp
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