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Question #1212153694Friday, 30-May-2008
Category: ENFp Advice
I'm an convicted ENFP, and well, as almost all ENFP i have a annoying concern with attaching myself to things and goals. I've heard and read A LOT about introverted intuition but I don't understand what it means on its fullness, and i don't know where to find and use mine. I'm currently studying piano, classical, i LOVE IT - but i have the constant fear of someday wake up and be bored by it. I know it can happen, and i don't want to! I was learning the third movement from chopin's second sonata (the funeral march) but after some stress where i study i just got SICK of it. And I can't barely play it again - I can play - but my angst towards it is huge! :S And so i dropped it, and then when i felt ok and tried to play again... i felt BORED by it. Now i'm starting a new piece, and i guess it's going to be the same. HUGE start with big progression and dropping after some weeks :s. How can i use my introverted intuition to solve this? sorry my bad english! -- Mauricio
Your Answers: 1+
A1 ENFPs use extraverted intuition and introverted feeling. A big stride in personal growth is to consider things carefully before starting them and then when you do start to work to completion. Think in terms of personal growth and self mastery and perhaps you might be able to work on something even past the point of boredom where it opens itself up to you again and you master it, personalize it, add to it and enjoy it. -- Anonymous
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A2 The way I've seen Introverted Judgment described in the realm of Extraverted Perceivers is like the dandruff shampoo commercial; you know it's working when you feel it. And what Extraverted Perceivers feel is BOREDOM. As an Extraverted Intuitive, believe me- I know. It becomes necessary to *live* with that boredom until you see something come out of it. It's important not to perpetually react, but to live with feelings of boredom. -- Anonymous
A3 Your irrational fear of boredom matches the type of intuition an ENFp is supposed to have... Extraverted. For an in-depth explanation of your newly identified primary function, you might want to go here: -- Anonymous
A4 A2 and A3: Boredom really is connected only with Ne, not with being an extraverted perceiver - neither me nor other ESps I know have any problems with it. We are probably too down-to-earth and too busy observing the world to be bored. We need lots of new impressions, but when we dont get them, we make some ourselves. -- ESFp
A5 It's no longer fun, so make it fun again or unless you need to perform it for a test let it go for now. -- INTP
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