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Question #1211973778Wednesday, 28-May-2008
Category: INTp Relationship Advice
I don't know to what extent Socionics will be able to help me with this but I have an INTp who I love dearly who is horribly deficient in the area of commitment (I'm not talking about "to me", because we're not in that sort of relationship). It severely interferes with his functioning in several areas of life, including romantic relationships and careers. He does not recognize how big the problem is. He is aware that something is wrong but continues to blame the system, no matter how many times he changes systems. He loves me but does not respect me (for one thing, I'm younger than him) and I do not know how to explain to him that this is something he needs to deal with. I understand that INTps might have lower levels of commitment and that's not something that can be "Fixed"... But like I explained earlier, this is not just a small irritating inconvenience. It is very, very much interfering with his ability to lead a normal life. -- A.
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Well my experience is that INTps need a lot of time and proof that they can trust the person or that certain activity is worth it, but once they get used to the person or activity and decide the relationship is established, they are actually very loyal and committed. Maybe your INTp is an exception - after all, there are more committed and less committed INTps. Or maybe he is just committed in a different way than you are used to? You are from different quadras (if you are the ISTp A. I discussed INTp HA with), so it might take more conscious effort to understand each other. How precisely would you describe the way his lower level of commitment interferes with his ability to lead a normal life? -- ESFp
A2 ...I'm not that A, I'm actually an ENTp A, so we (the INTp and I) should be in the same quadrant. One example would be that he's about to lose his second job (in a field he's genuinely interested in, it's not like he's having compatability issues). -- Anonymous
A3 In Socionics, ENTp and INTp are not in the same quadra. -- Anonymous
A4 ...oh. I need to review my quadarnts, clearly. -- Anonymous
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A5 socionics quadras are made of the four types who have identity, duality, activity, and mirror relations. for example, entp, isfp, esfj, and intj. -- oo ro
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