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Question #1211973282Wednesday, 28-May-2008
Category: INTp ENTp E/I Tests Theory
Hi. What if I find it very difficult to decide if I'm an INTP or ENTP. when I took the test on this site, it found me in the normal mode an Introvert and on the reverse mode it found me an extrovert. Also, every test I took told me that I'm a little bit of both. sometimes more INTP and sometimes more ENTP. Personally I always considered myself an Introvert but I know I have many Extrovert qualities. How should I relate to this regarding the types? -- Roy
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A1 ...One of the problems with telling introversion/extroversion is that with some people, the "lots of talking/socialising" vs "very little or moderate" can throw the test off. Have you read E/I xNTp profiles? Do they vibe equally for you? If not, go with the one that feels right (make sure that you don't go with the one you WANT to have feel right). Tests aren't everything. You could always introduce yourself as an xNTp. -- Anonymous
A2 The best way I've found in determining if you're an E or I is to ask yourself if when you spend time in large groups of people, do you feel energized afterward or do you feel drained? A solid E will find large groups of people relaxing and invigorating whereas an I will need time alone to recharge. Also keep in mind that ENTPs are the most antisocial of all extroverts in that we generally have an eb and flow when it comes to dealing with our social realms. (We basically get sick of dealing with "stupid people" and need some time with our "things" to get lonely) As a side note ENTJ's are a close second. -- JDS
A3 I had the same problem for awhile and didn't actually decide until very recently. Read a lot of profiles on the two types and maybe talk to some people of those two types for awhile. the indicators aren't one hundred percent accurate. -- Anonymous
A4 perhaps purely on a 'cognitive data analysis trend' may more purely determine your type. there is some clues in the literature regarding these calling cards....u may simply find them -- Anonymous
A5 "Ask yourself if when you spend time in large groups of people, do you feel energized afterward or do you feel drained? A solid E will find large groups of people relaxing and invigorating whereas an I will need time alone to recharge. VS. ENTPs ... basically get sick of dealing with "stupid people" and need some time with our "things" to get lonely." I"m having a hard time telling the difference between these too. I also don't know if I'm an E or I NTP. I think I have adhd (so does a Dr. but he talked to me for 10 min.) A lot of ENTP traits are ADHD "symptoms" too. IDK if I believe ADHD is a disorder (though i agree w/ the 'Attention defecit' part). If it is a disorder (maybe it is, my friend is ADHD/xTFJ) then I think I could be an INTP w/ ADHD.Whether or not I want to be around ppl seriously depends on my mood. Whether I want to get away from "stupid ppl" and spend time w/ my "things" or whether or not I feel drained sounds kind of like the same thing. What does an INTP do when they are alone? Don;t they spend time w/ their things too? I guess I"m just not that in touch w/ my feelings... Sometimes I don't want to talk to anyone, sometimes I could talk to the wall. I'm only 22, do you think these preferences solidify w/ age? Could I just be moody? -- Alison_ENTP
A6 A5, "Sometimes I don't want to talk to anyone, sometimes I could talk to the wall." Yes, copy that, same thing here. ENTP talking, have always been like that, for decades. When I do want to talk to people, it is usually for a more or less conscious purpose in achieving something to come through, like ideas to work out, situations to be fulfilled, actions to be spurred, inspirations to be gathered, concepts to be exchanged, or just flat out change the flow of events. If these are not on the priority, and I have other things to do, people aint that very welcome, I have to admit, and I find then that I enjoy my own company tremendously and execute what is spoken and what is heard, that is talking with my self if I see a reason for it. Debating with my self, like a duo\multi role play on solo, challenging my own point of wiews has always been a beneficial tool in an effort to remain objective. You also said; " Whether I want to get away from "stupid ppl" and spend time w/ my "things" or whether or not I feel drained sounds kind of like the same thing". To me it is not really, if I speak with people that turn out to be issuing stupidities, (that is deliberate stupidities against better judgement) and since I usually approach people for a purpose, then the entire motivation behind that approach, is not justified anylonger. And the motivation was more or less deliberate. My patience with the interaction is then suffering. It doesnt serve a purpose anymore. There is more fruitful things to do. When emotionally drained from interaction as such though, my experience is that this usually stems from the pace of the interaction , if this pace is faster or more hectic or fluid, or flows in any direction from what I prefer, like I may experience with highly extroverts, the core of the interaction appears on terms I havent stipulated, sanctioned or expected in the beginning. When facing such, I might get drained. If this happens, I may, if I see fit, try getting the upper hand, one way or another, and then I am energized again. A very dynamic situation depending on the balance between me and the others. But when deliberate stupidity and ignorance rules, there is no way to re-energize. I have rejected quite a few people when such are experienced. I reject stupidity, and get drained by imbalance of pace. Thats the best way I can describe the difference. -- ENTp
A7 It says in that "Although INTps are introverts, some of them may behave in a very extroverted manner." Everything you wrote points towards that. -- Anonymous
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