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Question #1211866286Tuesday, 27-May-2008
Category: Statistics Personality
What type are you and what were you like as a little kid. -- Maggie
Your Answers: 1+ 13+
A1 I'm an INFp, and kept myself to myself and only really ever talked if I needed something. I could also be a bit rude... -- INFp
A2 INTp. I was not unsocial but preferred to play by myself. I talked alot to my mom and asked ridiculous questions like, "what is the fold between the nostrils called in English?" (English wasn't my first language, and I didn't actually say it like that- I just pointed to it). I liked to read and was generally curious, but did not pay attention in school and was lost or in trouble for the most of my kindergarten days. I liked to play with dolls and draw princesses but I could also be rather rough and boyish. I was fairly agreeable most of the time but I was also very stubborn and bad-tempered. I hated to go shopping, and sometimes I'd throw tantrums in the middle of a store and shout obscene things to embarrass my parents. But I hated to get emotional, because I thought it "undignified." I normally played with girls but had the most fun with boys because they didn't hold grudges after I kicked them >:). I believed in magic. -- Itinerant Nut-eating Tree person
A3 ENTp (female). I wandered around barefoot a lot. I made up stories in my head all the time and, between 3rd and 5th grade, went through three generations of an extended family of mages. I played with plastic snakes who used to kidnap and eat my barbies. I also played with scissors and staplers who used to have adventures throughout the house, eating paper and defeating the never-defined "Dark Lord". In fact, I could make up stories using nearly any object or just my head... (some other examples: Beads, wash cloths, CLEMENTINE SEGMENTS) In elementary school I got by with very little effort. When we went on trips I was always the one getting in trouble for wandering off. I did this constantly. I played mostly with the boys until they started getting too paranoid about "cooties", at which point I switched to girls. I firmly believed that I was weird as early as 1st grade, and I have the journals to prove it. I constantly started journals, wrote in them for two days, abandoned them, and then started a new one months later. I'm described as being "Bright-eyed, verbal, affectionate, perceptive, smart (making insightful comments)". But this is by my mom, who isn't exactly unbiased. ...I liked to read. I read a LOT. I possessed not the slightest resemblance of a sense of aesthetic until well into puberty... But in terms of the supposed other S deficit dominant Ns are supposed to have, that is clumsiness, I never really noticed that. Maybe awkwardness. -- Anonymous
A4 ESFp, and I was a happy, though a bit moody, child, loving to play both alone and with other children. Driving my parents mad as I experimented with everything, especially with electricity and musical instruments. In my family, I was the source of fun and interesting activities; at school, I didnt speak at all. I learned to read by myself when I was 4, which led the teachers and shrinks think I was extremely intelligent, which annoyed me. Bit jealous of my Si sister when it turned out she dared to climb higher on the children constructions than me. -- ESFp
A5 Socionics says I'm an ENTP and Myers-Briggs says I'm an ESTP. I'm probably somewhere in the middle, to be honest. I loved sports, but would rather have made the rules up my way than have played in an organized kid league. I loved running around, climbing trees and pretending they were villages in the ski and dinnasaurs would come bring me food, I would make my own raft out of an old tire and some boards, bring a picnic lunch and pretend I was a gypsy living on the river. I often bossed my friends into playing the way I wanted to or acting in my plays (which I made many) and if they didn't want to fully accept my ingenious ideas, I would leave them to play my own game/act by myself. I had no problem leaving the world behind; taking a frozen hot dog, some matches and finding sticks in the woods behind my house (without my parents knowing, of course) and making my own meal as if I lived off the land. I would be out there for hours making up stories in my head about someone chasing after me. Sometimes I would even physically act out the fight scenes all by myself-playing both characters. It wasn't abnormal for me to return home from playing in the woods, whether I was by myself or with friends, with cuts all over my face, tears in my clothes and bruises all over. I suppose that you could say, when I played, I played creatively and hard. -- M
A6 I'm an INFp and I'm still like I was when I was a little kid, but I pretend to be a grown-up. Don't tell. -- Anonymous
A7 Lol, love the answer before mine! - another iNFp. -- Anonymous
A8 i hated to be alone, got bored too easily and was grabby after other childrens toys and after sweets. i liked to build caves outh of comforters and chairs and fantasised how to live in my own house made of colorful wood, i got used to play on my own cuz the other kids were too bullying, but i guess it was the social scene not the personalities (working class). I would have played drums on the potato-pot with a wooden spoon all day long if only they had let me. at one time i wanted to be a princess and tried a philosophical discussion with my mom, if princesses always have to wear dresses all the time or if my cool dungaree with flowers on it would be sufficient... i plundered my moms make-up trays, but just only once, I tired on her high heels and snatched her bags, it was cool and I couldn't wait to grow up. Strange - I don't use make-up, high heels, bags today. I played with fire sticks and got very very desperate when my parents inquisitioned me with the questions "Why did you do it, what was on your mind?" In pre-school day-care I often got the impression in between I was a bad kid, i often got reprimanded for not behaving in public and chattering too much. i asked too many questions, i wanted to do too much things... and when i did things like painting, sculpting, sports, i was not good enough, at least in their eyes. there were always kids who were more talented. i tried very much to gain attention and acomplish things but always made a fool out of myself. Later in school, when my teacher told me i was good with telling stories and understanding literature i didn't want to hear anything of it, because i thought it was boring. Though I was brilliant in math it soon was of no interest of me, I took way too long when there was a test, so it wore me out too soon. I preferred to play with the boys, because they were sometimes building cool stuff. I didn't get their war-games though. when i played with girls, we used to build up fantasy worlds. i got interested into boys romantically very very soon. i admired one boy in class for his well defined arms-muscles, we were eight years old LOL. i liked climbing walls and surveying discarded houses and stuff. i liked those kissing games in fifth grade, i know other girls didn't dare or were scared of cooties, ok we were 12 then, almost teenagers, so my list stops here. What I can tell is, that i often didn't get the hang of things although i was keenly interested and i needed assistance and reassurance much more than other kids. I guess I was a pain - INFp -- Anonymous
A9 that last one wounds like ENFp to me. i'm ENFp. -- Anonymous
A10 I'm an ISFj and I was "very sweet" according to my mother. I used to smile a lot, and I remember my preschool teachers telling me they loved seeing my smile everyday. I played with Barbies a lot, and cried when my older brother would switch the heads. I was also pretty sensitive I guess. I never wanted to be away from my mom and would freak out at stuff like Sunday school or day care where I didn't know the other kids. And I was even afraid of some of my friends' dads because they were really big and scary. I was also scared of sitting on Santa's lap and the giant Easter bunny at the mall and the guy dressed up like Chuckie at Chuckie Cheese. I was generally a pretty happy kid though, and I'd always look out for the other kids, espeacially the little kids. All the other mothers would say they couldn't wait till I was old enough to babysit. I was even nice to strangers, when I wasn't afraid of them. I used to smile and wave and say hi to people at the grocery store. So basically I was sweet and nice but scared of just about everything. -- ISFj
A11 ENFP here & this is talking about up to 11 years old. I was a lively chap and despite having asthma would run around the playground a lot. I remember being quite competitive as the oldest of my siblings and loved my sports, was good but not incredible at a fair few. I also liked drawing a lot and was good at it too. I wasn't particularly smart but not an idiot. I remember being quite reckless/clumsy, ie I remeber spending lots of times in the nurses' office as I regularly got knocked over by flying footballs!! lol. I would chuck myself at everything lol. I was also rather friendly I remember getting on with pretty much every boy in my class well, I also remember having a good few close friends too.. And this 1 has really stuck in my head, inventing a ball game which involved tennis balls and coming in early to school to collect the tennis balls that got chucked into the playground from nearby houses. All Actually looking back I have really positive memories actually, I was lucky to have a fantastic childhood, where I was free to be myself. I've changed a lot since I was 12, I went from a non-academic school to a really academic boys 1. So I've become less confident/loud and not felt as though I "belong" and as a reuslt as a young teen I lost my way and the pressure I was on was enormous. I feel my personality may have been squashed by rules and exam pressure. -- Anonymous ENFP
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A12 I'm INFP and as a kid i was quite shy and long time (up tp puberty) also scared to do things that involved interaction with strangers, like shopping or getting to know new kids. My mom always tells me what a pleaseant and well-behaved kid i was - i did always what i was told by adults, handled my toys carefully, and generally didn't do any 'bad' things (however this changed later). I also remember beeing very scared of learning reading. I thought i'd never be able to manage it. But soon after it turned out to come easily to me. Generally i learned best when explained/shown how something works, and then left alone so i could figure it out by myself. For example i couldn't manage to ride the bike without traning wheels until i was left alone so i could concentrate on myself. Generally i wasn't very keen on sports and physical activities (opposing to my ESTP father). I loved reading and hearing stories, and constantly made up some in my mind. Much like A3 ENTP above, i could make up stories of the simplest things and play for hours with it. Also i remember drawing (very simple) comic strips and recording some stories on tape when i was 8 years or so, but drawing clearly isn't my talent ^^. -- INFp
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