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Question #1210364211Friday, 9-May-2008
Category: Typing Theory INFj INFp j/p
According to Myer-Briggs, I'm an INFJ. However, when I take the socionics test, it says I'm an INFP (which should translate over accurately). However, when I read the description for INFP, I dont feel that it fits as well as the one for INFJ. How can I tell which one I am according to socionics? -- Shirley
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A1 "which should translate over accurately"...yes and no. The key is to find out which is dominant and introverted (Ni or Fi) and which is secondary and extraverted (Ne or Fe). If you have NiFe, you are socionics INFp and MBTI INFJ. If you are FiNe, you are socionics INFj and MBTI INFP. The descriptions do not jive because the systems do not correlate directly. I tend to side with MBTI type descriptions slightly more, and with socionics for everything else (V.I., intertype relations, Model A) -- INFp
A2 The j-p difference is actually easy to spot - I have kind of a new self-invented technique to VI celebrities and other people and if you can figure out j or p you're halfway to a successful VI! If you look carefully at the celebs with 'p' you can see an agitated quirky look - a much different energy than the calm, relaxed 'j.' Can j be agitated and quirky, and p calm and relaxed? Yes, but especially in person the preference can usually be discerned. If you know one person who is definitely a 'p' and one who is definitely 'j,' which one would you identify more with in terms of that preference? Also, consider the (perhaps unlikely) possibility that you may not be INFp or INFj. -- econdude
A3 I wouldn't rely on the automatic-switch of the last function theory, it's better to base your type on intertype relations. INFJ's and INFP's are in opposite quandras, so each type duals with the others conflictors. INFJ is a Delta, they dual with ESTJ, mirror with ENFP and activity with ISTP. An INFP is a Beta, they dual with ESTP, mirror with ENFJ and activity with ISTJ. After reading about all four of the Beta types and all four of the Delta types you'll find that one quandra will seem desirable and the other the opposite, than it will be far easier to tell if you're an INFP or INFJ For more info on the quandras -- Anonymous
A4 hmm...thanks for all your help! Taking all of what you guys have said into consideration: A1: I'm NiFe so that means I should be INFP in socionics and INFJ in MBTI. A2: I'm calm and relaxed on the outside but agitated and quirky (once you know me) on the inside. And I'm definitely positive I'm INF_ because I've taken the tests many times and that's usually my result and the description describes me very accurately. Although i've taken the MBTI test the most since I've only recently discovered socionics. A3: I've looked into the Quadras and I feel most comfortable as a Delta (INFJ) So I guess this begs the question, is it possible to be an INFJ for both MBTI and Socionics? -- Shirley
A5 If you are NiFe, it is highly unlikely that you would feel more comfortable with the Delta (ESTj) quadra than with the Beta (ESTp) quadra. -- Anonymous
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A6 Out of the two descriptions, INFp and INFj, why not go for the one that fits you best? If you identify with socionic INFj then INFj you still are. I for instance am the same type on both systems. -- Bob
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