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Question #1210345584Friday, 9-May-2008
Category: INTp Hidden Agenda
I'm confused as to how the hidden agenda of INTp's is to love, based on observed behavior and the little I know of Type... So if an INTP could explain it to me that would be great =D. Firstly, wouldn't a Type that wants to love be a little less... antisocial? I don't mean introverted, I mean hostile to interaction. In general a lot of the hostility I see in INTp's would seem to contradict their desire to love, but maybe my definition of love is different from the intended one? Additionally, if is the INTp's dominant trait (Maybe I'm confusing MBTI into this) then wouldn't a Feeling agenda like "To love" be inimical to them? I feel as if I'm missing something here. -- A.
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A15 its hidden to THEM as well.. this causes them to have idealized crushes that last for long periods of time. as much as they want to love, like anyone else, they also are too logical and see others' flaws and are highly concerned with making the "right" choice. they suppress the love they feel unless it is appropriate, which for them means that the love has some practicality AND they need to be absolutely sure it is being returned. -- Anonymous
A16 INTP men in particular barely show affection through their words with a female attraction. But, if the woman they are trying to attract eventually "gets them"(this takes patience on the receiving end),she will understand that he is one of the most romantic types of all. They show a great amount of love through symbolism, music, witty but sometimes dark flirting and more..I know that if an INTJ even makes it a point to physically see you in the early stages, that shows a great deal that he is curious about you. If his emotions are tugged too much too early, he will become a hermit and have self doubt of himself and the relationship because of societies worldy views in a logical sense. Then arises a conflict of thought because feelings are being involved when they like a person. INTP's don't like when feelings start annoying their naturally overriding perception of how everything "should be" in the end, and might I add, no matter what the outcome, bad or good. So, it is a constant struggle for INTP men at a certain point in a relationship that really gets them stumped. This is my experience. I am an ISTP female who met this INTP male as a teenager. We understood each other immediately. I am in my thirties now. -- Anonymous
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A17 How do INTps love? Let's see... I've been in a relationship with an INTp for 6 years, and no matter how hard I try, I can not stop him from caressing my skin whenever I'm trying to sleep. Yikes! (1) He will fix anything that's wrong with my car. He's very talented, so the quality of his repairs is excellent. (2) He brought home a box of abandoned kittens that he found on his college campus, and we hand-fed them until they were weaned and adopted out. (3) He's worked for his friends and family free of charge on several occasions, even though he's an electrical contractor who's time is worth much, much more. (4) He'll carry in groceries, hold heavy things for me, go wherever I need him to go (as long as it's with me), and pick up treats for me whenever he can. He calls to keep me company while I work overnights. (5) -- NiFeTiSe
A18 I am an INTP. I am socially awkward, I think too much, and I'm a hopeless romantic. So I can see how you would take that as being hostile towards love, but in fact I am oblivious. I have noticed what I took as friendly flirts from strangers, but then I start to think about what it means, is there something wrong with my appearance, how should I respond, and what about the future if we hit it off. I don't like the idea of hooking up with someone without the intent of staying with them or leading them on. By the time I get done thinking all that through I still don't know how to respond, the moment passes by, and I remain in my comfortable antisocial world... Most of the time I hate it, but I think something better will come along. -- Happily Unhappy
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