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Question #1208381575Wednesday, 16-Apr-2008
Category: INFp Relationship
Is it just me, or do INFPs have the hardest time with romantic relationships than any other type? Including their ENFP and INFJ counterparts. mostly because of our idealism/perfectionism, paired with introversion and perceiving. -- INFP lover
Your Answers: 1+
A1 INFp's need to be wined and dined and also treated roughly. This not only fills their seeking for romance but their need to be dominated as per their need for Se -- Bob
A2 Interesting interpretation of looking for Se in a partner, Bob! It seems way too generalised, but from some of the INFps I know, there might be a smidge of truth there. What would an ENFp or INFj looking for Si want from their romantic life? Lots of nights in smooching? -- pandapanda
A3 Just look at the movie "Bridget Jones' Diary." She's an infp with constant romantic difficulties. Love and romance are so idealized in their minds that infp's are endlessly searching for that perfect love. -- ESTp
A4 hmm...thinking about it, you might be on to something. Most of the infps I know are the ones that find it hardest to "find" someone because of their romantic notions -- Anonymous
A5 For me, my idealistic nature and my ability to predict trends/ future events, combined with my ability to read into people's natures, makes it difficult for me to envision a future of true, sustainable love. I can always detecting the flaws in people along with their great potential. Therefore, I get along with almost everyone, but can never love anyone with any kind of permanent ease. I perpetually end up canning all my suitors/lovers with my hot/cold behavior before something truly bad goes down, but sometimes I wonder if it plays out like a self-fulfilling prophecy. -- Anonymous
A6 Well, I believe I am Infp, (though the complete opposite fits me aswell), and agree that we do have a tendency to be in and out of love regularly or frequently, or find it hard to 'find' someone, due to wanting to find that ultimate love life partner.'s to still looking optimistically... -- Noon
A7 infps probably care too much and take too long to let go. -- oo ro
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A8 It seems anyone I find is already involved with someone else so it takes me a month or two to get over that... or longer. I've only really cared for someone 3 times in the past 10 years and have never been in a relationship. I think it's because I hold so much back. -- INFP
A9 Yep... I feel like I don't share part of myself, which makes me feel like I'm never really vulnerable, and sometimes the other person doesn't even know, so it's easy to pretend. And when I share how I really feel, I end up hurting them because they feel like I've been lying. Also,I'm not in touch with reality, so my expectations are so high that I'm always disappointed, even if the relationship has a lot of good things going for it. -- Anonymous
A10 A9 here, writing again. I TOTALLY agree with A5.. it couldn't be described any better. I too pick up on flaws and great potential, which is why we have the hot/cold behavior. I predict scenarios of how things will unfold.. so it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm always comparing the relationship to how it 'should' be and think i'll find the perfect compatibility. Something that helps me is focusing on reality. How would I really feel if this person wasn't part of my life anymore? And I focus on that. -- Anonymous
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