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Question #1208038926Saturday, 12-Apr-2008
Category: INTj Advice
A question for INTj's (and others) here: how do you overcome general intellectual stagnation? I've testing fairly consistently as Socionics INTj, sometimes a p, and tend to match the general NT style of thinking very closely, with one exception: I often lack the motivation to really think. It comes quite easily in trivial things that I do for fun, such as video games or reading fiction, but when it comes to what really matters, or even just general thinking for pleasure, I lose interest very quickly and don't perform well. So, how do you give your mental faculties a jumpstart? -- Rob
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A1 I read a lot. Generally my thought process is jump-started when I read an interesting article or essay on some thing or some idea I haven't heard of before. I then try to reconcile this new information with all the other information in my head, to see if it fits, and how, etc. Also, trying to figure out how a system works, like quantum physics or, say, socionics, tends to result in a lot of thinking. -- Krig (INTj)
A2 Maybe you are just fooling yourself into thinking you are INTj? I have so many questions in my head that I can give jump start to a national thinking lol . But seriously though, look around, can you see big WHY? sign anywhere? Anywhere, no? Ah well... -- an INTj (Krig is the best !)
A3 Thanks for the responses, both of you. I do relate to what you said, Krig. I'll often come across bits of information that will intrigue me, and I'll be motivated to investigate them more fully. But in relation to A2's comment, I really don't see those signs anywhere, anymore. I seem to have an on/off switch on my brain, and when I'm outside of lectures/studying, that switch goes off, and I'm 'dead to the world', to so speak. Maybe that's something I should work for, actively questioning. A more precise question: how do you apply your intellectual faculties to problems/material that doesn't interest you much? -- Rob
A4 Well, it really doesn't happen very often, but on those rare occasions, reading about something that interests me works. Many times reading about anything, just go to Wikipedia and look at recent events, the "Did You Know?" section, etc. -- Anonymous
A5 INTj may be unproductive on many occasions, which can be interpreted by them as stagnation; however, their brains are always moving at 100 mph or more, whether they are aware of it or not. INTj subconsciously always wants to act or produce, and can be very disheartened by their own inactivity. INTj needs goals, perhaps set by others such as an ESFj or ENFj. -- I/O
A6 It's never happened to me. I have a personal library of over 1000 books (and I know some people have 2000, or 5000, or even 20,000) and I'm always reading or looking at the web at some topic of intellectual interest. I do go through times when I have to take a break from a subject to let my unconscious assimilate it all so I can get moving again and feel fresh and excited about learning the material again (an excellent example is socionics). But I wouldn't consider that stagnation. I would say that if I don't want to learn something, I am very resistant to it, which causes problems when I can actually find a job! -- econdude
A7 Looking for something new? Try this -- Cyclops
A8 I think the key here is lack of interest. Our strong Ne gets easily bored with old and stale things. I know I've gone through periods like that, where nothing seems interesting anymore. Losing interest in things you used to love can actually be a sign of depression, if accompanied by other symptoms (if you were interested, I'm sure you could research what those other symptoms are). It can also just be a result of not getting enough sleep and proper nutrition. We INTjs overlook little things like sleep too easily sometimes (weak Si). Everything is boring when you're tired. Some suggestions: Go to Wikipedia and keep clicking "random page" until you get to something interesting. Or choose a controversial issue (abortion, global warming, etc), read literature from both sides, and try to determine which side is correct. When reading about, say, history, try to make a time-line and a map of the events to get a sense of the big picture for yourself. Finding sources of new information is the key. -- Krig (INTj)(No, *you're* the best!)
A9 personally, whenever my thought trail is stagnant, I eat a big helping of mushrooms, and let the universe do the rest. -- Anonymous
A10 @A9 - Right. Because impairing your mental function is the best way to improve your ability to think. -- Krig (INTj)
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