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Question #1204446496Sunday, 2-Mar-2008
Category: ENTp
ENTps, could you please give me an in depth description of yourself? Thanks. -- nachos
Your Answers: 1+ 26+ 32+ 38+ 46+ 54+
A1 ENTP: - I am clumsy and oblivious to my surrondings. - I am messy. - I can tell what others are thinking and see the BS that eminates from other people. - I like to find new ways of doing things. - Some people may think that I'm an introvert but I have the need to keep my distance with people, if I'm not careful, I could get sucked into other's problems. - There's nothing I HATE more than being surrounded by a bunch of ornery ISFJs. I would rather put a bullet through my head than spend one nanosecond with an ISFJ. - I also HATE ESTJs and ISTJs, they are a**holes. - I am a nonconformist. - I like it when others like me. - I have a space problem. - I am ALWAYS right, live with it. - I am clever. There, I said it. -- DustBunny
A2 The above all sounds very familiar. I just recently discovered I am an ENTP female. I also am messy and disorganized, however I am ambitious have a demanding job (sales) and somehow manage to keep all the big responsibilities and details in order. I am an atypical female, but very girly. I always found relating to other women somewhat difficult. I'm always into new projects or investigating new projects, but I really like for someone else to come in and do the actual work - like remodeling, etc. I find it interesting that I have done a lot more stuff than most of my girlfriends, but at 31 am still unmarried and not ready to settle down. People find this strange. I think a lot of people are attracted to me, but I am not very loveable. This actually bothers me tremendously. -- Anonymous
A3 How did you discover the female part??? -- Anonymous
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A4 A2, you're lovable. -- Anonymous
A5 im quiet, think alot, dont understand people, love to learn new things and surf the internet on random subjects... always had a social problem, just cant communicate with people or maintain a steady relation with them, one day im personable and the next i prefer to stay to myself... =] -- Anonymous
A6 For the most part, I feel alienated from everything. I have an impossible time getting close to people (even if I tell them every little thing about me). Its not that I have any problem getting people to like me-I'm quite agreeable and outgoing- I just can't seem to grow attached to any one. Just as I feel I'm getting close to someone, I spook and distance myself from them. Regardless of how much they like me. Makes me feel like an asshole most of the time, but I can't stand the idea of having expectations put on me or having to meet someone half way. This is something I'm working on (clearly), but I've pretty much accepted that more than likely I will be alone for ever. The sick part is, this doesn't really bug me. Co-dependency is hell. -- Kaija
A7 notice the trend. All ENTPs on this page interact with the same information stream, yet some are undone whereas others have to enter straight malignancy (look at A1) to work. The lessons for ENTPs are simple to see..._what of the other types.. why is it not readly accepted by the INTPs that they have to enter into a sort of compeditiveness or strength (cause lets face it the language of sub-servance and failure by INTPs is nothing better than wrongly interacting with the infomation stream given an INTP) -- @sirac
A8 I spend my time thinking how I can achieve all my goals in life. I want something to look forward to at all times. I hate life when there's nothing going on. I like the idea of having friends, lots of events going on, and romantic interests probably more than the reality. I am confident that I can outwit most systems if neccessary. I am happy at most times, but I'd never discuss my feelings if I wasn't. I like causing mischief. -- Anonymous
A9 A8, you sound like me. Duals can have similar personalities? -- ISFp
A10 im a ENTP and i basically love to learn about things of intrest to me and analyze all of the differnt accpects of them. i normally will pick up new hooby's very quickley an learn a lot about them quickly. i like to be a expert on thigs knowing everything about them the positives and the negatives. i am only really intrested in things that are stratagy oreinted having trouble seeing the point to things that arnt. i love to talk about all the differnt stratagy's for a game for example and pick a favorite stratagy but find it hard to go and act out all the theroizing i have done on it. speaking of theory's i love them, i am obbsessed with the creation of the universe and all the things in it probally because there isnt a clear answer so i like to learn about it to come up with one. i love love love to argue and will easily change sides on a arguement just to argue (of course only if it is a good arguement and there are to logical agreeble sides to it) easily grasping on complex impersonal information easily with my intution then being able to think of all the ways that subject could be done in a logical rational way easily winning most arguements even of subjects i really no nothing about being able to take what they say and turn it around on them (there are always to ways of looking at something, and i can easily see that. the uncovered is basically exactly who i am, i really only see people as outlets or connections to help me get what i want, not that i dont enjoy others company, i just dont really care about others that much. people that make it obviouse they dont like i make there life a living hell making it easy for everyone else in the social group to see how they are evil and how they try to hurt people even though this probally isnt the full extent of the truth im able to exaggerate peoples actions logically making what i say seem to make perfect sense and i am very pursuasive and will constantly get others to agree with me. i think very highley of my self and have a high self cofindece becasue i do make perfect sense in all situations and i am always right, thats not an opinion its a fact. -- the man
A11 A10, thats the truest definition of ENTPs i know to -- @sirac
A12 i'm an entp and extremely proud of it. for me, learning is a lifelong thing, hence trying out new things every now and then. when i was a child i was an academic achiever, garnering awards left and right, but soon discovered the wonders of literature and focused on that during my high school years. eventually, i took up creative writing in university. after university, i decided to enter the media industry, dabbled in entertainment, investigative journalism, travel, business, etc. now i am doing investment analysis - so much for having to do with literature! recently i have been into sports as well, which is quite amusing for people who have known me when i was a kid since i was labeled as "unfit." i'm currently training for triathlon, and am dabbling into surfing, skating, rock climbing, dragonboat paddling. i like traveling a lot, and inasmuch as i am an E, i demand a lot of time alone. i get extremely excited when meeting an interesting person, but when the person is too hyper and enthusiastic, i get tired trying to keep up with the person and would rather be alone. my friends are mostly interest-based as i tend to keep grave and personal matters to myself. like most ENTPs here, i am also horribly disorganized, although i have my weird methods of arrangement (arranging clothes by color, segregating paper clips by color, etc) as well. i have an ego the size of the pacific ocean and hates being helped because it makes me feel inadequate. i also don't like being in a bureaucratic/hierarchial environment and will never work well with a boss or an immediate superior. when starting a project i am extremely enthusiastic, especially during the brainstorming part, but follow-throughs and wrapping things up are usually my waterloo. i secretly wish that people would see things the way i do, although when some of them do, i have that nagging fear that they could be smarter than me. i have an aversion to groups of females and rarely choose to hang out with girls because they demand too much time, get really loud, noisy, and irritating, and connect too much on an emotional level. i love my boy-space-friends and family to bits because they respect my independence and need for time alone. i like it when people find me funny. oh and what else - i like things i cannot fully understand. anything complex fascinates me. -- marga
A13 oh and one more thing - i rarely get approached romantically. the few instances that i do all end up going nowhere because i am "dominant." Like A2, i know for a fact that i'm attractive but men (especially here in patriarchal and chauvinistic Philippines!) consider me as a blow to their ego because i tend to beat them (and get a kick out of it) at what they do, be it in sports, work, or simply just by imposing my authority. -- marga
A14 marga are you a filipino desent? most fillipino i have typed are esfp... rarely do i see an filipino entp. -- Jas
A15 @A10, Wow, I don't think any ISFp in their right mind would ever consider dating you. You'll hafta look for somone of a dif. type. ISFps want caring romantic partners. -- ISFp
A16 a15, i think if an entp ever includes anyone( and in most cases it will be an isfp) in their little circle, they will treat those people differently. -- Jas
A17 A16, I suppose ur right. Come to think of it the ENTp I know definitely treats me better than other people. Personally I would still never consider someone who was uncaring towards most but that's just me. -- A15 (ISFp)
A18 1. I am freakin messy. My room is like a pigsty and all my things are messed up. 2. I am clumsy. 3. I like to argue. 4. I hate people who INSIST that i be organized and submit to authority. 5. I think a lot. I love difficult theories. 6. I appear like an introvert sometimes because I get bored by certain people. 7. I like to start new things but stop them after a while. 8. I am ambitious. 9. I do not like big groups of people where they are "high". 10. I like to draw parallels between everything on earth. 11. I can get close to people but dislike discussing feelings. 12. I may not do the things that I say I will do, so I do not dare to make promises. i agree with A1 and A8 -- Anonymous
A19 Jas, yes I am. Full-blooded. Yup, ENTP women in the Philippines are very, very rare. In fact, my high school guidance counselor told me back then that I was the only ENTP in my batch. Bragging rights much? -- Marga
A20 Can I say that they teach meyer beiggs in the phillippines? Just wants to know the phillpino i interact with might be fimilar with these terms -- Jas
A21 They don't exactly teach it here; they just make us take it. -- marga
A22 @A9 & A8, identical types also have similer personalities. -- Anonymous
A23 Why do all of the EnTps on here describe themselves in a way that makes them sound introverted? -- Anonymous
A24 A23, Some introverts act extroverted. Some extroverts act introverted. -- Anonymous
A25 A-6 I can totally relate. I had to laugh at "the sick part" Co-Dependency is hell!!! But I am an ISTP? -- ORANNASTARR
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