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Question #1203764263Saturday, 23-Feb-2008
Category: Hidden Agenda ENTp ESTp
I'm a little bit confused about the hidden agenda "to be loved." Doesn't everyone want to be loved? And why would Fe equate with love? I mean SLEs and ILEs have "to be loved" as their hidden agenda because they have Fe as a third function and it's what they seek in their duals right? But Fe is not love. To be strong in Fe does not mean you will be loving. Could somebody please help me understand this hidden agenda? Thanks!! -- curious
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A1 i'll explain it from this perspective. often in any form of learning one needs an 'ideal-[i.e.gas/model]' from which one can figure 'extraneous solutions' so-that one gets a fit to observed data (indeed ur observation is correct in it's objections in many accounts). Here goes: always work with your personality models in the following way.. always assume a 'busi-ness model'...that is a personality is busy with there primary two functions. for an ILI (this is my ideal model in-which separate effects are properly separated so-that u can see separate effects) the primary 2 (or prim and sec func) produce models. this leaves a person of that affect with a lot of things which they can give. however in a realistic world, such a person does not always have a place that they feel can receive from them (P/J enimity is developed by such individuals in an extreme form...or any other enimity/hate/opposition)..even doubled to this effect [in an ILI] is cause of introversion; less networks are available in a social world (where time socializing equates very well to social stature) with which to discharge 'work made'....hence in ILI's a very strong awareness of PoLR...broadly given in those humanistic terms as [a PoLR] 'to love'. You would notice in this explaination that i juncture Socionics with 'typical human need/human development psychology'. of-course to 'be loved' is a very typical human effect. as u probably a SEE or one of the others with a Fe PoLR... i feel it would be out of step to speak to u directly on that line.. as then it would be a step of political indoctrination...and if i did such, the free gift which many SEEs give would be negated (a free gift by means of being 'in the way of'). for a Fe PoLR...Fe having nothing to do with love..only to be seen as a human function of psychic energy invested in directions which would be called Fe..that is in the form of human attention directed to human..and thus called Fe... i also found trouble with this Fe PoLR in concept... for it would mean a Prim.Secondary function directed to such an extent that this person would probably 'feel that Great Negative(cause it was a great negative in the ILI description)' of 'needing to be loved' they feel slights of having other types not being able to fully understand or follow them. So greetings..this is my gift to your kind...given in such a way that it is questionable, as every gift has been that i have experienced from the Great Nether on whose tit i suck by virtue of my primary two functions. -- @sirac
A2 i think they mean to be accepted or well-liked by other people. -- Anonymous
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