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Question #1203412854Tuesday, 19-Feb-2008
Category: ESFj Advice
me, esfj I have a problem where i get frustrated when ppl dont get to the point of a meeting (work). wondering where this comes from? what can I do to stop from being overly exertive? -- john
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Learn to be patient. -- Anonymous
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A2 I think you neednt do anything to stop being exertive, maybe just try learning to be patient with naturally slow people. Overall I think this is exactly what Ejs are in this world for. It is what I admire in my ESFj cousin, that she is able to make every meeting both productive and fun. When I forget to proceed to the point, she reminds me about it, at the same time not spoiling the fun and not being harsh. But how she manages, I dont know... -- Anonymous
A3 Try to develop your Si more. -- Anonymous
A4 Valuim -- Anonymous
A5 As A1 said, just take the time to be more patient. -- INFp
A6 work on your own -- Anonymous
A7 Let everyone in the group list their strengths and the type of work they are interested in doing for the group. Don't tell people what to do or don't assign it yourself. Make each of them responsible for their own work with a deadline of when the work must be ready. When in a meeting or group, don't look for getting to any point. Be open minded because it encourage brainstorming, innovative ideas and problem solving. That way you can acquire more options and even better solutions by looking at possibilities, cause and effect,determine the problem and executing goals and its process, while getting everyone equally involve. -- ISTP
A8 stop being a picky goat and look at the bigger picture ( which u cant because ur esfj) and stop crapping on and being pedantic over unimportant details -- Anonymous
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