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Question #1201291935Friday, 25-Jan-2008
Category: ISFp INFp
My question is: how can I tell if I'm an INFP or an ISFP? I've been chewing on this one for awhile. I feel more like an ISFP, but others I have asked say I'm more like an INFP, but I'm not sure why. . . -- someone
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Maybe you're J -- Anonymous
A2 For you, do senses take precedence over whimsicalness? Do you consider yourself artsy rather than dreamy? If so, then you're probably an ISFP. Are you intrigued by unique or weird things, but you would never duplicate what you see, because you would rather conform? Are you ok with things that are ordinary as long as they have intrinsic value? If so, then you're probably an INFP. -- INFP --> PharmD
A3 yeah...i have the same problem. blah. i have a really hard time answering the questions on the tests, i'd rather they dealt with situations. like "you woke up late on a friday morning and have no ride to school. do you walk, or decide to take a long weekend?" or something like that. hm, maybe that has something to do with the s/n thing. i guess it might. (help please? D:) -- magic markerssss
A4 If you're asking this question, and reading this website, you're probably INFP. I've never met an ISFP remotely interested in this stuff. It's too theoretical and abstract. Taking the test and getting a career suggestion is probably as far as they would go. Socionics? I don't think so.. but maybe you're the mutant... Anon INFP -- Anonymous
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A5 I have noticed that if a person wonders a lot about their type, and cannot figure out if they have the S or N preference, I would suspect N. A4 makes a more specific case rather well, except for the 'mutant' comment (?). Also of note, I have noticed that I've flubbed the S/N preference as often as anything else when typing celebrities or people I know, and it should be the easy to observe! So if anyone has advice about how to type the S/N preference that would be welcome. -- econdude
A6 A4, I think you are right on. I appreciate the reality check. Also if you're interested, I found a site that helped me determine once and for all that I must be an INFP because I related so closely to the INFP antecdotes: its Well, thanks again! -- someone
A7 I went back and forth for awhile, but decided to take a look at the different cognitive functions (Ne, Se, Ni, Si) of the INFP and the ISFP. INFP = Ne, Si. ISFP = Se, Ni. It really makes a difference which ones you are more comfortable using. I myself guess that I am probably 2/3 N and 1/3 S. Hope this helps, friend. -- INFP
A8 @A7 - The cognitive functions you mentioned are from MBTI, not Socionics (Socionics being, of course, what this website is about). One of the biggest differences between the two is that MBTI and Socionics have the cognitive functions for Introverts reversed - an INTP in MBTI is an INTj in Socionics, for example. So a Socionics INFp would value Ni/Se, and a Socionics ISFp would value Si/Ne. -- Krig (INTj)
A9 Hmmm. I'm wondering this too. One of my best friends is an ISFP, and I looked at her profile and I really connected with it too, as she did, but I connected very well with my own. I'm trying to decide. -- Anonymous
A10 I'm an ISFp and I think that the belief we wouldn't be interested in socionics is a bit ignorant. Actually, a lot of ISXPs are interested in type (though I know we dwarf you N's), but it's because we get obsessed with anything that interests us and we thirst to eat it up by, for instance, reading everything about it we can find online! Maybe I don't love the theoretical (true), but reading about the types and understanding the people around us is still fascinating (maybe from a Feeling perspective for me, and from a technical perspective for an ISTp?) Anyway, it can be hard to know if one is an S or N (I thought I was an NF ten years ago as an older teenager until I was kicked out by the other NFs and told quite unequivocally that I needed to read SP types until I figured out my real type. A few years of searching and growing up and my ISFp type became very apparent.). Also, the ISFp is the most "N"-ish SP type (even though we are definitely SPs). I will say something controversial: If you're confused about type look at the celebrity INFps and the celebrity ISFps. This has helped me when typing a friend or something, in deciding between two similar types. I have been told I look a lot like Claire Forlani (mostly in my expressions) since I was 16 and it continues. ISFp all the way... Incidentally, my ISFj boyfriend smiles a lot like ISFj Elijah Wood. I want to underline that I don't usually use pictures to type people since I'm not THAT good at it yet, but I believe that it helps in times of confusion. I hope this helps you. And I hope you figure yourself out. My vote for you? INFp! -- Anonymous
A11 A4, not at all! ISFp have Ti on their 6th function, this is important. "The Ne blocked with Ti in the super-id means that an SEI derive great enjoyment from ideas and concepts that stimulate his intellectual curiosity along with a great thirst for knowledge that builds upon the SEIs ideals. Anything concept that seems new and novel gains an enormous amount of attention from a SEI." Socionics theory is very interesting for me. -- ISFp
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