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Question #1199998410Thursday, 10-Jan-2008
Category: Typing
I need help typing my boss. Observations: She owns and operates her own taxation/accounting office. My wife and I are her only associates right now but getting into tax season she will be hiring a temp. She treats us very well, pays us decently, and let's us rent a nice little apartment above the office for an amazing price. She is very, very disorganized, the office is a huge mess and attempts to organize are only half-hearted. She consistently and often lies to avoid speaking to clients, doing so only when absolutely necessary and sometimes not even then. She only comes in 75% of the time the office is open, during off-season far less than that, maybe 25%. She should be here nearly 100% of the time. She's Muslim, but doesn't care at all about her religion, I'm not sure she even believes in it, though I think deep down she does. She celebrates Christmas, as a "secular" holiday, but they had a Christmas tree and presents for their daughter. She does care very much about family, and the tradition and ties that come with it, such as arranged marriage, but doesn't really observe her own religious holidays. Eating on days she's not supposed to, and not going to church often. She's consistently bouncing checks, and with a little money management she'd probably be saving a couple hundred dollars in NSF fees each month. However, she is extremely good at what she does. She does make money, her husband is a plant manager at some factory and she makes more money than him annually. Their house is in her name, and so are their cars. She has an extremely good understanding of what she does, and is very clever at finding loopholes for clients and such. Whether this comes from a clever thought process or simply experience I can't quite tell. She gives most of her clients a discount, and doesn't like calling them to pay their bills because she feels bad for them. She refuses to train new associates and has never trained my wife or I properly. It takes a ridiculous amount of pressure to get her to teach us how to do something. She spoils her daughter materially, but has taught her respect and manners. She also buys her fast food every day then wonders why she's overweight and has health problems. My Analysis: My guess for a long time has been INFp. But she doesn't seem to struggle with understanding things. It fits her in a general way, but I'm just not satisfied. E/I = I'd definitely say she leans towards I N/S = Don't know F/T = Probably F J/P = Almost surely P, but could be a depressed J or something else And finally just in case it matters, my wife and I are both INFj. Oh, and if she's INFp, my wife and her get along remarkably well for what I'd expect a Quasi-Identical relationship to be. I'm far more introverted than my wife and don't talk to the boss much, but we do get along pretty well also. -- Azure
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Sounds like an INTp, but it's only a guess. Seeing a picture would help. -- econdude
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A2 if you are sure that she is at least IXFP or XXFP then we can elmaite down to most likely INFP,ISFP or could be ENFP,ESFP... However since you are unsure about N/S and she is definity a perceiving type, that means she must be an introvert. so... INFP or ISFP. -- Jas
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