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Question #1198891369Saturday, 29-Dec-2007
Category: S/N
I've heard that intuitives are complex while sensors are simple. As a sensor while I always prefer simplicity in my external world I'm not so sure that as a human being I'm simple. Any responses to any of this are welcome. -- Anonymous
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A1 Both sensors and intuitives can be highly intelligent and complex. What you find is that sensors tend to focus more on actual events, experiences and possibilities for their philisophical musings and advances, where as intuitives tend to focus more on what can be imagined in the mind, without it necessarily having any basis in real life application. Of course both types are capable of doing both. What you find is that there is a certain element of type bias in socionics, due in part that there are more N type people who have taken an interest in it (this could be due to the fact that the creater of socionics was an N) But the myth of N being complex and S being simple is purely that - a myth, so be wary of such posts as it shows the author lacks a proper understanding of the functions. Indeed, such myths leads to a lot of people mistyping themselves (I see it often on this site for instance) For example I am an S and I am highly philosophical - in fact its possible that I think too much -- Cyclops
A2 I definitely agree with Cyclops. I'm a strong ESFp, and I'm a Philosophy major! I had always been least sure about N/S differences too, though, until I heard someone explain it to me in a different way: Intuitive types tend to define themselves as who they are in relation to a whole and tend to fear being meaningless. Sensing types tend to define themselves as a set of beliefs, understandings, behaviors, opinions, etc and how they use those to interact with the world around them. They tend to fear that they're missing something. So Intuitive types tend to see themselves as a function of the world, whereas Sensing types tend to see themselves as something that interacts with the world. -- Lena (ESFp)
A3 I agree that all types develop into equally complex personalities, and no personality is truly simplistic. One must not confuse personality with the way one prefers to structure or process information. A complex handling of information can be burdensome, inefficient or unproductive. Many complex problems were solved with simplistic approaches. All types are capable and have their own strengths and weaknesses. Also, intelligence, fields of endeavour or success should also not be related to a particular subtype; the human will to accomplish can be equally powerful or weak in any one type. However, I do find it difficult to believe that there is a N-conspiracy on this site. I think that most N actually desire the strength of S, hence gravitate toward their dual, and vice versa. -- I/O
A4 @A2: Whoever explained it to you that way, was wrong. That's completely useless advice in telling if you are S or N. -- INTp
A5 to A4: I take issue with people telling others that they are wrong without providing a solution themselves. -- someone
A6 @A5: Then you have a issue, "thanks" for informing me, I might ask:"so?". Solution: the way she understood it before, was probably more correct. -- INTp
A7 I agree with A1 and A2; great insights. -- Anonymous
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A8 A6 is only capable of criticising. And isn't even very capable of that. -- Anonymous
A9 @A8: Don't shoot the messenger, if the message is something you don't like to hear. Wether you like it or not, it won't change the truth. If you rather live in a likeable lie, that of course is entirely your own choice. -- INTp
A10 I tend to agree with A6, but I have an explanation to A2. It sounds like you're describing NJs versus NPs. NJs are better at defining themselves by their set of beliefs and values. NPs, keep their options open, and feel like they are "a function of the world" as you put it, while NJs are "interacting in the world". The difference is Ss gather information from reality, and Intuitives take the "unknown" into account. Both types are complex, but Intuitives see the world as complex because there is always a missing piece. Sensors are more confident and see the world as less complex because the focus on what is known, and don't think about the unknown. -- INFPPPPP
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