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Question #1198802785Friday, 28-Dec-2007
Category: INTj IXTx women Relationship ENTp
Which type do INTJ females really prefer? I've heard ENTP and INTJ are recommended. Are F's just too feely? -- anonymous
Your Answers: 1+ 14+
A14 A11: "any deep conversation their eyes gloss over": that might be the general tendency with ESFps, yes, but I would like to add that one ESFp guy I know (the one I mentioned in my first post)is not the case. He loves discussions on history, archaelogy and S-F literature, and he has been giving lectures on theology for five years. There are always exceptions -- Ezis
A15 I am an INTJ female in a longer term (7 year) relationship with an ENFJ guy. We are attracted by our opposites; we are also repelled by them!! That's it in a nutshell. The "feely" part does annoy me more than anything. I am almost like the guy in the relationship because he always wants to talk about our relationship and I respond with "maybe later". We end up fighting when we do talk because he wants me to validate him all the time and I think that he is too sensitive. I want to say, "Be a MAN!" Thing is, he IS a man; just a bothersome emotional one. We've broken up and made up so many times over the years that I've lost count. I just need a break from it every now and then. God help us if we ever got drunk enough to get married or some fool thing like that! -- Lydia in Denver, CO
A16 I dont think thats a good match, Mirror just lack warm amtomsphere. -- Jas [Ni] [Ti]
A17 Not all F types are too F-eely, and not all T types are too T-eely -- Joe
A18 I totally agree with A1. An NT needs another NT. It takes an NT to understand another NT, and how can you truly be in love with someone if you don't get them at all?! Besides, S types bore us to tears and say stupid things. -- entp
A19 I the NT is annoyed by all S types as well, so I dun get why we're supposed to be most compatible with them... -- Anonymous
A20 anybody we can tolerate and even like after 6 months of being with them in and out...i personally prefer the NFs types..they show me things i cannot see.. due to my weak sensing and weak regard for others emotions.. it is wonderful to grow as a person then..also some NFs can be very patient and explain everything as it needs to be explained to an INTj.. frankly for me this relationship has worked wonderfully for the last 20 years -- INTJ female
A21 I think it is ridiculous to say that NFs are irrational and illogical inasmuch as it is ridiculous to say that NTs are emotionless or emotionally shallow, etc. There are definitely those of each group that are that way - as a fault, not as a rule. Very few NTs I know (which are many) have less than a deep well of emotions and accompanying analyses of them, just as very few NFs I know (which are many, because I believe they are the most suited to loving us and being loved by us [in the most functional and least fluffy sense of the word 'loved']) are any less than calm caring highly intellectual and deep-thinking conversational partners. NT analyses of emotions and NF care for thoughts should not be construed as an absence of emotions or thoughts, respectively. It is a grave mistake and a sad way to live one's life. So, having defended my beloved NFs, I will reiterate that it would greatly behoove the INTj female to seek an INFx. Of course, in any type, a balanced person that can recognize and work past, whether emotionally or intellectually, their own baggage is most important as any type, whatever one's personal preference, can be Hell in a handbasket without such moderation. -- INFx < 3
A22 A2 wrote: "A person's mind/logical nature might impress me but it never gains respect points in my book..." Hmm... interesting, never looked upon it that way before. No, why should there be a natural link between impressed and respect. Nothing dictates that. Two different things. Thanks ISFp for the clarification. -- ENTp
A23 Oh gosh, no. I am far more attracted to male feelers than thinkers. -- Anonymous
A24 male feelers can be real evil though the amount of emotional power they have, without even knowing it, and Se often means aggression. Im thinking ESFps in particular... at least the ESTp cares about being loved, for a good example of an T type as oppose to an F type -- Th
A25 I am an INTJ and I know I need an ENFP -- Anonymous
A26 Perhaps it's that i'm borderline when it comes to F and T, but i'm VERY happy with my INFp. I tend to be most attracted to INFp's or ENFj's. -- Kay (INTj)
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A27 INTJ female here. I have never been in a committed relationship with an ENTP, but my ****ing god. The only two people I have ever had amazingly exciting friendships with are ENTPs. One is female (my best friend), the other is male. If he wasn't married I would **** the **** out of him. Plus I hear ENTP males are (forgive me) *sluts*, and I can tell he's attracted to me. Lucky for his wife, I despise infidelity, so he's not getting anything from me. But yeah, if I EVER meet a male ENTP like this one, I'm raping him. Hope I helped hahaha. -- No.
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