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Question #1194874322Monday, 12-Nov-2007
Category: ISFj INFj Typing S/N
What are some major differences between ISFj and INFj? -- ana
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A22 A21 the comment although valid to a certain point is a bit harsh and decisive. is not necessarily better than or the other way around. They are simply two modes of living and to label someone creative and intellectual based on their function is bit too conclusive. It is true that N's are more driven to theorize and speculate, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are more intelligent than a sensor. There exits some sensors on contrary who score fairly well on iq test; so correlation between intelligence and intuition is not 100% certain. Moreover,the world is filled with people having vast difference in perspective. Alas, one perspective is not "better" or the "upper hand" than someone else's. The only valid claim here is that intuitors are rarer than sensors and since rare things are often more valued , it is a common misconceptions for some intuitors to look down upon sensors, but such degrading is not constructive or effective in solving problems. Infjs and Isfj are very similar. S's are more likly to focus on the present and details. They are keenly aware of their immediate surroundings while N's are a bit more absentminded and follow a thought pattern that skips to the conclusion predicted. Infj's are a bit more socially outcast than Isfj's since they don't value following the societal norm as much as Isfj who will strive very much to establish relationships for the sake of doing things rather than to really discuss ideas. Well there's my two cents on the matter and you don't have to agree with me. -- Pineapple
A23 Get off your high-horse, A21. Some "S" people are just as capable of highly theoretical thinking as "N" people. Whereas, some "N" people have no choice, because their appreciation for the external world is nonexistent.. which is pretty depressing. -- istp
A24 I agree with A17's corrections. As for A23, yeah, A21 was pretty obnoxious. Oh, not to mention - WRONG. -- Anonymous
A25 why do you guys think that creativity equals intuition??? ISFjs are more centered in the real world and real happenings. I can say they're more down to earth and realistic. Their actions and reasoning are based on what they can sense, even their imagination too. Of course, this DOES NOT MEAN that ISFjs or any Sensor has a lower aptitude for abstract thinking. They just gather information differently than INFjs. At least that's what I think XD -- Anonymous
A26 A19 sounds obnoxious. i hope your infj friend punches you in the face. -- infj
A27 A21 has some issues and like to stir the "pot", I am glad I do not have their personality trait- -- Anonymous
A28 a21 ... If it weren't for the selfless "stupid" work ISFJs do . . . N's probably wouldn't have food or shelter, the basic physiological needs. Mother Theresa is thought to be an ISFJ. She new that it wasn't about feeding a million people, it was about one at a time. Don't ever dis ISFJ's. They are very selfless, loving, commited people who are often taken for granted. It's like the story of the hungry grasshopper (Ns) and the hard-working ants (S). I greatly look up to those with (S) preference, because to me they seem to be much more down to earth. I wouldn't trade my creativity for that, but I would never bite the hand that feeds me. -- INFJ
A29 A21 you are an ass. And yes, I am an INFJ. -- Anonymous
A30 You can find a short and good explanation of the difference in the answer 07/31/2006 at -- piccolo_michel
A31 Bet a 1,000 bucks A21 is an INTJ anyone?? -- Anonymous
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