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Question #1193562692Sunday, 28-Oct-2007
Category: INTj INTp Intertype Relations
What is it about INTJ and INTP personalities that make them clash? I realize this isn't a black and white thing however what is it that makes them not get along? -- Nibs
Your Answers: 1+ 34+ 46+ 62+
A62 Back to Yogurt's initial argument on subjectivity and objectivity - I'm pretty sure I agree. She doesn't believe that you can fly if you believe you can, well, not in any practical sense. There is no way to know if you're deluded or not, something she said. Flying was just an example that would generally be thought of as absurd, for the sake of absurdity. I'm having trouble explaining this better than she did, but - it doesn't really matter if what you experience is real or not, as it is to you, and living your life thinking that everything is fake is just as absurd as living your life thinking everything is dead accurate, assuming that if you experience it, is must be objective. I don't think Yogurt was saying that just because you can't experience anything objectively that you might as well go on living your life as a fairy tale. Well, I doubt that will be understood as I meant it, but at least I tried. By the way, I'm new to Socionics. I'm fairly certain I'm an INTj, but being able to understand Yogurt's logic (or at least, think I did - if I completely missed the point, forgive me) and being unable to describe it completely accurately has led me to believe I'm an INTp. It even says on the profiles that INTp's often mistake themselves for INTj's. Ah well, use that for help in analyzing my argument. -- Andruth
A63 I know an INTp and an INTj, and the INTp thinks the INTj is "too weird" -- Anonymous
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A64 I haven't posted here before but I just stumbled upon this long and rambling discussion. I've read pretty much every post up to A63. I'm not a Psych or Philosophy major, I just have a major interest in it. Recently, my INTp wife of 12 years lost her job and is now in the middle of a career exploration course. She's brought home loads of junk on Myers-Briggs, True Colors, yada yada yada... Eventually after deconstructing her they'll build her back up to hopefully get a good job. My point here is that through the discussions we've had recently, especially after pulling back the veil and seeing our types and how we perceive the world, we're finding ourselves "in the moment" a bit more, helping us understand each other. How the hell I've lived 12 years with an INTp (i'm an INTj), especially after reading up on the types, is beyond me. I don't know my boss's type, but he drives me nuts as well as he's totally incompetent and couldn't organize to save his life (and he's a 'yes-man'). God-willing, I won't go postal. Thank god I have a beautiful daughter to keep me going (and I would swear she's INTj to boot!). From my perspective, the capacity of an INTj to look for the best in others is what has allowed me to take a step back and see that my INTp wife has a lot of untapped career potential. get back to the initial question, my view is that the clash is partly due to an INTp not realizing what they're fully capable of. If my wife ends up doing something she likes and can make some money out of it, I would totally back off. -- Anonymous
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