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Question #1193562692Sunday, 28-Oct-2007
Category: INTj INTp Intertype Relations
What is it about INTJ and INTP personalities that make them clash? I realize this isn't a black and white thing however what is it that makes them not get along? -- Nibs
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A34 I'm female ya'll. Do I sound like a guy or something? I've heard about how the Socionics INTP = the Myers Briggs INTJ from some people. I think that's odd. How am I a J in any way under any system? I'm regularly late to class, and my room is a mess. I've read books based on Myers Briggs like Please Understand Me. I matched the INTP profile from PUM but not the INTJ profile. I actually knew an INTJ. She was clearly a different creature. There were lots of misunderstandings in our relationship and so I don't talk to her anymore. LOL In conclusion, typing me as a J would be a huge mistake. I actually found out that I was an INTP from a website based on Myers Briggs. So I'm INTP all the way! And to the person who suggested that I might me INFP, I say you're funny. -- yogurt
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A35 I am not sure I completely agree with the punctuated clash that supposedly typifies an INTp-INTj relationship. My girlfriend is INTp and I am INTj and we are more compatible than I ever expected I could find myself to be with anyone else. It is true we sometimes find ourselves in discourse that turns competitive, and sometimes argue semantics although we agree on the fundamental point. But I glean a new perspective from her that otherwise might not have occurred to me and learn something new and profound from her everyday. I am a better person and have grown as a human being for my relationship with her. -- Anonymous
A36 I stumbled across this site as a part of my research for a project (I'm analyzing the effects of long term music training on personality). I was just shocked at how readily people are willing to piggeon-hole themselves. I cannot honestly look at someone and go "Oh, ESTJ it is!" Only about half the people taking the test for a second time (after 9 months) will receive the same personality catagory. People are rarely distinctly one thing or another and I think it is rather foolish to judge people by this. -- Anonymous
A37 You should be careful about using the word foolish. I think that people know better than to pigeon hole themselves or people. I think that people use socionics as a guide and not as something that they live by word for word. Come on now. Give people some credit. -- yogurt
A38 A37 you misunderstand, music can change your life AND your personality -- Anonymous
A39 Music can change my mood, but whether I'm happy or sad, I'm still an INTP. -- yogurt
A40 Back to A30 and bias of language. No doubt it exists, I suppose, but I am of the thinking, perhaps being a strongly expressing N, that my understanding of reality is hindered by language generally only when I try to communicate my understanding to others. I mean sure, it is easy to claim that it superficially influences, because, sure it does superficially influence our view of reality. But isn't that what being an N is about...pulling out the abstraction of meaning, the essence of of whatnot, regardless of the specific mode of communication. -- wineburrito
A41 A40 Ni is the most vague out of all the functions. What do you think Ni is -- Anonymous
A42 I find it insulting that you INTj people poke fun at INTp people. Because we all know how worthless INTp folk really are?! Who said yogurt is anything but a troll?! The universe was still happening before humans came about. One persons thoughts about reality don't change reality, and if they think (read *know) they can fly with out merit, that certainly doesn't change reality. For we all see each other all of the time, we bare witness. I had a point to clarify the good INTp name, but I'm so aggravated at the arrogance of you INTj people that I cannot remember correctly. That and your understanding of Ni could use some reworking, for you clearly don't understand our merit. Ti, as I understand it, is about matching, organizing, categorizing, empiricalizing*hehheh*, information to ones greatest and tireless ability. Ni, however, is about destination, or intention. It's not concerned with facts, but patterns that are given meaning by their previous association with in ones mind. The association that gives facts meaning occurs when the fact happens, what happens from it, how it is accounted for, the facts that are associated with it such as color, time, opinion, sensation, impact, and so on. While you ridicule the method of Ni, there can be little argument that the associations that build Ni happen from perceiving the real world. That you people would mock the INTp by saying he/she should stick with business as a career speaks mounds of your insecurity concerning that which you do not understand. The INTp is capable of bringing deeper meaning/understanding in various artistic fields like music, drawings, language, and philosophy. That you would exclude the INTp from science is sheer ignorance, for science will grow into all fields of understanding. Furthermore, all understanding is necessary, all understanding is useful. You who pride yourself in being correct*, are behaving as having one opinion. That you would prize group praise over being more correct. Your words are dishonest in insult, for an insult is without purpose if not to adjust ones status in a group. -- not an INTj
A43 @a42 - As one of the INTjs who've posted on this topic, I'm a little confused by your post. When did any of the three people who've self-identified as INTj in this thread ever poke fun at or otherwise denigrate INTps? There were some fairly rude things said by anonymous posters who didn't identify their own type, but there was nothing like you describe from the INTjs here. I, for one, completely understand the value and usefulness of Ni, and was only debating the difference between subjective and objective reality, and also observing how the two sides (Ni and Ti) form arguments and counter-arguments. I can't speak for the others, but for me there is no personal malice or contempt here at all, merely an academic interest in the subject at hand. You're accusing the wrong people! -- Krig (INTj)
A44 Hello Krig, Thank you for responding to my comment. When I posted the "not an intj" comment, I had been going backwards from the last thread that had anything to do with the keyword intp. So my comment was more of an explosion from having gotten so far. As for this thread? I've noticed that some people equate insanity and chaos with Ni. The trouble is that people understand your way of thinking Krig, they do not understand ours. It's obvious from comments linking people like Yogurt with the INTp personality type. Also, because people posting to this topic are likely to be INTp or INTj, I added most and not all of the negative comments to people of the INTj type. I'm sorry if I did in fact blame the wrong group. I certainly hope that to be the case. It's just that my type has a lot of explaining to do, and social ridicule causes people to pay less attention to explanations. My twin brother is an INTj and I of course am an INTp. We get along very well and are always talking about ideas, inventions, and video games. We were both raised in a very religious house, I however studied religion so as to have a masterful understanding of it while he did not. I became an Atheist and he remained a Christian. However on this site, INTp are said to be way more likely to believe in a religion while INTj are said to be commonly Atheist. As if saying that INTp, because they see the world through Ni, are more likely by far to develop world views based on someone else's encapsulated intuitive thought, like religion. As if saying that a car with its headlights on is more likely to crash while driving at night, than a car without its headlights on. But when someone is navigating the world through a Ni understanding, Ni becomes unable to deceive them, for they are masterful of those kinds of thoughts, from knowing what they are made of. Now my twin brother got married to another INTj, and she is also a Christian. However, every INTp I can think of*maybe I'm being biased, I don't know, I don't have a Te or Ti memory* is either Agnostic, Atheist, or hasn't bothered to pick a label. While INTj people seem to be extremely interested in religion*read Spirituality, Asian philosophy, and God(s)*. I have looked for it but was unable to find it, a comment made by someone saying that INTp should stick with business and INTj should stick with science. You may wonder why I take offense, but from my point of view, there is a common thread relating INTp with uselessness in the fields of Science and actual understanding. Deny as you might, and I realize that one INTj is usually the first to disagree with another INTj, there still seems to be some INTp bashing going on. I'm sorry to be long winded, but as for subjective reality? I believe that is information in relation to a person? Like, "what does gravity mean to me?" *chuckles* That more or less seems like an attempt to discredit Ni. Ni, however, is just a way of perceiving reality. The whole chaos and insanity that seem to be related to Ni, is a funny matter. I would really like to go into a more in-depth explanation about the modifiable information surrounding everything to do with human understanding, but I've said enough already. I will say that Ni grabs hold of unseen information regarding things that people think steady, unmoving, and unmodifiable. With hands grasped firmly, they begin to move around and further toy with said information until the person(s) who is(are) watching, begin to get a sense of instability(chaos, insanity). However, the fact that other people are able to feel the instability bares witness that the INTp is modifying *something. The question I beg to be looked at: is the information useful for furthering understanding in academia like core science. Philosophy created science, and as I understand it, that which an object is built with is what you should use to create more objects. I mean to say, "what is the substance". -- Lord Java the 3rd
A45 Ah, found it. An article written by "Sergei Ganin" titled "INTj or INTp?". It gives quite the reason to be upset, saying that "INTjs are in their element when involved with science, invention, innovation, discovery, theory, explanation, interpretation, philosophy etc. And that "INTps are in their element when involved with business, enterprise, commerce, industry, trade, financial institutions, church etc." And that Krig, is nothing more than red hot flame. You guys didn't even give us Philosophy... Not even philosophy. But thanks, thanks a lot for church. Because while INTps may detest church and the like, we are in our "element" when we choose it as a career. You are kindling hatred, so who ever wrote that is either a fool or looking for a flame war. ... "in their element" *hatred* -- Lord Java the 3rd
*Please note that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of*
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