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Question #1193526350Saturday, 27-Oct-2007
Category: ENFp
are most well develop ENFP always so imature? or is it just me -- ENFJ
Your Answers: 1+
A1 There are immature people of all types. Just like there are mature people of all types. -- Anonymous
A2 Define immaturity -- ISTp
A3 It's just you. -- Anonymous
A4 I agree with have to define immaturity. I am an ENFP. My husband is an ISTP. He sometimes sees my actions or better put zest for life immature. I don't think all types look at it that way. I feel as though I'm a very mature and responsible person. I have 2 little girls, a full time job and am currently in school as well. At the end of the day, I feel like sometimes some people just misunderstand our playfulness, optimism and zeal as immature. Personally, don't like to be so serious all the time(even though I can be when the time is appropriate). To me, life would be boring without a high-spirit and a highly optimistic attitude. I don't see that as immature. Maybe you are a type that is more logical and concrete and you just percieve these dominant traits of the ENFP immature. Basically, I rambled all this to say I think that ENFP's are largely misunderstood. Though I'm sure underdeveloped ENFP's could be very immature...and to be completely honest...we are all immature to some degree. It just depends on what you can deal with and what you can't -- ENFP
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A5 I agree with A2 as well, you have to define immaturity. ExxP's in general are rather playful, even as adults, but playfullness shouldn't be mistaken for immaturity. Also, I have yet to see proof that there is a correlation between immaturity and personality type. From personal experience I'm intended to say there is none. -- voot (ENFP)
A6 i think everyone missed that the person that asked is an enfj.. that should answer most of it -- jeffpecina
A7 Some may see the ENFp's childlike enthusiasm and optimism as immature but they're generally not. When they need to be serious and introspective, they can and do. I'm sure these qualities are beneficial to ISTp's who needs an enthusiastic, lighthearted, dual. Keeping in mind, as A6 posted, you're an ENFj and desire the opposite of ENFp, a strict, serious, negativist dual (ISTj) -- An INFj
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