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Question #1193394288Friday, 26-Oct-2007
Category: Duality ISFp ENTp
What is the reasearch or logic behind the dualty pairs? For example why would an ISFP be best paired with an ENTP? -- Natalie
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A1 I think that it is because all their funtion Dominant,Auxiliary,Tertiary,Inferior are not the same, they all have different funtions for each level of their funtion and thefore not affecting each other's weak point. there are other types that may also have different funtion than your type but lets use isfp-entp as an example. isfp dominant is introvert-feeling and entp is extrovert-intuition their second funtion are extrovert-sensing and introvert thinking. it is all opposite and it does not aligned it to your weakness nor is it like someone's total opposite whose weakest funtion is someone's dominant funtion which can create a problem. -- Not proven but it is what i specuate
A2 The logic of why the relations work well is in the description of "relations of duality," and makes good sense: "They usually understand each other's intentions without any need to say a word..." On the other hand, the research behind it, if there is any, would be a useful addition to the site. I know an enfj and istj couple that seems very compatible and loving, but I don't see a lot of validation for socionics in the real world because I don't know a lot of couples and I don't know the type of everyone I meet (conditions a research study would require). Also, the book "Just Your Type," includes research that would seem to contradict the idea that relations of duality are ideal. Of course, research contradicts other research all the time. It's still nice to have. -- learning
A3 for isfp, A1 has described isfj ... isfps have intro sensing and extro feeling as first and second in that order -- Anonymous
A4 I am usually not attracted to extroverts, being introverted. I have a hard time communicating with sensors, being intuitive. Thinking/feeling and J vs P doesn't usually have much to do with who I'm attracted to. I dated a dual once and I really don't think that's my ideal partner. I'm currently seeing an ISFP. -- INTP
A5 @A3: What is your source for this information? What is the proof? Becaue I am an ISFP and I'm pretty sure that my feeling is not extroverted because everyone that I ask to guess my type says they think I'm a T type not an F type if my F were extroverted wouldn't that make it more obvious to others? -- Anonymous
A6 I am an ISFF man and ISFP are Feeling introverted and sensing extroverted. There is no doubt. Socionics has it wrong and MBTI has it right. ISFP like myself are easy going people who like harmony and we do not express our feeling very well as they are inside of us. We like to talk about what we sense. FOr example, our day or your day in what you did. Or what we experienced, if we are cold or hot, tired, sick etc. On the other hand I have known some ISFJ's and they like to talk about their feeling a lot unlike me. So ISFJ's are the one's who have extroverted feeling not me as an ISFP. So then that may throw off the socionics theory since it is wrong in this matter. -- isfpman
A7 I'll have to correct you guys here and say that many of the xNTps raving on this site aren't NTs. NTs would have your interest in SF matters ... but their SF features are like your NT analytical functions (present but less outwardly expressed - they develop better in "relationships"). MTBI and socionics functions are not the same so you can't see a definition for a function on an MTBI site and then look at socionics psyche-structures, plug it in there and say it's not a good fit. DUALS in socionics will understand one another's intentions and "cover" one another's weak spots. This doesn't mean that you'll like literally everyone who is your dual. -- Anonymous
A8 @A7:"I'll have to correct you guys here and say that many of the xNTps raving on this site aren't NTs." And you base that on what? More likely you are overvaluing dualism. -- Anonymous
A9 It just cracks me up when someone retypes a person based on almost nothing. A7 do you consider yourself NT? In that case I would have to correct you and say that you're not because you aren't being very logical and objective in saying that anyone who doesn't agree with you must not be the same type as you. I don't really buy into the duals thing and I'm as INTP as it gets. -- Anonymous
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A10 A9, the keywords are MANY...and "site" as opposed to thread. read some of the posts for yourself. - NTs would have your interest in SF matters ... but their SF features are like your NT analytical functions (present but less outwardly expressed - they develop better in "relationships"). What about that statement says anything about me personally? - i've spent enough time analyzing functional relations so i consider my own opinion credible enough but i'm not interested in continuing a debate; to answer your question, yes. also notice my last statement was "this doesn't mean that you'll like literally everyone who is your dual." i openly dislike most. -- Anonymous
A11 A10 some of the posts I'm sure you're referring to ("many of the xNTp's raving on this site aren't NT") are probably me. That post didn't say much about you personally, no, but I assumed you considered yourself NT since you disagreed with the NT posts and decided therefore they weren't really NT's . False logic. My dual is supposed to be ESFP? I've really been very averse to ALL ESFP's I've met and just because they may have strengths that I don't, I really don't see myself marrying any. The functions are not the same?! Same names, same attitudes... why does socionics seem like a half-hazard cop-off of MBTI? -- Anonymous
A12 because isfp's are silly and need the clever entp to look after them. and entp's will be cool hanging out one on one and still making the isfp part of the world. and entp will not push isfp to talk feelings. and they communicate in another language.. so feelings are presented not as scary exposure but in a different dream type way. -- Anonymous
A13 Well the logic is that one partner completes the other and vice versa so together they make a "whole". I do independent research of my own and have confidence that socionics is valid and I can give personal examples (in all the many married relations I've come across I've found duality once) but instead to answer your question would require references to Carl Jung who established the basics of personality functions and so on and so forth but you already knew that as that's here on the website. Perhaps you want statistics that show successful married ISFP and ENTp couples as a legitimate research method instead of a theorhetical description that implies successful marriages, etc. As a matter of fact I do not think I have come across any socionic website that gives case examples of duality, most of the time they focus on the theory and examples of pyschological types. Perhaps there is a confidentiality agreement preventing publication of case examples or copyright issues or even ethical boundaries or socionics does not want to be mistaken for a dating service like other websites that do give case examples but lack the same quality of explanations...I hate those commercials: "when I first met sally I knew right away she was the one...thanks anonymous dating service"...socionics new years resolution should be to substantiate intertype relations with real case examples - break with tradition and make it visible! Correct me if I'm wrong but Carl Jung never did that nor Aushra Augustinavichute or any socionics website to date. -- Anonymous
A14 A6, if you think so, what are you doing on socionic page? -- ISFp
A15 The "logical" proposition of duality is that cognitive functions (as defined by socionics) exist in polarities which harmoniously complete each other: Ne to Si, Se to Ni, Te to Fi, etc. Further intertype relationships are (rather imaginatively) "developed" from this basis. -- Anonymous
A16 A6: you're calling the entire theory of socionics wrong based on the 4 letter code you have discovered for yourself, as if the 4 letter code of ISFP (an MBTI designation) were immutable. There is no logic in such a claim since the 4-letter abbreviation is entirely irrelevant; it ultimately means nothing. The 4-letter code is only a representation of the functions underneath; so whether you call yourself ISFP or ISFj, your functions of Fi and Se remain the same. We only use 4-letter codes in order to make talking about this stuff convenient and easy; the letters themselves don't mean anything about your personality other than shorthand for the functions that you use. -- Anonymous
A17 oppositese attract -- an ISFp
A18 For many many many MANY reasons! I'm an ENTp and I love everything about ISFps. One of the main thing is that they make me feel completely safe and never play mind games. They are too positive and harmony oriented for that. -- ISFp lover
A19 As A15 explained it, functions harmoniously complete each other in the case of duality, BUT,BUT,BUT, it ONLY works when INTERESTS, CULTUR and AIMS in life are compatible! Duality only brings the most efficient help, nothing else! -- piccolo_michel
A20 A18: aww that's nice. ENTps ARE so smart and clever, helping my weak functions. But, yes ENTps lack this inner sense of well being that we ISFps....naturally are? Hehe. Like A19 and Rick of states for successful relationships, made better by Duality, you need similar INTERESTS, CULTURE & AIMS in life. -- jezrouƩ
A21 I'm an ESFP, and I currently have a close circle of friends that are INTP (guys and girls). we all get along ridiculously well. and we are there for each other in any imaginable way, and I am totally sexually attracted to the girl ones. I think I will be dating one of them soon, as soon as I choose which one. Duality is the best relationship ever. (based on my own real-life-social experiences) if you disagree, then you probably didn't get to know your duals that well at ALL yet. -- ESFP dude
A22 you see how some people youre around are REALLY ANNOYING just because of the way they see things? and some people are REALLY FUNNY because they see things in a similiar way to you? socionics states that the reason for this is the way that your cognitive functions are lined up. and duality means that the functions of this are lined up so that they "play off" each other very well. so interacting with a dual brings joy, because you give each other what you both want, stimulating each other in a very constructive way. like two cogs in a machine slotting together in such a way as to make them run at optimal condition. so in the case of the entp and the isfp, the entp gives knowledge, intellect and understanding to the dumbfounded isfp, and the isfp gives STIMULATION and a constant sense of fun to the bored entp whose people skills can be a bit off at times -- Th
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