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Question #1192959797Sunday, 21-Oct-2007
Category: ENTp Astrology
Is there any correlation between ENTPs and astrological sun signs? -- ENTP
Your Answers: 1+ 35+ 59+ 92+
A59 @A53, why would you want to "impal" someone for writing some stuff on the net you disagree with? I've read threads like this before, and people of all the 12 sun signs can be belong to one MBTI or socionics type. There is no correlation as far as I've observed. I don't personally put any faith in astrology, but I find it interesting in the same way I find ancient mythology and alchemy interesting. To do it a bit of justice, although it doesn't rely on anything rational, it is a lot more complex than just the sun being in one constellation at someone's birth. The focus on sun-signs is a simplification of astrology. Astrology is bull manure, but then so are lots of interesting, symbolic things. -- pandapanda
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A60 No, because astrological signs are bunk. -- Anonymous
A61 Astrology is mysticism, Socionics is psychology, trying to compare the two is like comparing the existence of Leprechauns and Unicorns to Zebras and dogs -- Anonymous
A62 A60 prove this -- Anonymous
A63 @A62, because you are the one that believes in it then you are the one with the burden of proof, YOU prove that they are not. -- Anonymous
A64 A61 please explain why it is mysticism, and explain why mysticism cannot be valid. -- Tarot Man
A65 A63, I make no such claim. You however claim it to be baloney (or bunk if you are a nit-picker), and you claim I believe in it. You are wrong in at least one of those things. The burden of proof resides with you -- A62
A66 @65, first i am not A60, i am simply adding the conversation. 2, A60 never claimed that they thought you believed, they just provided that they didnt think they believed. 3. no one claims that you believe in it, only that if you want to argue with the inexistence of a theory, the person who claims that exists is the one who must provide the proof. If you claim to have a purple unicorn in your living room you must prove it, where as i must only disprove any proof that you will provide, because my proof will simply be that in every other situation there has not been a pink unicorn in any other livingroom. similarly, by asking A60 to prove that astrological signs do not exist, you are asking them to prove that there is no proof for them whereas if you were trying to discredit you would be the one who has to provide the proof that they do work. hence the burden of proof -- Anonymous
A67 Astrology is proven wrong by genetics, making it mysticism. Our genetics and how/where we were raised is what defines our personalities, likes and dislikes, not the alignment of the stars and planets. In terms of psychological typing, one just needs to look at the celebrity typings on this site to see that astrology is not linked to typing -- A61
A68 @A65 you are wrong-A63 clearly states that 'as I am the one who believes in it' I have made no such claim - Nor have I claimed a disbelief in the subject at hand-and if I have where have I made my claim, please look at my posts and tell me this. A63 (who is also A60) claims that astrology is bunk, and I ask for the evidence of this claim. The burden of proof still does not reside with me, thank you. -- A65 & A62
A69 A67. I say that it doesn't, please provide me with your proof that genetics controls the factors you mention (ps A68 was addressed at A66 not A65-typo) -- A62 A65 A68
A70 Astrological signs are never consistently right and the only thing they can use to get followers is by taking advantage of the Forer effect, i.e. being so vague that a whole assortment of common feelings (ones which people think are a good deal more uncommon, and which they therefore assign great significance to) could be seen to sort of fit with what they predicted. Or just the point that there is no real proof, at all, for astrological signs. -- A60, again
A71 A70, how do you know that it is the forer effect? Perhaps there is a trend. One cannot rule out a connection between birth month and certain tendencies towards psychological or physical conditions-for instance. This is an empirical fact. -- 62 65 68 69
A72 Dear A71: You claim that it is an empirical fact. Please back that up with some proof, because I strongly suspect you are spouting BS (by which I mean bad science, of course). -- Anonymous
A73 There is numerous scientifically valid accepted studies to back this up. I suggest you do your own work, do some reading, and perhaps refrain from your ignorant claims. -- 62 65 68 69 71
A74 @A73, you tell other people to back up their work but you never back up what you are saying but to tell other people to look it up. You cant have it both ways. -- an annoyed citizen
A75 A73 is not going to back it up, and this appears to be an empirical fact. -- Anonymous
A76 Why are you so annoyed, I am not the one making the initial claim here. In regards to me providing evidence, why should I do all the work for a lazy opinionated arrogant ass? The burden of proof is still elsewhere. -- 62 65 68 69 71 73
A77 ENTp and Taurus. I'm not seeing any correlation. -- me's
A78 I can disprove this ridiculous conversation just by pointing out that in this thread itself no correlation has appeared. Several people have responded with their signs, and no sign in significant enough numbers in proportion to th others to suggest any correlation. For the record, I think I'm a Virgo. However, since the skies have actually shifted in the billions of years the world has been in existence (well, it was the earth that was shifting, but in relation to the earth the skies shifted... that is, the north star we have now is not what the ancient egyptians had) my star sign could be anything. -- Anonymous
A79 entp and aquarius here..... this whole thing could be chicken and egg !... there's no empirical evidence of either because MBTI test results are subjective and only the opinion of the individual! .. the coincidence that personality traits of ENTP and Aquarius are quite similiar is still quite intriguing no matter which side you are arguing for. -- Anonymous
A80 I am infp and pisces but i don't believe in astrology anymore. I read that the zodiac tables were written about 2000 years ago. Anyway the Sun is 1 month late since. The zodiac tables have not been updated. Someone graphed the Sun's position for me on the date and time of my birth and it was clearly in Aquarius. Anyway a personality test that I answer has more validity to me than astrology. -- Anonymous
A81 there are ENTPs all across the board of zodiac, so either astrology (at least in its current application state) is really bull or we, the ENTPs are some supreme astro-hoes!!! lol -- femalENTP-Leo
A82 ENTP and a virgo. -- differentp
A83 I'm an ENTP and my neigbor is an ESTP, definitely. We are born together on 31 May, so both Gemini in heart and kidneys. But we both show exact the characteristics of our temperament, although the astrology-characteristics also are present. My conclusion: we are both twins with the described characteristics, only everyone could into that. When I look to MBTI/Keirsy, then I see the big (and small) differences between us and for me, that's what count! (He is a "pirate", looking for weldom, the sporty, fast and typical "dumb"-guy but very social and I'm the more nerdy, social, authoritian, science-orientated guy, disliking smalltalk and his bullsh*t. We are enemies all way long! But it is fun, he wants to be a challenge and I like a challenge!) -- ENTP fm Holland (EU)
A84 I'm a virgo and an ENTP, I think there are tons of similarities. -- Anonymous
A85 I am an ENTP female and Virgo (Aries Rising, Cancer Moon, Leo Venus). But I have hardly any Virgo traits. Upon first meeting, people see me superficially as a fire sign, usually a Leo. After getting to know me, I am told that my behavior and mindset are very Aquarian. I do think that the ENTP and Aquarian traits listed are similar. I should add that I've read up on Astrology quite a bit, and I don't believe in it. -- anonymous
A86 there's a definitely the correlation between your ascendant/sun/mercury/(situation in life) natal signs E/I = Rising sign you are tested on your outwardly appearance which represent your Rising sign or ascendant ( - here you can direct you self to either being typically E or I ( I am Sagittarius rising) N/S = Sun or Jupiter Matter of you perceiving the world from your core, you values, you perception, where you stand as a person and how you're taking it. Your large vision. Thats what I think Sun and Jupiter represent. Sun is our core is what sits inside of us, what guides up unconsciously. Jupiter is our large vision, is what we are aiming for and heading towards, our ideals and great thoughts. Our core values. (Im Cancer sun - very intuitive in every sense and Aquarius Jupiter - have big ideas..) T/F = Mercury or Neptune I'd say thats where your Mercury and Neptune sign takes upon you. How you communicate to achieve what you need. What you value when the your mind comes in ? Are you a "heart" or "brain" person and how you make your decisions in life. And thats what Mercury and Neptune influence. (I have Mercury in Leo so you can imagine me being a bit conceited when taking a decisions involving other people - i value my opinion first; My Neptune is in the Sagittarius so I'd value the ideals rather than people) In terms of p/j - they proved to be dynamic values, meaning they change many times through out life. So I wouldn't attach much here (maybe mead heaven..) So given all that I am an ENTP to the core which would not be obvious if I'd say I am a Cancer.. -- Anonymous
A87 i believe they would think so. why, they are eager to absorb periferal info. to regulate there behaviours. -- @sirac
A88 Triple Sag (Sun, Moon and Mercury) gal. -- Mavarice
A89 I don't think astrology is bulls***. It is based on precise astronomical progressions, after all. The crappy horoscope in your daily newspaper yes, but if you were to get your own full profile done (including ascendant)by a competent astrologer I can't see you being less than impressed. Mine was 50 pages of SPECIFIC information (my relationship to my mom and dad, how I react in everyday social vs. romantic situations, etc). I even had a friend do his to compare. He was stunned. Believe me, I'm the 1st one looking to debunk myths or look for the scam. -- Mavarice
A90 ENTP and Aquarius, different person than whoever posted before. -- Anonymous
A91 ENTP-Aquarius.Yes,I've noticed a dozen of similarities!yet again it could be just a random thing.But I incline to the first opinion.Maybe the ones that are born in the aquarius sign have a slightly higher grade to get to be an ENTP or INTP personality. -- Gabriela
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