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Question #1192959797Sunday, 21-Oct-2007
Category: ENTp Astrology
Is there any correlation between ENTPs and astrological sun signs? -- ENTP
Your Answers: 1+ 35+ 59+ 92+
A35 A31 - read my response in A11. If you insist on looking at the science, look at what the sun does (four different types of particles emitted in 28-day cycles - air/earth/fire/water?). -- econdude
A36 @A35: If there was for example: ENTp = Gemini. I shouldn't also be also Gemini. That alone disproves the theorem. If you haven't noticed there's ENTp's of just about every possible astrological sign already written on this topic. But even if we look at the the particles, and what you claim is true and doesn't change over time, how does that affect the personality types? What possible effects different particles can have on person on the event of birth doesn't even connect after two steps, towards the target of having a certain personality type. With 28 day cycle, just after 1 year the same cycle wouldn't mostly even coincide with the same sign. With more "advanced" astrology, the system tries to be even more accurate based on time, rather than more vague, as it should be if it the effect was because of some particles. And the claims astrologist make about the effect of time of birth, isn't based on particles, and neither about observation about the people born in these times. They are based on arbitrary symbolic qualities of the constellations in zodiac (there's even actually 13 constallations that belong to zodiac, one is just usually dropped), the moon and the planets. And the these qualities are merely based on what they happen to look from looking from the earth, there's no real connection between the stars that form the constellations and the planets. And neither there is any connection between a color of planet and to quality and the colors symbolic meaning. And some of the claimed symbolic qualities and from claimed hidden connections with other arbitrary lists of 12 (or 13). These symbolic meanings were already attributed before the "invention" of the 4 "elements", wich further breaks away from your particle idea. I could go on on, and how stupid the whole idea of astrological signs having a correlation with personality would just increase. -- INTp
A37 I previously have made my gut-feeling point on A16, A19 and A21. Now I will try a different approach to answer the question. First of all the question would be "is there any correlation between types and astrology?". First of all we are 6 billion people on the planet and the number is going up. Second we would need a representative sample from this population which for the sake of discussion wont be bigger then 10000 people accross the globe. Good luck in typing all of them correctly in the near future. -- Anonymous
A38 A36 - I don't necessarily agree with or know much about the science of the sun (nobody alive does, by the way). But some very smart people have at least starting thinking about the sun and planets in regards to their effect on DNA mutation and how the solar and other energies of the solar system and universe affect us. It appears that you still haven't read my original posting in this thread - the point is that you're using the left brain and existing scientific methods to disprove something that is not easily measured and studied through current methods. -- econdude
A39 I am an ENTP and aquarius! -- Anonymous
A40 No. Astrological signs are bull ****. A rubbish theory that people developed to make themselves feel better. -- mea
A41 Yes. There is an absolute correlation. As stipulated by the conventions of modern astrology, ENTps invariably do have sun signs. -- lol
A42 A40, are you sure that isn't socionics -- Cyclops
A43 @A38:"But some very smart people have at least starting thinking about the sun and planets in regards to their effect on DNA mutation and how the solar and other energies of the solar system and universe affect us." And the even smarter drop the idea as ridicilous, after thinking it for a while. "other energies of the solar system and universe affect us." These "energies" (whatever you include in them) make the end result more chaotic and unpredictable, the complete opposite what astrology tries to claim. Definetly not towards a more simplistic and correlating system. There's googolitude of different factors that affect the end result (the person), that's what you peanut-brains fail to understand. "existing scientific methods to disprove something that is not easily measured and studied through current methods." There's infinite amount of non-refutable claims that someone can make. They matter nothing. There's nothing that points towards that astrology has any basis. I already pointed lot of arguments that point to this. I could make lot more of them, and inductively I would get closer and closer to fact that astrology is total bull****. -- INTp
A44 @34: I am an entp and sagitarrius too. So many entps here ^.^ -- Anonymous
A45 A43 - you can induce all you want, but every time you look at your computer screen and type something you are contradicting your own arguments (what makes your computer - and you - run? Energy!). You insist on focusing only on what you can observe and analyzing it with your left brain. Where do your thoughts come from? I've never observed a thought, only its outcome or manifestation. So science seems to have a long, long way to go. -- econdude
A46 I am an INTJ Leo female. What's a girl to do? haha -- Anonymous
A47 I'm a Cancerian and ENTp. The ENTp description is fairly accurate of my work behaviour but the Cancerian description of me describes accurately my private and social aspects of me accurately. I personally don't think that everyone fits necessarily into 16 profiles of which everyone falls into. I think there is alot of grey area inbetween the profiles of which people fall in, probably taking aspects from various profiles. -- M
A48 @A45: And that supposedly contradicts my arguments? Get real. "what makes your computer - and you - run? Energy!" And that energy has anything whatsover to do with the perceived arbitrary locations in timespace of arbitrarily chosen and unrelated objects? "Where do your thoughts come from?" From the left side of my brain... apparently "So science seems to have a long, long way to go." That's still not a excuse to let idiotism run amok. Science knows quite enough to say that the idea of astrology is totally inane. -- INTp
A49 A48, how much do you know about the theory of quantum randomness ? Do you know that some physicists believe that its powered by solar energy and would also explain why reason life first appeared and continues to do so on earth ? (do you also know that science cannot as yet explain why life appeared on earth - the explanation is still in the theoretical stage?) OK .. So i'm not saying astrology is true or false, but I thought I'd put forward some of the concepts econdude may be referring to. What I would say is that I don't think that there is any harm in keeping an open mind to things. -- Cyclops
A50 econdude seems to be playing devil's advocate, just for the fun of it. Disproving astrology or any other similar belief, is as pointless as the philosophical challenge of proving that "YOU" exist. Personally, astrology is a load of crap and no, I'm not going to back it up or justify it, I'm INFj, I'm speaking from . But just for kicks, and in the interest of survival of the fittest, here's a link you guys might find interesting: -- Azure
A51 A50 ! Haha you are way cool ! -- Cyclops
A52 A48 - "Science knows quite enough to say that the idea of astrology is totally inane" - actually, it most certainly does not, but let me give you a few different examples from medicine. Acupunture has actually been approved as valid for use in treating illnesses although medical science is clueless as to how it works. Homeopathy also should not work, although it clearly often has salubrious effects on patients even though, once again, medical science is clueless as to how it works. You don't like astrology - but is it possible that science is just clueless as to how it works? -- econdude
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A53 What you are saying is non-sense, I want to impal you, how beautiful your blood would seem! -- Anonymous
A54 @A49:By "theory of quantum randomness" you mean the Heisenberg uncertainty principle or what? And again I have to point out, that would point towards the invalidity of astrology, obviously. "What I would say is that I don't think that there is any harm in keeping an open mind to things." So you just blindly accept anything anyone claims? @A49:"actually, it most certainly does not" Suuure, and the earth is still flat, and lies on a giant turtleshell, supported by elephants. "Homeopathy also should not work, although it clearly often has salubrious effects on patients even though, once again, medical science is clueless as to how it works." Sure it has, the experts call it the "placebo-effect" Homeopathy has been proven to be no more effective than any placebo. "You don't like astrology - but is it possible that science is just clueless as to how it works?" It's not matter of "liking". The thing is, it doesn't even work! Of course science can't prove "how it works", when it doesn't. But is it possible that I just visited Sirius on a magical flying sailship with the tooth-fairy? -- INTp
A55 Can I come next time? Sounds like fun! -- Azure
A56 A54: I saw a TV program that showed a doctor in a hospital successfully treating an autisic three-year-old with homeopathy. The child was certainly unaware that he was drinking the homeopathic treatment, so how could that be explained by the placebo effect? Also, you neglected to mention what the elephants attached to the giant turtleshell would be standing on. A53: please don't impal me, pal around with someone else. This is seriously straying from the topic of socionics, so I'm not looking at this thread any more. -- econdude
A57 @A55:"Can I come next time? Sounds like fun!" Only if you are a hot female @A56:"I saw a TV program that showed a doctor in a hospital successfully treating an autisic three-year-old with homeopathy. The child was certainly unaware that he was drinking the homeopathic treatment, so how could that be explained by the placebo effect?" Most likely the kid was going to get well regardless of any treatment. And that example no way does exclude placebo effect. Even 'kiss it to make it better' works on kids. "Also, you neglected to mention what the elephants attached to the giant turtleshell would be standing on." On your momma, of course -- INTp
A58 entp-libra -- Anonymous
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