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Question #1192474449Monday, 15-Oct-2007
Category: Functions
What is introverted feeling? -- ENTP
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A1 If someone where to explain this, could they also explain what terms like hetroverted and arrythmical means in the intertype relations? Thanks -- An ISTp
A2 I understand social ethics, how one considers others should behave, how people measures with your inner ethical values. -- Mihai - ENTP
A3 Its like internal bleeding as opposed to an open wound. You can't see it but it can cause a lot of hurt -- An ISTp
A4 heteroverted; E vs. I ... arrythmical; J vs. P ... -- Anonymous
A5 Fi ultimately rationalizes information in terms of its value to oneself. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Fi neglects considering others, but the priority would be one’s own “feelings”. Fe rationalizes information in terms of the value others place on it. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Fe neglects considering oneself, but the priority would be the “feelings” of others. Ti rationalizes information in terms of its utility for oneself. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Ti neglects considering others, but the priority would be one’s own “thinking”. Te rationalizes information in terms of the utility others would make of it. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Fe neglects considering oneself, but the priority would be the “thinking” of others. -- I/O
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A6 @A1: as A4 said heteroverted means having different -vertness, and arrythmical having different rythm. @A5: That's not at all what Ti and Te are about. They aren't about people at all. Ti is about creating structures of thought, and Te about reality and qualities and functionality of external objects. And to answer the original question, Fi is about relations between people, morals and deeper emotions, compared to Fe which is about display and manipulation of emotions and mood. -- INTp
A7 There's always so much dispute, I don't know what's true. -- Anonymous
A8 A6: I definitely agree with the definition of Fi, but disagree with that of Fe. Somehow many people think Fe is about manipulation. IMO, no function is able to manipulate something. Only a deliberate use of combination of two or three functions is, because you first need your perceiving function to see if the person, athmosphere etc. is ready to accept your act, then use your T or F to say or decide to do something, and then again the perceiving function, sometimes to act physically, always to scan the other’s reaction. It seems to me that people with an extroverted perceiving function are better off when it comes to manipulation because their Ne or Se notices the needs and reactions of the others at once. All ESFjs I know are as straightforward as can be. And as far as I know, the only Fes that notice and stress mood are INFps. ESFjs don't almost at all, and that's only logical, given that INTjs are so steady - they would go crazy with someone who changes moods so often and intensely and notices them in others like we ESFps do. - Fi is a J function, that means judging function, I like to say thinking and deciding function. Like it was said here, it's internal. As an introverted deciding function, it's wholistic - it’s a set of opinions, on the basis of which the person decides what to do and on which s/he likes to ponder. It isn’t taken from the surrounding (as it’s not E), the results of its work – opinions – are unique with everyone, it’s not easily influenced by the surrounding and it’s difficult to explain to the surrounding. That’s why for Ti and Fi people, it’s difficult to explain their thoughts (Ti and Fi), plans (Ti) or likes and dislikes (Fi) simply and step by step – an ability which comes naturally to Tes and Fes. I once read a good comparison to fixing a TV set. Te and Fe is like when you follow the step-by-step instruction , or remember what the problem was when your last TV broke. Ti and Fi is like when you study the sketch of the TV insides, „suck the whole system in“ with the help of your Se or Ne, get its principle and somehow, you don’t know how, suddenly understand that the problem is in the ventilator. You aren’t able to say how you came to know it but if someone says the problem is in the electric circuit you’re sure it’s not true. Thus Tis and Fis are good at getting how the grammar of a foreign language works and then applying specific grammar rules they subconsciously deducted from the general system, but suck at explaining them step-by-step to students; Tes and Fes vice versa. It’s similar with perceiving functions, only they’re about perception and memory, not about thinking, thinking through, deciding, speaking and dreaming. Ne and Se perceive each person, situation etc. separately (though Ne always more vaguely and with reference to „what might be“). Whereas Si and Ni find it more difficult to remember specific things (like foreign language words, for example) and they perceive and remember everything more in reference to „what I feel about it, what impression it creates“ (Si) or „what’s the general principle behind it“ (Ni). – As to Fi, it’s specifics are aesthetics, certain fragility and tenderness, sensitivity to the mood of others (as it’s always coupled with an extroverted perceiving function) and love for animals, plants and generally any kind of objects. This love is for Fis on the same level and of the same qualities as love for people (which is one of the main differences from Fe’s, for whom people and society will always be in the first place). For an Fi, and especially an FiSe, God, their partner, blue colour, their favourite composer and the mountains they grew up in can have a place of exactly the same size in their heart. For FiNes, it’s more about deciding about their ideals, and Fi being an aesthetic function, the ideals often mean deciding which language, colour, kind of situation or relationship is the most fulfilling and beautiful one. ENFps decide this when the situation comes, INFjs all the time and in general. Once an INFj makes up his/her mind as to which one is the most beautiful, they stick to it and changing their opinion would be a disaster for them, betrayal of their own selves. If you want to see ultimate Fi, read The Lord of the Rings, especially The Two Towers. It’s so Fi. Positive or negative relationships with everything flow in rivers from every page of it. The symbolics of colours, especially the purity of white and naturality of green, of consonants and vowels in languages (elf language is full of beautiful sounds like „l“, „d“ and „ie“), the heroism, the self-sacrifice, putting equal stress on language, nature, events and people – that all is strong Fi. Though it’s similar to Fe in that it’s about feelings and relationships, the difference from Fe is, as I mentioned, that the relationships aren’t one hero to another hero relationships, though of course even these can’t be entirely missing, but they’re author’s relationships with everything - that’s what’s made it such a bestseller, because you can feel how Tolkien loved the elves and hated Mordor. Also that he doesn’t emphasize how the figures speak and behave and how they should behave, how society is organized etc. The king is not the ruler of the people, he isn’t defined by the way he speaks to people, how he jokes with his friends etc. (that is, by clear and specific interpersonal relationships), but he‘s defined by his endurance, love, faith, nobility and beauty. – This is Fi at its best. But of course in this world, there’s also Fi that thinks of itself as useless (Fi people are probably the most self-critical ones) and tries desperately and unsuccessfully to use Te, there’s Fi that’s forgotten about the positive part and is indulging in irrational hatreds which, being an introverted function, it isn’t able to express coherently, and, being an F function, isn’t able to express calmly, so it expresses them in unexpected pseudo-logical arguments; there’s Fi that’s been thinking so much about its relationship to nature that it’s forgotten about people; there’s hedonistic Fi „beauty for beauty’s sake“ boheme, etc. Well, it takes all sorts of Fis to make one big general Fi. – Have you noticed my „Everything is connected to everything“ point? :-P It’s the system thing I mentioned: you see it’s Fi and Te I am writing this with. - Sorry for this long essay, hope it’s at least a bit intelligible and it helps... -- Ezis (ESFp)
*Please note that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of*
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