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Question #1192389134Sunday, 14-Oct-2007
Category: Typing
How common is it for people to to mistype themselves and why? -- Anonymous
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A1 Often people get themselves mixed up from how the have been forced to act by society - or how you want to be!. (or even who your role model is) Also the j and p part can be tricky. If your stuck on a few possibles I would recommend asking someone else to choose as it can be hard to view yourself as well as others can see you. I'm sure the list is inexhaustable but I think these are good pointers. It took me two or three attempts to realise mine but now I do, for me it all falls into place -- An ISTp
A2 The how you want to be is an important part; to stop making yourself would imply completion. Likewise for the first part; how did you feel about how you were forced to act by society? -what resulted from it? -etc. -- Anonymous
A3 I have worked for a while in finance in an offices which has had an element of sales, so i've found trying to be more extroverted helped me. Also I dated an ESFp for some time..I admired how she could handle the feelings side of things but it was more understated so not 'in my face' but it was still there..on the account of it being introverted feeling. This resulted in me thinking sort of emulating her and coupled with trying to be a bit more outgoing I mistook myself as esfp-who I wanted to be at the time. However the underlying currents of my true type where always there.. I just took some time to realise and objective opinions from people who no me well could see me deeper. Now I play on my strengths and skirt round my weaknesses, i'm more me I guess! Does the informations help A2? -- An ISTp
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