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Question #1191805075Monday, 8-Oct-2007
Category: Typing
People jealous of INTj? There's this female I know who is very jealous of me (an INTj) and have yet to realize the reason why. I don't particularily care what she thinks of me but I'd like to know what type she is. I am sure that she is EXXj but I'd like to know who she exactly is...without making her to take the test. -- Trinity
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A1 cool question, is that now not every ones guilty moment. coming from this world, and this is my COOL personal opinion, cause i am used to riding the S vs J and T vs F wave. My bet is ENTj. Yes, your same N and T qualities, somebody spotted yours. This is how my SUBSTANTIATED opinion works for this matter. in life, i am a guy, u are a girl, there are a certain amount of life and a value objectives that we take by being ourselves (ourselves, as in all fullness N and T). SO THEREFORE, another type, with similar characteristics is likely to be jeolouse of u, cause she thinks your management characteristics (your I and J) out-do hers (but not really, all people, including u and me, by virtue of these posts, are self-infatuated.. so-that in her mind, she is treating u 'female aggressive' cause u have a temporal preceived 'aheadness'). Good, i think i convinced u, otherwise S and Fs won't really do that, unless they principled, otherwise, those types would concentrate on there 'extra-socialization factor (S and F, or N and T carries us in a extra intellectualization and therefore prominence factor)'. So perhaps theres a guy around to, who is looking for N and T characters u both share. -- @sirac
A2 she's probably an enfj. they are jealous and very suspicious of everyone. i have several enfj friends who have behaved this way and i give no one any reason to be envious of anything. i think they are so eager to please everyone, though, that they are jealous of introverts who don't care about that kind of thing and who are happy with themselves. this is my opinion, anyway. -ISFP -- Anonymous
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A3 I doubt an ENTJ because they are similar to you and tend to not be jealous. Probably an ESFJ or ENFJ. My mom is an INTJ and has had people very jealous of her too, which made her baffled. Probably because INTJs are so independent and don't care about what others think. It makes them hard to manipulate too. ESFJs and ENFJs are manipulative. -- Anonymous
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