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Question #1189977747Sunday, 16-Sep-2007
Category: INTp INTj j/p Socionics
I am interested in psychological profiling and the construction of a type system which fits all characters. I have looked at the MBTI and found it to show strong correlation with the way I perceive myself (I tested INTP). After finding socionics I was keen to examine it's system especially since socionics literature I have read sells socionics as more 'scientific' than mbti. -vs-mbti-spencer-stern.pdf (the latter two admittedly not from After looking at my result from the test on (INTp); I thought it didn't quite fit. I looked at the type profiles and decided INTj seemed more accurate. However, I was surprised at the information on relating psychological type profiles and body build. I was wondering (if indeed socionics is built on the scientific method) what your experimental evidence or theoretical postulates were for these claims? Thanks for your time -- John
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Oh God! You are an INTp, get over it. -- Anonymous
A2 you seem to have strong Te, so INTp sounds plausible. i think one way to determine your type is to look at the type relations and the quadra values. INTps get along with people that INTjs can't stand and vice versa. different quadra has different values; INTps are in gamma and INTjs, alpha. if you think you're gamma, then you're like an INTp. of course, we're assuming there that you are indeed either an INTp or an INTj. -- Anonymous
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A3 whot?-A1., ignore this MR.INTJ or INTP. it's simple, if one wants a million man INTP army, as an INTP myself, i need to 'act on the level' so to speak, if i show arrogance toward the Original Poster, so be it, it's an INTP universe, so speaking, rather contrast one mountain peak, with another, rather than with a valley (and patronize the dude with,...'oh, get over it') I am not going to waste my time explaining the scientific proofs on Socionics, if u want it, u can read it elsewhere. If your initial doubt centred around the 'body types' solution, than i seriously doubt your credibility as a thinker, for even you should have garnered that this is the more exoteric part of socionics. Experience with me quickly..u have encounter a wholely new art, u examine it in it's parts. It's own movement has allowed it to expand into a framework (cause in a way, these things where mutually assistive of each other), but in it's present framework, there are a few things which are plainly psychologically imperitive (do u think i would care for any art, even if a million psychologists expounded its 'rightness', as u i am a systems analyst, i eat what i see, and am not asserted to know 'truths' beyond a level) and a number of things which are exosteric and not explainable by any current human empiric fields. SO. 2nd- i to did the MTBI thing first (maybe i should have learned to spell MBTI and exosteric before i wrote this post, but so what, miss my point, and u have missed one of the more important posts on this page..haha),..The typing and topology is rather spontaneous..I..N..T..P. these things are easy to seek out. I remember that i was pretty into it, and dreaded the prospect that in socionics i might be another type (i am still intp, my mind did not fail my desires about the self-importance of the P over J factor for me.. personal preferance i guess). But here is the floor with MTBI, which is why i WANTED the shift. Read the 'advise' topologies for each type in MBTI, compare each one, and you will realize that the advise for you in either INTJ and INTP is limited, also the mutual topological extentions are limited.. mating types etc.etc. (personally i don't give a crat that the 'word/philo movements' are supporting in MTBI, if it limits me with respect to my primary aspects, and fits me with F-type or Beta-type advise, then it has seen the end of it's days). Remember that u are in a new art, see socionics for what it is. See how the arts of Primary Metabolism movements, Aiming Metabolisms, dual movements, intertype relationship charts..(reflect on your current psychological principles, and you will see that these things assist you to put together your policy u think and preceive things..then u can re-assign energy efficiently and in non-consuming ways). I would suggest that if u really want a first education before u join forums, that u fit in with Rick Warren's Program on he is a NT, and as such his views are fitted for our mind class very well. sirac son of dirac, eater of the nether, reader of the go rin no sho. haha. easy man -- @sirac
Moderator's comment
The owner of is Rick DeLong and he has typed himself as ENFp
A4 If you're looking for a personality profiler that fits all characters, I'd have to question your reasons why. There is no universal field theory of personality and there probably will never be one. Get over it and accept that humans cannot be fully described with one indicator. -- Anonymous
A5 The reason why INTx types are looking for a personality profiler to fit all humans is that it will be so great to have a scientific tool to help with our weaker S and F functions. You will look into a table, push a few buttons and: "Yes, She loves me" -- Vlad - INTj
A6 'ENFp, and Rick DeLong', thanx. A5 - the profiler does fit all humans, also, one may say that some aspects ar'ent covered by socionics,.. the human personality may be diverse in the mechanisms it employs (is..may is without the proof). Cudos for the sentiment, it does seem very pertinant in a cartoon type way.. push a few buttons, and yes, she loves me. haha. But, help with weaker S,F functions? why. Be careful of exactly what u do. U don't need to run away. (after all, one can't say the people with S and F are totally devoid of N and T charactures, cause similarily, these people also don't run away from reality). oh, the tools, for knowing exactly what not to do (cause u could cause interference to a S or F in the vacinity, or u could plunge your central J or P temprement into a headlong crisis), it exists on the net somewhere (many places). go read for a good NF perspective. Okay, if Augusta was a ?? and that first woman organizer of this socionics themetic was an ENTP... what does this tell us about the tool of communication as used between the types? jokes, later -- @sirac
A7 Well said, Vlad - merah, INTj -- Anonymous
A8 No one answered his question: "However, I was surprised at the information on relating psychological type profiles and body build. I was wondering (if indeed socionics is built on the scientific method) what your experimental evidence or theoretical postulates were for these claims?" This is my main issue with socionics. The part about how people look seems like pseudoscience on par with astrology, which is disappointing since other than that I've found socionics to be more accurate than Myers-Brigg. -- INTj
A9 A8, I do not know if actual research has been carried not on body methods, so I cannot give you the answer you want. I've found personally though that the more types I encounter, the more I am able to VI, and the more I spot a trend in body types. -- Bob
A10 A8 - I have been able to successfully VI celebrities and people I meet because they "feel" like a certain type. Science can't handle what it can't explain, so it uses terms like "pseudoscience." I care about the end result - successfully typing people - and while I care very much about finding a theory and evidence that explains it, I'm not going to become bogged down by it because there's always going to be someone pointing out what is wrong with the theory and always another hole in the theory to try to plug up. The point? We live in the real world! -- econdude
A11 I am aware of no formal research on V.I. My personal observations are that there are many distinct features that are common to certain personalities. Of course, this is not comprehensive, and there are as many exceptions as not. Although logic would suggest that these common traits would tend towards body language and the like, I've found a surprising number of genetic features common to personality, especially in the face. My own observations rarely conform with Socionics V.I., though, so I suspect V.I. is a mostly subjective method. I too, would be interested in any formal research that has been done on the subject. -- Rob, INT?
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