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Question #1189700129Thursday, 13-Sep-2007
Category: Theory
Just for the fun of it: I was wondering the other day what would be the world of each type like? I don't mean the inner world. But lets say: in an ideal world, if you had an endless sum of money and a variety of landscapes to choose from, and you could create a small state of your own, what would its typical features be? What would you emphasize? For example, I am an ESFp (Fi subtype) and if I had these resources to create an ESFp dream state, I am certain that it would have various kinds of landscapes to travel to and various kinds of transport, like cable-cars and camels and steam locomotives. There would be plenty of interesting places like chateaus, old towns, national parks and perhaps things like Disneyland for families to make trips to. It would be a democratic republic, economically independent but with very good diplomatic relationships with all the other type countries. There would be people of all types living in it and it would be open to foreigners. It would have very good education system which would ascribe a teaching method according to each child's character. Culture would blossom and flourish, and there would be good philosophers as well as scientists and journalists. And people there would have no addictions. Well, that's about it. Eager to know, what would your states be like? -- Ezis
Your Answers: 1+ 13+
A1 haha, good journalists can't be in your ideal country. they subscribe to a floored logic and will soon drive your country to the ground... because if everything subscribes to a 'group' or 'media' conscious, actions will be stunned. In my country, everything is factored on economic growth. The government is the excutive organ, and if one industry flourishes, it puts it's heel to the throat, and asks.. 'which group of thinkers and types/i.e. socionics types would run this best'...and they would maximise jobs, and job grade level (differentiation in pay grade, and job tracts). The executives would tax companies, and only to provide a flourishing return, so-that other industries besides the initial primary also flourish and become bastions of there own (obviously.. internationally profitable). The government structure is minimalist, and shared between primary men with the intellectual abilities. This is to stop corruption, and as these and other moral wrongs are not expected the media has no place. If i decide i want to invade a country to secure it's oil, i make no apology for it, if my economy can fortend the military strength, then so be it.. for it will be my form of world culturation,... except i won't be as in-efficient as America say, who is even now breading a 1000 Bin Ladens in Iraq by the mere virtue of offence. My entp freind joked that his army would be a vehicle to destroy the 'uneconomic' masses of his own country. i joked that i'd have a miniture professional army in occupation, with a 'maximum' log of intellegence..(computers, men, think-tanks, industrial satelites..etc. but the basis for all of these structures is that they profiteer themselves by the technologies they forced to create).. oh, a minimum of 'boots on the ground'... so-that instead of 3billion a week on war, i spend a billion, and fester the other 2billion into my country to create more money and job employment. -- an INTP
A2 Just shortly: It would be a Bond villains wet dream Actually based on what Ezis wrote, and us INTp's (A1 and me). My guess is, that the basis of the world seems to be strongly determinded by your dual seeking function. As the world of Ezis seems to me turned into matter (there's emphasis on things like variety of options , wisdom, education, independence). And INTp worlds are about (economic) power, wich connects to . While the solutions how these goals are achieved seem to determined by creative function. -- another INTp
A3 So what is left is for the other worlds... . Or something else, why not a male and a female . (thats understood as the dual seeking function) -- Anonymous
A4 this world would be fine if people would just respect my personal space!!! -- istp
A5 I'm having some difficulty taking this seriously enough to come up with a good answer. Given all those resources, my first thought would likely be, "What the ... is this?" and I would probably just let it all sit and go back to whatever I was doing. Likely my government would be similar to the US federal system, changed and refined for less complexity (but greater efficiency) according to my own design. also the military would likely be smaller, yet resources would go into training those men such that they will have the sharpest skills and the keenest of minds, using methods devised by me. The land itself should be remote and wild, mountainous and covered in forest, not only highly defensible but also beautiful. Cities should be built precisely so, with modern technology yet (again using my methods) encroaching as llittle as possible upon the land. Crime will be handled swiftly and without mercy, passion, or bias. Order will be maintained with iron coldness, officials held to the highest standard. And having made all self-sufficient and to my liking, I will go home and study at my leisure. -- MD (INTp)
A6 Ignorance would be bliss! -- ISTp
A7 i think Utopia is no where to be found because when one thinks its perfect another thinks its a complete chaos. -- EXfj
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A8 A6: What the heck are you talking about? that statement could be taken in too many ways to be considered a valid point. -- MD
A9 Thank you guys for your world concepts and insights! A2: I think the worlds are not created only by our creative functions, the dominant function plays some part least in my country, which was meant partly also as pleasure to the eyes and ears (Se). I dont see how the partner seeking function could have played any part here, as it is unconscious, as far as I gathered. But thats maybe only because I dont know how it functions and I dont understand what the introverted intuition is like, although I have tried to learn something about it. Any further insights on this would be appreciated. A5: "difficulty taking this serisouly enough" did you mean the question or the country? A7: Well I agree. Actually I posted this question exactly because I thought it would be interesting to learn which world would people of each type find perfect. You see they can be really different. -- Ezis
A10 One persons gain is another persons loss, I think A17 means. A18 stop being so awkward -- Anonymous
A11 A10: I don't know what you mean by awkward. I do know that there is no A17 or A18 as of yet. Perhaps you had a precognition of a future comment so intense you believed it was the current one? A9: I just considered the whole concept funny in an endearing sort of way. I guess being INTp, and therefore naturally holding that nothing short of God is without flaws or limits, yet desiring thighs which are so, it seems to me a kind of game. A mind which does not believe in the ideal attempting to create something which is ideal? INTps search for the flaw in the perfect. We look for both the good in the evil and the evil in the good. The order in the chaos and the chaos in the order. To dream of something that has nothing such... -- MD
A12 A1 was i, but structuro-politically, i did not want to put my name down there (and A3). First, it may have ****ed off alot of other types, who would have read my other more moderate posts with an affected bias [therefore not worth it, in a cost benefit ratio]. Now i'l put claim to my posts, as i have seen a turning ground, -all of a sudden, i/horde am/is charging down the hill, with the sun behind me perhaps... that is, i'l have to see how my attack is meet. A2 was genuis, i put down A1, and he gave me an indepth learning phase by showing the predisposition which 'unknowingly' and structurally affected my A1 post. So why am i going against Ezis, for she seems to believe this dual seeking mentology thing is irrelavant. Here's a quick structural assert on why it is relevant [before i answer to her predisposition]: your Si/Se tools where used to create a world, which A2 characterized as having a definite Ni/Ne vector (for thats what can be said about it in overall summation..what it looks like, and what it tends to be in the end, that is 'soft'). Whereas, mine, used these 'initially' SOFT Ni/Ne things, to get a creation which was 'hard' (Se/perhaps Si; maybe they have misplaced Si in general). THAT is WHY, in A3, recognizing this soft to hard, hard to soft flows, i was wondering in A3, whether this would be affected in relative Male Female mentology/growth development biases. Now, on a personal note, the 'land settings' are irrelevant, if one knows anything about this world, it is that wants in the land is irrelavant now-a-days, it's the relative economies one has in place to capitalize of all world-resource bases. And if one knows anything about politics in the last century, it is that the media has been a crippling factor in the policies of democratic countries... my sentimental feel in my world workings is that this will have to change sometime (for instance, Roosevelt envisioned 4 major world powers, America, Britain, Russia and China.. the cold-war mess, potentiated by Truman, and media affected senses atleast barring all the other mess.. gave us Europe as an intact whole, and on actual world diplomatic planning priority, unless 3rd world Arab [esp Arab now!] aswell as African countries, are bucked up to the global democratic/free-enterprise system... more wars will be in hand... but messes aside, eventually, the N conscioused effect driving toward S will have to take charge; and with that all envisioned alterances in government and media effect.. but it's not really media, it's Congress which is at fault, as long as Senators Lobby causes, we will never be free of self-aggrandizement, unless at some time, a structured and well-faceted organization takes hold and acheives all aims as should be done). Oh Ezis, what u really can't countenance in your A9 post is this, 'this is a male INTP role, in specific effect...that is my journal title, cause i already informed u of my conceptual limitations in searching out this concept'. we intp males are initially soft, untill we brash with F-teaching systems (etc.etc.), then as A2 says, we use our N to make S systems in whole. Your A9 posts leads me to think that u have already seen my other post; and if i hav'ent sufficiently satisfied your structural bases in arguement, i apologize, that is how life is.. now u are in opposition, but don't worry, this for u is dis-illusionment without cost to yourself, when we where in disillusionment,it seemed asif it would cost our lives. To me, u have now taken on the ignorant path.. and of what effect is that.. nothing, for u would not have effected the acheivement of aims already set out... till it meets u again (but never have a lost, without lose to myself, therefore i pity u almost that u lose, while being able to ignore and carry your path still with all the life inspired alternatives there seem to be). -- @sirac
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