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Question #1185435851Thursday, 26-Jul-2007
Category: ISTp INTp Hidden Agenda
According to the ISTP uncovered profile, it says that they may need to hurt those they love in order to understand that they love them becaue of the peculiar nature of their hidden agenda. INTPs also have the same "hidden agenda" function ([Fi]). I take this as "wanting to love/like people" but constantly being disappointed and then "hurting" them. Does this imply physical/verbal abuse? -- Anonymous
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A8 @A3. Actually I wasn't talking much at all about fear. You must have drewn that from your subconcious. Although there's fear element involved. Also I didn't claim that INTp's fear love or fear relationships. I was talking about why INTp's, men in particular, fail to form relantionships in practice. In relationships themselves INTp's are just as good or better than other types. But in forming of relantionships INTp's are the weakest. And here's also part where the fear appears. No, INTp isn't afraid of rejection, relantionship or love. But in forming of romantic relantionship INTp's (like everyone) are forced to convey their entire personality through using Fe. Wich is INTp's vulnerable fuction, the source of INTp's feelings of inadequacy and frustration. And INTp's get easily hurt, if the other person doesn't understand, that seemingly feeble attempts INTp's make, actually take lot of effort from them. Getting constantly hurt in this area, creates fear. And the other part is that estimating how strong emotions the other person has, is done by using Fi. Wich is the suggestive function of INTp's, something that INTp's need help in from other people. But women certainly don't try to help the man in this area, as it's against the rules of the "game". If you haven't experienced this you are either female or extremely lucky. But my point in the post was that: INTp's hidden agenda manifests in failures of forming a relationships and finding one-sided love unaccetable, while ISTp's manifest in turning a relantionship into one where ISTp allows themselves to fully love the other person. -- A1
A9 "INTp's hidden agenda manifests in failures of forming a relationships and finding one-sided love unaccetable, while ISTp's manifest in turning a relantionship into one where ISTp allows themselves to fully love the other person." -- do you even KNOW what this means? Or are you just making this up as you go along? You need to watch the instant-expert thing you have going here - are you sure you're an INTp? -- Anonymous
A10 To A7: It's possible. I test as INTx. To all: I wasn't interested in finding out what, from peoples' personal experiences, those they've typed (correctly or otherwise) as IN/STps have done...that list could easily become endless. Regardless of whether it is true/false A8s answer ("INTp's hidden agenda manifests in...while ISTp's...") is the right "type" of answer. Now can someone answer this question unequivocally and as according to the "current model" of socionic theory? (I presume there's only one...or else we're just playing word games.) I agree with A9: no more poindexter moments, emotional outpours, etc. please. The question: Does the Fi hidden agenda manifest differently or the same way for ISTps and INTps? -- examples too please. -- Anonymous
A11 @A9. "do you even KNOW what this means?" Certainly, it's quite obvious what it means. "are you sure you're an INTp?" It's more likely that you have mistyped yourself. Because you can't relate to the problems, that ALL the other INTp's face. -- A1
A12 @A7: You suck at typing -- Anonymous
A13 My boyfriend is an ISTP and before I ever read about personality types and such, he broke up with me for no reason...he claimed. He then was miserable supposedly without me and we got back together and he said he realised that he really did love me and can't live without me. He told me he didn't realise how much he loved me and thought that I didn't really love him. I started reading about personalities and I had him take the test and that's what led me to reading about him...and I am so amazed at how true this is. -- Anonymous
A14 ISTp will have a tendency to hurt the one they love whenever an opportunity arises; it’s their way of showing that they can break free at any time, that they cannot be subjugated and that nothing or no one is as important as they are or their freedom. That Si function puts them in tune with themselves and their own needs but not the rest of the world. They view objects and people much the same – punch a wall is the same as punch a person. Although they can appear quite amicable, be assured that they believe that the world must revolve around them and that they have little intuition toward the consequences of their own behaviour. Add the preceding with an inability to produce very much without a taskmaster constantly on their case, one can see frustrations mounting and a poor self-images developing that could boil over into violence, if not constantly checked. -- I/O
A15 I can relate to a14. My ex was a classic ISTP and was crazy about me and then out of the blue broke up with me. He said he needed his "space." He was very upset after he broke up. While dating him he seemed very sweet but under that sweetness was a person that just wanted to do the things he wanted to do. I was too much work for him. Dating was stressful for him. Work was more important to him then people it seemed. And he seemed to like do things by the spur of the moment and in his own time. He seemed bitter that people did not understand him. But it was because he operated on his own time scale. a14 is the perfect description how a ISTP hurts when loving. They are in their own world and really dont think of other people. Their independance is number one and then their own comfort. People are viewed like objects. -- Anonymous
A16 I am an ISTP. I think I understand the motivation of the question, but the premise is flawed. I don't think were out to hurt/abuse. We need frequent affirmation and encouragement in our relationships. If we don't get it, we may simply lose interest and perhaps use a "salted dagger" to end it, and move on. -- L.B.
A17 ISTP: You feel you are "the only one who's right" and that other people always seem to disappoint you somehow. They talk during your favorite part of the song, take the fork you were about to use, and leave your room without closing the door behind them. Disgusting. -- Anonymous
A18 I am an ISTP female and actually understand quite well the principle of hurting those who you love, it's generally been the pattern in all of my past relationships. After a time of being happy with someone I always start to wonder if I really am happy with them and little things about them start to irritate me and I wonder if they really are right for me. This is when I start to push at them a bit- little jabs at them about topics that they are sensitive about, backing away from them, not looking them in the eyes- I guess this is hoping that they'll react in some way that will show me that they will be someone I could enjoy staying with. It just ends up driving us apart. I can't say I've often been pleased with these outcomes- I just don't want to share my time and space (not to mention feelings!) with someone who isn't just right. Whatever that means. -- Anonymous
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A19 How does one identify an ISTp female at a glance? What kinds of activities would an ISTp female enjoy? And what qualities would a well-developed ISTp female be looking for in an ENFp guy? -- Anonymous
Moderator's comment
Perhaps it would be better to submit your questions as a question next time.
A20 Re: A18 Ah, the truth behind why my istp broke up with me. Honestly, what I just can't understand about why istps do this is the fact that no matter how many times you change relationships, all you're doing is trading out one set of petty annoyances for another. Every person has qualities that make them great, and habits that will bother you. That's why my last relationship frustrates me so much. In every single way, our lives meshed practically perfectly. Similar backgrounds, values, lifestyles, sense of humor. He really was my dual in just about every way. So I was perfectly willing to put up with minor differences because the things that really make a relationship workable were all there. But in the end, he did the same thing to me. I have no idea what reaction he thought he was going to get from pushing me away, though. When you act like someone is the love of your life for 6 months, and then turn around and treat them like crap, the only reaction you engender is hurt and confusion. No one with any shred of self respect will put up with those mind games more than once. (ha, even more ironic - istps hate people who play mind games with pot, meet mr. kettle) -- enfp
A21 Its really a fear of commitment and then pushing them away makes it easier than being brave, when we are normally so fearless. But A20 sorry you got hurt and he wasn't wise enough to tell you how he felt..Don't know how anyone could get 'bored' or want to push away an ENFp ! -- ISTp
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