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Question #1184630795Tuesday, 17-Jul-2007
Category: ENTp INTp Career Advice
Which type would be most likely to be/aim-to-become a tech prototype draftsman/engineer? ENTp or INTp? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 According to statistics, INTj's are more typically engineers in spesific. ENTp's aren't as good finding solutions to the problem at hand. INTp's are more theoretical, and more likely to start to get bored by the time they actually have to design something. -- Anonymous
A2 Is there any link between type and megalomania or "scope?" -- Anonymous
A3 What would be a sample career then for a classic case ENTp? - INTp? -- Anonymous
A4 ENTp - physics. plainly cause they evolve there own thinking/analysing machinery, and are so adapt at achieving super-theoretical ends which they regard as above the mathematics of any other type (above engineers say..if that be INTj math) INTP - ? if the natural theme of INTPs are to accumulate information, to seek out trend plays, it has been mentioned by someone that physics is not there greatest realm of contribution. Business has been suggested because of natural personality propensities... ...but i am careful of this, because INTps, though spoken of as diplomatic are disuaded from people mediation (masses of people, with inferior likings, or whatever the intp's philo education may come to think). the best career link between 'accumulation' and thinking in patterns is biology. also as they are natural writers, and legally precise and knowers of rhetoric, a science such as biology would suit them -- Anonymous
A5 +A4, financial and computer/data management occupations also strike me as good fits for the INTp. Not all may feel enthused by these choices, but then again, INTps aren't easily enthused anyway. ) -- Anonymous
A6 ISTx's are attracted to mechanical drafting for its own sake than any other types - especially ISTj's. -- Anonymous
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A7 I'm an ENTP Engineer with many inventions. Most engineers I have encountered in working are INTJs, architects, though, perhaps because there are relatively more of them. We do regard theory and big-picture ideas over mathematics though! Good point. -- Anonymous
A8 I avoided Engineering and went into science (chemistry, maths and physics), my learning style wasn't very well developed and I struggled in maths, barely passing. I loved physics and chemistry though, and did alright in them. I had to drop physics because of the maths involved/required, I've moved into Chemistry. I'm considering doing physics after chemistry, just for the hell of it -- MATT- ENTp
A9 My ISTp brother's an engineer, and he has lits of other engineering buddies that are INTj. -- Anonymous
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