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Question #1182594189Saturday, 23-Jun-2007
Category: INTj INTp j/p
I am both an INTJ and INTP, I showed close friends descriptions of each type and both "fit me to a T." At heart I am a die hard INTP, but my mind is like an INTJ, I love philosophy as an INTP would, but often prefer function above everything. Not only is my girlfriend (an ISFJ) an enigma to me, as she would be to an INTJ, she is also supplemental in personality to me like her personality would be to an INTP. My best friend I both mentor and am more of a "tribesman," our friendship also confirming my INTP/INTJ concoction. It is unbelievable but very revealing, and useful. Has anybody heard of a case like this? One who in his personal life resembles both personality types so intensely? Because it is both functional and intriguing I gearing my personality towards higher externalization and emotional output, which is doing quite well, and I am now very aware of others' emotions. I have developed a personality theory as such, and my duo personality seems to confirm my thesis. I would like to hear any comments or opinions on this. -- Snow
Your Answers: 1+ 11+ 13+ 22+ 29+
A29 @A6 Well said!!-> "My goal is to replace personality negatives (such as emotional unawareness) with other personality's positives (such as emotional awareness), extroverting a bit and such. So far I have been successful in this endeavor, and as it turns out I am both INTp and INTj. In short I am breaking the rules and quite effectively at that" I have come to realize that the maturity level of the INTP or INTJ have a lot to do with some of the "in your face idiot" reply's. We can grow in knowledge and wisdom if we CHOOSE TO, it is not automatic. Although INTP's or any "N" type's may have an easier time doing that than other types. In general an INTP is never totally satisified with any answer because, there is always more information that can be added to possibly change the out come. Socionics is NOT a perfect science, it will also continue to change as humans understands more about the human mind and how it works. It is a great start but it stills leaves many questions unanswered for the typical INTP. -- INTP-NewDawn
A30 I am another example. I am INTX, with a ESFJ mother. I have had a ESFP boyfriend and a ESFJ boyfriend, one conflicting, one dual. Shouldn't I know my sign with all this info? I got along good with ESFP but could only think about ESFJ. Got along great with mom as a kid (I was silent) but now, not so much - she gets along with no one though. Really drawn to the ESFJ boy but possibly for negative reasons? My mom and dad are definitely a ESFJ/INTP pair. -- jiji
A31 I would say the original poster is an NF type. And I think the words "thinking/feeling" would be less misleading had they been replaced by "objective/subjective". -- Anonymous INTj
A32 Isnt it highly irrational to be undecided on your preference of p or j as this would lead to psychological instability? If this is the case, how could an INTp be undecided in their preference? And what about the existence of Id and Superego? If someone is INTx they clearly have preferences for those, so when it comes to the p and j they just ignore it and go with whichever stimulates them the most at the time logically (Id or Superego). Based on their current mood, essentially. -- Dragifon (INTjp)
A33 Are you looking to find your type or are you saying that someone can be two types simultaneously? If the first then you are INTp, if the later then you are also INTp. -- Anonymous
A34 I am an ENFP with a very strong INTP brother and a strong INTJ friend. In a way I can see why you might be confused with what you are, but, if there is something you can ask yourself it is this: Are you more concerned with practical real world application? Or with the organization of data into a possible real world application? If you answered the first one, you are (likely) an INTJ, and conversely as you can imagine, if you answered the second one, you are (likely) an INTP. They are very similar in many ways; however if there is something I've noted about a clear distinction of both types, it is that, often, an INTP perceives things in the world in such a way so as to regard things as data to be organized into research for INTP's own need for understanding and elegance of possible application. INTJ however wishes to get such information and work it in such a way so as to allow a direct and efficient application of such information. Both are good planners and what not, but really it comes down to whether or not you are happy and satisfied with learning something just for the sake of knowing it, or, if you'd rather learn something if only to theorize into trains of thought that ultimately are concerned with practical application in the end. Also, do you find yourself taking things as they are presented to you without serious consideration into its possible implications? Because if you do, you are probably most defiantly an INTJ. This can also be phrased as "Do you have an inexhaustible expectation of logical directness from people and your world? For the sake of efficiency?" or would you say while you do perceive things from that angle, you also enjoy extrapolating other possibilities and implications, often, merely because you enjoy it? I hope that some of these questions can help you my friend. -- Marty/ENFP
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A35 Complete socionics newbie here, I too seem to fit both profiles perfectly. Tests I've taken have all told me I'm INTj but I feel slightly more inclined to INTp based on descriptions I've read. I cannot find anything in descriptions of either profile that contradicts what I know of myself. -- Anonymous
A36 a. There are people who are half and half of two types. b. A test whether you are Robespierre (intj) : - Is your enemy in life is Zhukov? - Is job, or a work, is not that matter. It is, but you can leave unfinnished or not as qualified job? If you answered these- you are INTj ! -- Shalom
A37 None of these are absolutes. It's a sliding scale. I have some qualities from all the letters, but for the most part, at my core, I think and act most like an INTJ. -- Anonymous
A38 A37 if you are using MBTI that's because people have "preferences" but this is a socionics site. in socionics, there is more focus on the functions, and everyone has to use every function for different situations. -- Anonymous
A39 Sorry man, you are wrong. you are not, nor ever will be both types. It doesnt work like that. Once you learn the system in true depth you will understand that it is absolutely impossible to be more than one type. you may have a built up a self concept that is similar to another type, but you are still your core type and only that one single type. You may say "no! Im the exception!" but you arent. You are just an example of a permutation of the type descriptions on the internet, as is everyone else. I act like an ENTp when I act socially but by no means am I functionally an Ne-Ti user. -- INTp
A40 I have encountered this problem as well - I seem to fit descriptions of both types very well. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that I was an INTj because I always type as one in tests and solid testable evidence is more reliable than random type descriptions. You may find the following test useful as instead of one huge test it does four smaller ones - one for each of the four preferances: -- Anonymous
A41 To A40: this is a MBTI test. Conclusions about Socionics types CAN'T be drawn from it. Best matches for relationships from this site are in a total disagreement with zhose of Socionics. For instance it is said that ISFJ and ESTP is a good match. For Socionics it's a relation of supervision, i.e one of the bad ones! For me, the best way for finding one's type if it can't be easily told whether it's a INTp or INTj for instance, it's deciding first the quadra: alpha quadra for INTj and gamma quadra for INTp -- piccolo_michel
A42 Seriously, the original poster is probably an INFp and the Anonymous informer is probably an INTj. -- Ehron
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