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Question #1182594189Saturday, 23-Jun-2007
Category: INTj INTp j/p
I am both an INTJ and INTP, I showed close friends descriptions of each type and both "fit me to a T." At heart I am a die hard INTP, but my mind is like an INTJ, I love philosophy as an INTP would, but often prefer function above everything. Not only is my girlfriend (an ISFJ) an enigma to me, as she would be to an INTJ, she is also supplemental in personality to me like her personality would be to an INTP. My best friend I both mentor and am more of a "tribesman," our friendship also confirming my INTP/INTJ concoction. It is unbelievable but very revealing, and useful. Has anybody heard of a case like this? One who in his personal life resembles both personality types so intensely? Because it is both functional and intriguing I gearing my personality towards higher externalization and emotional output, which is doing quite well, and I am now very aware of others' emotions. I have developed a personality theory as such, and my duo personality seems to confirm my thesis. I would like to hear any comments or opinions on this. -- Snow
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A22 iAnnAu: I always say that to myself. But for some reason I always do the same Darn prepositions!!! By the way even as I do agree with iAnnAu, I think you are an INTJ as they tend to be logically illogical, no offense as it makes for some interesting conversation. Also INTJ's tend to not conform readily if at all, so it would not be surprising to see one not want to conform to one type and adamantly defend they are two types to the point of getting upset about it. The previous poster was in my... objective??? opinion only attemping to be helpful. And no sorry you can't be two types as these two types happen to find one side of the brain a bit more useful. As previously stated in another post, NT's really attempt to develop themselves on both sides of their brains more than other temperments so it is not surprising that you are struggling with this. I too have been all over the place trying to figure out which NT I am, and I always come back to the fact that I am an ENTP. I think using the internet for the past 14 years has changed me to be different and more introverted than say I had not been using the internet these past years. -- Anonymous
A23 @a22. You're making it confusing. The logical illogical INTJs as you call them must be types, not socionics INTjs. And since you live on the internet for so long I assume that all interaction with such types you have are virtual. This kinda explains it, because lots of internet INTJs, especially the ones mentioning their type with every opportunity, are in fact types, aka socionics INTps. -- Dr. Zoidberg
A24 No A23, my boss happens to be an INTJ. I have a lot of interaction with both types as I work with the public. My mentioning the internet is that I am less social then I used to be when I was younger. I used to feel the need to go out and interact all the time. Perhaps in using the internet I am more balanced between introversion and extroversion this was my point in mentioning it. As in, I have had trouble distinguishing this for myself although I am definitely more observant and outgoing in general. My boss is definitely an INTJ, he is very J. Yet as extremely bright and probably genius as he is, he can be really impractical at times. This is what I am referring to so my apology for not being clear. I guess I am amazed at INTJ's that are seemingly so bright and logical yet in my experience with them and also the people I work with commenting on my INTJ bosses lack of practicality really seems illogical to me. As far socionics goes I agree with it totally as it is a complete model, so perhaps you are right and the questioner is in fact INTP. -- a22
A25 I have tested both INTP and INTJ. I am really concerned because I would like to learn more about my personality and how I deal with others. I can not really judge by life experiences because sometimes I display tendencies of both type. I am not really concerned with being INTP or INTJ exclusively because of anything more than learning about which career would be most comfotable and how better to relate to people whom I care about. I hate being in the company of others and sometimes feel they are draining me. However, my husband is an INFJ and loves people. He seems to constantly need attention and/or affection( from anyone who might supply it. That's another story for a totally different post. I want to make my marriage last and also be true to myself. This becomes more complicated as the day goes on. I have also considered going into IT because I here that INTP/J's would be more comfortable in this field. I love to work by myself with littel or no supervision. I have had many jobs and most of them I hated. Mostly paperwork and lower level busy work jobs. I really have a need to do something that requires analytical prowess and logic. I have just began studying for my A+ Net+ certs but I am not exactly sure what area of IT to get into. I have a Bachelors in Psychology now so IT is foreign to me. However, I spend 90% of my time on the computer researching everything. Thus this leads back to my other problem, my husband. He loathes my relationship with my computer and endless books. I do not know much about either type and I am really begining to feel like I'm so different, that I may not ever get this career/relationship thing right. I also have problem getting along with or should I say relating to others. I come across to most people as con descending and arrogant. I don't mean to be and actually feel bad about it when it is pointed out to me. My biggest problem is that when people ask me for advice or support I give them a logical answer to fix the problem instead of the emotional support they are seeking( information received by my husband and best friend). I provide logical solutions and become very annoyed when they are not seeking solutions but just wan to waist time comlaining. My motto: If you are not going to do something to change the situation, don't complain about it. My personality type has been an obsession for me for about a month now. I get on the net at about 7 AM ( I'm currently a housewife which I hate) and try most times to finish about 7:20 PM which is exactly the time my husband walks in the door each day. Sometimes, if I feel that I hve not done enough research or learned enough for the day I will just stay on the computer totally ignoring his need for my undivided attention. If he complains long enough, I may get off only to return at 3 AM when he's asleep. He then, after about two or three hours wakes up abruptly and comes into the computer room complaining about how obsessed I am with the computer. I really feel bad sometimes but I have a constant urge within me to always be learining something. Sometimes if I am researching something or need to find for example:(anything) information about careers. I will research endlessly until I get all of the information( I feel is needed) and analysing everything along the way to make a logical decision (hence that's what's why I'm here).However always changing decisions if new or better information comes along to suport the change. So far my research efforts have gone unsatisfied. I think until I can settle on my type and choose a viable career( one inwhich I can make tons of money and be mentally intrigued), I will be constantly reseaching and annoying my husaband. But keep in mind it can be any current facination with a subject. I actually feel energized after what he calls an "Endless Love Session" with my computer.I love being alone. Please help me with career advice for the INTP/J confused type. Also, how can I better explain to my husband my need for solitude and knowledge? Anyone's advice will be greatly appreciated. -Helplessly INTP/J P.S. While writing this post I had to temporarily pause because he( my husband) comes into the computer room and stands behind me. I immediately shut down the the computer and blast him for invasion of my privacy. He now sitting in the corner looking bewildered as if I just fliped out for no reason. Needless to say, this is only the hundredth time I've asked him not to stand behind me reading my posting. He just doesn't get. He never gives me privacy. Get this, he even insists on taking showers with me everyday. If I lock the bathroom door he just bangs on it until I get out of the shower to open it. Then he proceeds to asking a lot of questions about why I locked the door (everytime I seek solitude). Please Help? -- Aquarius25
A26 @A25: Well you didn't give much information, that could tell apart if you are INTp or INTj. Only thing I noticed that you talked about money, INTp's are greedier than INTj's. But that's only small thing, and who doesn't like money? You just need to learn more about socionics, especially about the functional descriptions of types, to tell the difference. Well your husband seems to act like total fool, maybe he's very insecure about your intellectual superiority. Maybe you should just tell him to stop being stupid, as there's nothing more important than knowledge, and that he's stifling your personal growth with his behaviour. -- INTp
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A27 Oh A25.. Your husband works all day and you spend all day on the inconvenient. OK..I am not trying to get your back up, because I know how tough being unemployed can be..but know this..being employed is even tougher. And why do I work ? Why do I put up with the young fool telling me what to do when I know I am older, more intelligent and wiser, but he is in charge because he's worked in the same place for years ? Why ? Because I like to eat and not sleep in a cardboard box. So maybe life could be worse than being on the computer ? -- Anonymous
A28 wow @A25, I'm in a very similar situation, except I'm not married, but I'm also INTX like Carl Jung himself, just realize that in real world not everyone fits neatly into one type. I've also been trying to figure out what the hell I can do for a living and have been having impending feelings of doom or failure, constantly searching for answers, been on computer all day. -- Anonymous
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