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Question #1181810650Thursday, 14-Jun-2007
Category: Typing
I need help discerning my personality type! It's quickly becoming ridiculous. I have considered the possibility of ENFj, INTp, INFp, ENFp and ENTp for quite some time now and I can't decide. Can someone give me some advice on typing that isn't V.I. based? Some kind of solid, authoritative advice? -- JackerSpaniel.5
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A1 You're a p and perhaps Ne dominant, this would make you an ENXp. -- Anonymous
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A2 I am afraid this is not solid, authoritative advice, but it worked at least for me... Try to determine your first function. That is, something that is with you all the time. Also consider what are your happiest memories from childhood, because as a child you use almost only your first function. I had problems determining my type as well, until I realized that my happiest memories from childhood are trying lots of toys and instruments; and I am always aware of what is going on around me, even when I dont want to be. That makes my first function Se. Maybe this way of finding out would work with you too? -- Ezis
A3 $50 says you're an INTp. Here's why: you use the word "discerning" instead of "figure out." INTps are very precise with their language choices (which often gets in the way of their communicating with non-INTps). You also write that it's "quickly becoming ridiculous." INTps dislike, fundamentally, emotional-overload and for things to get "ridiclous" for an INTp is admitting that things are out of control and, therefore, bad. So you're on the road to ridiclous and you don't want to go there. Other personality types have no problem living in the ridiculous. I know an ENFp who lives there and raises her ridiculous children with her confused, concerned ISTj husband. You reject V.I., which is good, because it's a vulgar. It may work (or it may not), but it has no wit. INTps don't like things that "anyone" could do. And lastly, you're willing to accept advice as long as its solid and authoritative. That is: you're keeping your mind open for help from others, but as long as that help is competent and credible. So, in another sense, you are putting conditions on the way in which you will tolerate being communicated with. This is VERY INTp and this is something that we (yes, I'm one) do very naturally. We 'structure' the way other people communicate with us - it appears open ended, but it's fraught with limitations (this is why we debate well and make exceptional trial lawyers). I win $50? -- Anonymous
A4 Well, A3, whoever you are, I've posted several questions now and that seems to be the most fruitful of the answers, if not the most accurate. You have given me a lot of food for thought and I really appreciate that. I still have questions (I read somewhere that INTps don't like anyone displaying excitement, I don't know if that's true for me) but I always have questions, so I'll have to mull it over for a while. You can have a whopping 75 dollars. Unfortunately, they're cyber dollars and they aren't valid in any market anywhere. Sorry. -- JackerSpaniel.5
A5 hi - whoever i am = jason - i'm glad that the posting was helpful, or at least, interesting. as for INTps and anti-excitement, i don't think it's a matter of INTps not displaying excitement/emotion/etc. in fact, many INTps can become quite animated and are often mistaken for extroverts because of this. it's not so much about the expression of emotion, it's about the basic INTp awareness that beneath many excessive emotional displays is a kind of mania - a kind of deep, desperate sadness,'s something INTps seem to naturally understand, and I don't know why. perhaps as children, we were thrust into the observer role very early (maybe because the emotional needs of people around us were overwhelming), and we have an innate...awareness of how dangerous overblown emotions can be - like water flooding the banks of a river and destroying things. i also think that this is why INTps have a very strange, ironic sense of humour - because on some level, whether articulated or not, we know that beneath laughter is a kind of deeper meloncholy - and when you see people going crazy-stupid-happy over something (be it an idea or a stroke of good luck or just being drunk or high), it's very INTp to feel sorry for that person and to either want to fix them, or get the hell away from them as much as possible. INTps are famous for taking the role of "helping people protect them from themselves." Whether they (or I should say we, since i'm one...right?) accomplish this or not is hard to say. maybe sometimes. if it also helps, the hidden agenda concept here is actually quite fascinating and, in my experiences, holds up to scrutiny. INTps do, desperately (much more than we'd ever admit, perhaps even to ourselves) want to love something. the problem is, of course, that we can't find anything worthy of that love. so we typically (and you might say pathologically) become withdrawn and aloof - not by choice, but because we can't find an outlet for that deep need. we sometimes try to find an echo in 'knowledge' (getting degree after degree and so on), but that's like falling in love with a department store mannequin. it's, ironically, incompetent. INTps who learn how to get out of their own way and actually love other people (see John Nash's character in A Beautiful Mind for a nice example of this) are brilliant. most, however, are unhealthy because they just can't accept that a life without love is not merely incomplete, but it's actually pointless. good luck. -- jason - intp
A6 Hmm. I'm going back to some confusion again. I've always believed in, accepted, and strived for love. I don't know if the INTp H.A. to "love" refers to just any kind of greater love (i.e. with an art, a best friend, etc.) or a specific romantic love, but I've always searched for both and I've always flitted between many different things. I was a very frivolous child and I still am pretty frivolous, although I've worked harder at committing to one project at a time. Anyways, I've been really frustrated in loving things sometimes, but I find I'm much more worried about being loved. . .so much so that I would exaggerate my moods when I was younger, trying to draw other people's attention. I would try to act a lot and be funny, but I never really understood how to make other people laugh, so a lot of it was just imitation of "cool" kids (I'm a very definite nerd ). It's evolved (or devolved) into a sort of obscure, bizarre kind of seeing the world. . .I have this way of floating from story to story in my mind, instantly becoming different people. . .I can tap into this reality at will, but it usually just possesses me when I'm bored or want to impress people. Ironically, it ends up distancing me from them, because I come off as "weird" and "crazy", but I'm waiting for someone brilliant (or insane) enough to understand what's going on or at least someone who is patient enough to watch me and be entertained by my "antics". I also can't relate at all to the recognition that excitement is melancholy, because I have never thought that. Ever. I mean, I most definitely have been resentful towards large crowds because they love absolute *stupid* things. . .like in high school, Student Council was a joke because everyone was elected based on what kind of quirky talents they had or funny answers they could come up with. It was horrible. But I'm a generally excitable guy, I usually have some kind of project or ambition I'm working towards. Like last week, I was excited for a week about buying a Nintendo DS Lite. And I have a hard time sometimes figuring out why people do what they do. . .it's really hard to explain though, and I feel like I've ranted on forever. Maybe I'm an ENTp? -- JackerSpaniel.5
A7 @A5: I agree with most that you posted. I think the emotions we (INTp's) display are very superficial ones, sometimes even fake. Sort of like the surface of an ocean, just looking at it tells nothing about what's rumbling deep beneath. But then again the deep real emotions we have, are often ones that aren't possible to display, or the ways to display them, just wouldn't be acceptable. The way I think about feelings is, that they are just a more primitive way of thinking. Most primitive animals have only instincts, more developed ones have feelings, and human as most intellectually developed animal has thinking. Although feelings are more developed way of cognition, they usually are even less trustworthy than pure instinct. But I think you are way over-emphasizing the hidden agenda. I wouldn't say it's the mother of all motives, not even a secondary motive. Although it's importance starts to grow when it's not met. The problem often is that the hidden agenda gets trampled over by more important goals, sometimes even so that it becomes ridicilious, like for example to just to save some money. I would say my top motives are power and knowledge. Well, there's a saying here:"knowledge is power", so it might be just the same thing. Although power isn't any easier goal to achieve, when you aren't very social. We also have saying here:"knowledge increases agony", so I guess that could be explanation to our emotional mood @JackerSpaniel.5: Based on your last post, it seems unlikely that you are INTp. You seem to be too people oriented and stuff. It's unlikely that INTp would even want to be one of "the cool kids", because we don't look up people like that. Or that INTp would want to draw attention to himself. "Student Council was a joke because everyone was elected based on what kind of quirky talents they had or funny answers they could come up with." That makes a funny difference between you and me. I thought that things like Student Councils etc. are ridicilous regardless who's in them and so on. So in things like that, I would just vote the stupidest option possible. Just to underline how stupid those things are, or to make mockery out of them. I think you might be ENTp. -- INTp
A8 Interesting. I disagree with your classification of feelings, just because I've seen how important they are in any human's life. I appreciate the diagnosis, though. I'm really tired, so my post kinda sucks, but I may come back at some point and elaborate on my opinions. Thanks for your input. -- JackerSpaniel.5
A9 you seem to be an ENFp. you value possibilities for sure, and you want others to give their personal evaluation of your type ( ). it can be seen in your vocabulary! -- yellowfever
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