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Question #1176601608Sunday, 15-Apr-2007
Category: ISTj
Is it true that the type ISTj are extremely dominant and demanding of sex with or without their partners consent? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Not in the least. -- Anonymous
A2 I'd imagine this has nothing to do with personality type personally. -- Anonymous
A3 I almost thought i was the one who had posted this question... i don't know but i think they must be 'cos i know one guy!! -- M
A4 I was married for nearly 24 years to an ISTJ man. I found him to have a fairly low libido and nowhere near as interested in sex as me. As a matter of fact it caused a good deal of tension in our relationship over the years. -- Frisky ENFP Chick
A5 Wow, I know of an ISTJ guy who talks about sex a lot. But, I thought it was a guy thing since a lot of guys talk about sex. The thing that makes me wonder if it is different for ISTJs is that this guy wants other people to engage in that type of conversation all the time daily. To the point where its okay to a point, then its just inappropriate. But, I am an INTJ so what do I Anyway, if anyone has an insight, please share. -- Anonymous
A6 i dont think sex drive and type are related. -- Anonymous
A7 my brother is an ISTJ, and well he shared his sexual exploits between him and his girlfriend with me, and yes definitely fits the description of dominant, and yes I was totally unprepared for such detail and we no longer discuss such topics. My other brother, an ISTP, shared his sexual experiences and showed caution, saying: "I'm not trying to be crude", in other words, brace yourself, his manner of telling the story seemed to correspond with his sexual behaviour, considerate, as for my ISTJ brother, he was blunt and insensitive - made me cringe in disgust and yet he acts like such a gentleman, go figure he'd be a grunt in the bedroom. Without consent? isn't that rape? I have to stop you there unless you mean ISTJ can take without asking and can be inconsiderate lovers, i.e. using their partners to gratify themselves. -- Anonymous
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A8 I'm a little confused by you referring to "without consent", because that sounds like you're talking about rape... which obviously isn't type correlated -- Tricia
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