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Question #1176392105Thursday, 12-Apr-2007
Category: ENTp Typing
I'm said to be an ENTp. For most parts i agreed except the hidden agenda portion. Another i'm not slim at all. So am i truly a ENTp? (or the alt i got was ENTj)Also i am messy or somethings but i always organise my daily work quite well ( a conflicting personality or multiple personality?) -- wonght
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A1 Wonght, a couple of things to keep in mind: 1. According to the theory there are only sixteen personality types. (People are really a lot more varied than that.) 2. Socionics is based upon Jung's writings, which were derived from annecdotal observations of people in Jung's work as a psychotherapist. That is to say that Jung's typology is not really scientifically rigorous. 3. In Augusta's work on socionics she made a number of assumptions about the functioning of the subconscious mind that might not be true, for example the Hidden Agenda. (Keep in mind Occam's razor: The more assumptions one must make in order for a given theory to work, the less likely it is that the theory is true.) 4. The Socionics Type Assistant is a self-assessment tool. Again, it doesn't really have any scientific validity. It merely tests how you see yourself. Nevertheless, despite all the criticism I just dished, socionics works in practice to the extent that one can correctly identify one's own type and the types of others. -- Anonymous
A2 Thanks for your help! -- -wonght
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A3 A1, all very good points. There is an obvious correspondence between behavior and physiology that socionics shuns. The size, complexity and interactions of various regions of the brain may play a part; the T/F distinctions likely highlight hemispheric/regional preferences not equally pronounced in all people within a given type or across types. As for genuine interest in socionics, it seems like the Ni/Fi functions would promote it; I'm gonna take a guess and say that socionics is taken most seriously by INFps and INFjs. -- Anonymous
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