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Question #1175855141Friday, 6-Apr-2007
Category: ENFp ISTj Relationship Benefit and Supervision Intertype Relations
I am an ENFP who often has co-workers who are ISTJ's. My biggest frustration is my inability to communicate effectively with them. Often it seems they do not see "the big picture" and get mired in too many details. They come across as bossy and it seems like they think I am stupid. Please help me understand how I can make these relationships more productive and less stressful. -- JB
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A23 To an ISTJ, an ENFP constantly coming at them high-energy with their ideas could be frustrating when they like working quietly and predictably following ways and rules proven successful. They probably don't see you as stupid, they just find you too much and interfering in their work and wanting to change things unnecessarily. You could well come across as bossy to them, because you are continuously coming at them with ideas on how they can change their work and being introverts, don't know how to tell you in a way that works for both of you. Also, if you like defending your ideas, this only adds to it and they in turn probably also think you see them as negative people. Try coming to them with your best ideas only and after you have planned them out a big (quality over quantity). Also, consider how your new ideas would affect their work. If you want to change things that would significantly affect their core duties, of course they are going to be stressed by that. They probably would happily support you in your work when it does not impact on theirs, and not try to come up with ideas on how to run your work for you. Did you know that very stressed ENFPs tend to behave in extremely ISTJ ways? Google it, evidently it is true (and possibly why you find them so frustrating). Good luck. -- Anonymous
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A24 ISFj like their privacy, and can be overly moralistic about ones appearance and conduct. ENFp can be overly idealistic and invasive in a weakly moralistic fashion. If you are not behaving similarly to the way ISFjs expect then they will not trust you, and it seems that you do not generally agree with ISFj behaviour. Communication needs trust and acceptance on both sides. -- Anonymous
A25 A24 Re-Read the question. -- MBTI and Socionics INTJ
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