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Question #1172396434Sunday, 25-Feb-2007
Category: Love Relationship Personality
Is it easier for some types to overlook age, race, background in love and friendship? Is there a liberal position? -- Lauren
Your Answers: 1+
A1 I think overlooking age, race, bkgd in love and friendship is an thing. -- Anonymous
A2 What about T types? -- Lauren
A3 Same? I mean doesn't matter if you're T/F, you value or more depending on the quadra you're in. I'd say ENTj, INTp, ISTp and ESTj are more likely to overlook age, race, bkgd in love and frdship, assuming that what I said in A1 is right. -- Anonymous
A4 A3, ok I get it (sorta). Ppl I know with such partnerships: 1 ENTj, 1 ESFp, 1 INTp, 2 ENFps. In my experience, the ones tightly bound by over are ENFjs, ISTjs, and ESFjs. I know an ESFj fascinated by tales of "forbidden love" when social roles (priesthood for example) create complications. Her is definitely too active - so maybe seeks balance. One ENFj of a minority race I knew couldn't get past my different heritage. It was aggravating after a while. He was probably not racist. Just SO aware of the historic cultural and social distinctions defining us as different people. But it definitely got in the way of us relating as individuals with a common humanity. -- Lauren
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A5 I can offer my own example, as an ISTp. I have dated men, women, younger, older, lazy, ambitious, materialistic, ascetic, athletic, sedentary and/or overweight, intellectual, less-than-intellectual (what word would that be?), conformist, rebellious and/or nonconformist, patient, impatient, tolerant, control freaks, melancholics, hedonists, Caucasian, Asian, American Indian, etc. ... of course, certain traits worked better for me than others, but even after all this, I still have no clue what I'm looking for in a partner, or even if I'm looking for a partner, period! I like people I can respect, with whom I can laugh & have fun, I don't like being placed on a pedestal (which frequently happens with any of the types above), and I want freedom to go off in unpredictable directions even if it means my partner has to let me go. I keep giving different people a chance, but I rarely hit even a majority of the preferences listed above. Which is perhaps why I am loathe to dismiss a potential partner based on specific traits ... -- iAnnAu
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