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Question #1172165711Thursday, 22-Feb-2007
Category: INFj ISFj Typing
Does anyone know how to tell the difference between INFJs and ISFJs? I'm having a hard time telling. -- Fefe
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Fefe, with practice it's easy to discern an ISFj from an INFj. At the last office I worked at the office manager was an ISFj and the assistant office manager was an INFj. I'm certainly not trying to paint everyone with the same brush but it seems like you have to be careful with INFjs, because once they have an idea about something it's impossible to change their minds. For 'T' types this can be very difficult since INFjs may make up their minds based on something completely illogical. ISFjs are (obviously) more factually-based, they rely on authority more and are somewhat compromise-oriented but are just as stubborn once their mind is made up about something, in my experience especially when it will affect their pocketbook. As always, VI and intertype relations are helpful. INFjs are a bit more independent than ISFjs, it seems, and a bit more off the beaten path as far as the way they behave. If you communicate with one and then the other you will realize a different "feel" to each type. By the way, both of the people I had to work with were total jerks and they showed their true colors when I left. So although type work can help anyone in any situation, I believe, it is certainly not a panacea! -- econdude
A2 ISFJs are highly practical, they enjoy things like cooking or fixing machines most. INFJs enjoy being alone and dreaming, talking generally about life, love, psychology, maths or something like that, over practical activities. INFJs are also often concerned with determining who they are and what they want. -- Ezis
A3 This is easy. Learn the Se and Ne dichotomy differences (as well as the Ni/Si) to understand the major differences between an INXj and an ISXj. -- Jadae
A4 INFj will oftentimes be spiritual in some way while ISFj will always find some way be a martyr. Although they’re both sweet types, martyrdom can be awfully tiring for others:-) -- I/O
A5 The difference may be more obvious to me as I am an INFj, but I seem to notice a biggest difference in our two types when in conversation. INFjs tend to make points in the conversation - regardless of the topic - about things going on in their head (usually abstract ideas relating to the topic). ISFjs tend to bring up points slightly more grounded to reality. -- Nada (INFj)
A6 Hi. In my experience, I've found ISFjs much more aware of what is missing, materially, in their lives. So they tend to talk about how they can't afford a new car, how the kids cost so much, and so on. In the few ISFjs I've known as collegaues and friends, I don't believe they've been aware, really, of what they're saying when they say this - it's a kind of wistful song that they seem to be saying to themselves (my guess is that they DO say it to themselves, over and over and over again, and then when it comes out it's simply words escaping). INFjs, while obviously concerned about material things (as we all are to some extent), seem less...emotionally invested in what they don't have materially, be it a nicer house or car or whatever. Instead, they reflect - in the same, wistful way - about deficiencies in their interpersonal life, such as who was rude to them (i.e. everyone , who wasn't considerate, who can't communicate properly, who can't love, etc. Again, there is going to be huge overlap here and life situations will certainly influence all of this, but just as a clue, this seems to be a pretty useful pointer (what each type complains about not having). Also, in my experience, another clue to tell INFjs and ISFjs apart is how they react to conflict. This is one of the stranger distinctions and one that took me by surprise, but seems to hold true. Much like how an INTp (like me) can go from benign indifference to super-aggressive defender *instantly* when a principle - either inside me, or as expressed 'out there' in the world - is violated - my experience is that INFjs can do the same whenever one of their feeling-based principles is peril. INFjs can literally go from being wallflower to super-tyrant. ISFjs don't seem to have this dynamic; instead, in my experiences, they tend to appeal to authority (of one kind or another, including religious) when one of their principles is in jeopardy. I am speculating that they do this because they think other people, when they discover that the authority is "correct", will simply fall in line - just like ISFjs do. In other words: authority in and of itself is supreme, and really, makes life a hell of a lot simpler (as misguided as it may be!). INFjs don't seem to care one way or another about authority when it comes to pointing out the flaws of others - instead, they tend to go straight to the emotional core and dissect opponents one feeling-at-a-time (INFjs who learn how to do this, I have found, can become *extremely manipulative* and do all kinds of insane things in the name of what they feel is 'right' - authority be dammed!). Sorry this has become so long. These little boxes are so small -- Anonymous
A7 Simple enough...Are you better at math or english? (Think wayyy wayyy back). Math = S. English = N. -- Anonymous
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A8 This is not a good criteria: Better at math or english? Math = S. English = N. I am an exception: good at math and INFJ. Alxina -- Anonymous
A9 @A8. You aren't really the exception. Math = S, English = N, would be the exception -- Anonymous
A10 Very helpful, A6! -- Anonymous
A11 RE: some of these responses - ISFj values Ni>Ne (Gamma quadra) amd INFj values Ne>Ni (Delta); therefore, ISFj is more likely than INFj to exercise imagination, interest in mysticism, religion, the unknown, etc. Remember also that Ni is the ISFj's HA. (And be careful also not to have the INFps (Ni) confused with INFjs in your typings.) -- gamma ray
A12 I noticed that INFJs tend to have a monotone speech pattern as well as looking up while thinking of the best words to use. The smiling and the raising of the eyebrows are also a common trait of INFJs. -- Anonymous
A13 I'm an INFJ (and a qualified MBTI practitioner). Though I enjoy the company of ISFJs and we're both values oriented, the conversations don't tend to be as deep/complex as when I'm talking to another introverted intuitive type. ISFJs seem more relational than idea-oriented. They'd rather be helping homeless animals or gardening than reading books on psychology or doing creative writing. -- Anonymous
A14 my house mate has pegged me as an ISFJ, I believe socionics is wrong to an extent however, i refuse to believe that 6.6 billion people can be summed up into 16 categories because it says so, its not a choice of youare one or the other, you can be all if you so wish, there is nothing to stop you. all this site does is make people believe they are limited by theyre classification from a stupid test, and that is sheer lunacy -- Anonymous
A15 I have an ISFJ friend friend who also said the same thing as A14. I agree though, there are limits to typing and I believe it can also lead people's personal growth to stagnate while being preoccupied with typing. I've spent some time trying to reclaim the same amount of revelation as when I first read my INFJ description. After a while it hinders your growth rather than contributing. Also, perhaps through my own efforts to change, I don't find myself as disrupted to social dischord as these descriptions suggest - along with other things. It's best used as a tool to satisfy a greater goal, not and end in itself. -- Anonymous
A16 A14, then why are you even on this site? -- Anonymous
A17 To A14: Typing is a start! I helps us to understand others and how they process, analyze, and act on information. It is not a perfect science! In my opinion is a great way of getting a long with other people because you understand how their brain processes information and why they react they way they do to different situations. Have you taken the test? Because if your housemate has has pegged you right, there is some validity to the science. It should move us all to become better at communication and understanding that there are different ways of looking at a situation, and also help us to become more well rounded individuals.We can look at "OUR" negatives ( we all have them even INTJ's and INTP's)and make a few adjustments without changing who we are as individuals. Mostly "N" types frequent these sights because we are curious about what makes the world go round and we are interested in our own psyche! I'm am thankful for "SJ's" because they are task oriented look at what is going on right now, take action, and are detail oriented. They make rules (sometimes too many for me) but they are benificial to all to keep some kind of order. "N" types see the big picture, enjoy and feel it is necessary to make decisions based on the future past and present they tend look to the future and make decisions based on speculations,( because this has already been played out in their heads.They can play out the results in their minds without even trying). We need compassion (F) and we need logicial thinking (T), we need structure (J) and we need flexibility (P), we need quick thinkers (E) and slow analizers (I). So really we all need each other! If we can recognize the strengths of other personality types any organization or relationship could be a well oiled machine running smoothly. It is only when we fail to see others opinions and ways of doing things as being inferior to our own, that we are divided. Socionics has been great for me to recognize that first of all I'm not weird (INTP women) and that thinking differently than others is neither good or bad just different! And I realize why there are some I choose not to have close contact with ,and ones I really enjoy being around without being judgmental of others.Socionics and typing is not limiting but showing our individuality and helping us to make the best of it. -- Anonymous
A18 A17, thats a very good response u have there. Whether typing is limiting or showing our individuality depends on how we use it, and if we even use it at all. -- Anonymous
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