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Question #1171095166Saturday, 10-Feb-2007
Category: Duality ESTp INFp ESTj INFj
Why are ESTps and INFps duals? Do ESTps treat INFps in a way they do not others? As far as negative traits go, many ESTps have a bad rap for over-materialism and exploitation. So an INFp enters the scene and ... what happens? Do ESTps actually soften? Feel protective of the INFp? Possibly reveal their tender side they don't show others? Do they suddenly give more than take? What happens? Also, why might INFjs find themselves happiest with ESTjs, as the theory goes? ESTjs - sweet as some can be - can become so terribly boring (sorry, ESTjs!), it's hard to believe INFjs wouldn't tire of an ESTj partner in a profoundly stifling way. Do they? Or do INFps experiences that? Perhaps INFjs can appreciate the security and normalness ESTj provides, but then it can get to be too much, too stagnant and stifling. What are the typical "pitfalls" of duality? And how do you know you've met your dual? -- blahblahblah
Your Answers: 1+ 7+ 11+ 15+ 22+ 33+ 43+ 50+ 62+
A62 I was just reading these posts again. I, as an INFj, have broken off my relationship with ESTp. As A45 mentioned, I believe all this time I was trying to make a relationship work with an ESTp. I have a hard time ending things that just don't work, too much of a people pleaser. After reviewing the site recommended in A53, I saw that I am indeed Infantile, compared to the Agressor, ESTp. I could always feel a sense of him not taking our relationship serious. When we began to talk marriage, is when we both realized, this could not be long term. After a year apart, he has moved on and married someone who apparently is more of his dual-short romance though compared to our 10 years together! I am with a definite ESTj, things are great. So much calmer, I feel taken care of and at ease all the time. I did go onto to take some college courses, and work as a marriage counsellor now. Peace to you all. -- aj
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A63 I hate Infjs and their long winded paranoid filled thoughts. They think they can read people, more like 60-70% correct but still act like hypocrites. Info read people but not in the same paranoid sense, and we don't form judgements till maybe 3-5 times observing. And we're even more accurate like 80-90% -- infp
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