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Question #1169319793Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
Category: ESTp ENTp Typing
Hello, all. I'm a female ESTP and recently had my best friend of the past 13 years (my "soul mate" even, of the non-romantic variety..although I think the term "soul mate" is incredibly corny and doesn't do the rareness of such a great mental connection any justice) complete the Myers-Briggs test and he came out to be an ESTP as well. The thing is, I can't shake the feeling that perhaps he is not an ESTP but rather an ENTP. After reading the results, he realized he had taken a much shorter version of the test (a pseudo-version where you could paste the results to your myspace, xanga, etc.) before and did come out ENTP. I had expected him to come out ENTP also when he took the actual test and was surprised to see "ESTP" on the page, even though we do advertise each other as the male and female versions of each other. MY QUESTION (finally) IS: How can you spot an ENTP vs. an ESTP in terms of mannerisms, other than what is provided on this site? For example, a friend of mine who is a Myers-Briggs guru states that she knew I was an ESTP because I didn't commit myself to just one "clique" of people and was always seen with someone different (mostly boys - tomboy tendency), she saw me carefully watching each step it took to build a new building in town every time I walked by it, etc. Anywho, I would love to hear from some ENTPs and ESTPs on this (and other types as well; objectivity can be a useful thing )....Thanks!
Your Answers: 1+
A1 In my view, N vs. S is the easiest difference to spot, but by no means is it obvious, particularly with certain people. I think you would benefit from looking at the ENTp and ESTp portraits on Beyond VI, I can tell if someone is a Sensor by their interests, mannerisms, speech, and other behaviors. When you talk to an iNtuitive person, the conversation tends to become metaphorical and with a Sensor they want nothing but the facts. It's a different vibe. Thanks for the question, I like to VI but although I'm becoming more skilled I hardly give a thought to the process. "I just know" doesn't really help someone else trying to improve their VI! -- econdude
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A2 In my experience, 1) ESTps generally fare with more confidence and capability re: their financial situation, esp. longterm planning; whereas ENTps can tend toward the absent-minded prof (e.g., late bills), some even acting neurotically over material interests (e.g., hoarding/collecting (as one potential negative expression of their inverse, ISFJ's, primary functions)). 2) Given an offbeat comment/idea/etc., ENTps generally seem more enthusiastic and ready to have fun with it, whereas ESTps seem more quickly perturbed than most, easily writing flights of fancy or other anomalies off as sheer "crazyness" if it doesn't seem quite "normal" enough according to their data, sequential logic, and familiar experience. -- blahblahblah
A3 "I didn't commit myself to just one "clique" of people and was always seen with someone different (mostly boys - tomboy tendency)" (ESTP) -> totally recognize myself in it "When you talk to an iNtuitive person, the conversation tends to become metaphorical and with a Sensor they want nothing but the facts. It's a different vibe" -> According to the test i'm an ESTP, but I like literature which is very metaphorical, right? As for conversations I can't tell 'cause I talk so much. Sometimes I feel as if I'm pretty much lingering between N and S.. it's confusing -- ---
A4 I didn't commit myself to just one "clique" of people and was always seen with someone different (mostly boys - tomboy tendency) -> I really recognize myself in this I'm like this too. i GUESS i'm an estp too because of the latest test i took and the description, but i also had other results on tests already so it's a bit messed up but i'm stickin with estp now. ( Does anyone else also have a hard time with those tests? :-p maybe it's normal you can't be 1 for 100% ) -- k
A5 it's actually pretty easy. clumsy? n. -- Anonymous
A6 I know someone who I think is an ESTp who disagrees and thinks that she is an ENTp. Mostly I think she's not an ENTp because she just... doesn't "vibe" correctly. (I'm an ENTp who has been fortunate enough to meet several of the same, and she didn't seem to fit the basic patterns I had noticed) Um... ESTp's are often proud of their ability to pick up hints through facial clues- An ability ENTp's do not seem to share. They might both be odd... but the ENTp tends to be a little... weirder? -- Anonymous
A7 To be frank my all test gives the result of Estp but after reading and meeting with entp I am certainly sure that estp and entp are nearly the same from outside. easy going nature, interest in sports, debate skill, high confidence and sarcasm.aLso you know both of them never reveals whats on their mind. So let it be... -- Anonymous
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